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Example sentences for "violence"

Lexicographically close words:
violations; violative; violator; violators; viole; violences; violent; violenta; violentlie; violently
  1. Open violence is instantly suppressed, and woe betide the culprit!

  2. The spear-point missed the animal, just grazing its back, and went deep into the ground, while the negro plunged with crushing violence on the back of John Hockins, who had been trying to approach his game a la Red Indian!

  3. The seaman accidentally touched Ebony on the elbow as he spoke, and sent that worthy's heart, or something like it, into his throat with such violence as nearly to choke him.

  4. Certainly Voalavo was not among these last, for the enthusiasm which inclined him to fight with violence also induced him to pray with vigour.

  5. General labor service has an obligatory character; but this does not mean at all that it represents violence done to the working class.

  6. He does not say one word about the most disgraceful misrepresentations of and violence to our party on the part of the government of the S.

  7. Those who did not agree to this were given up as a sacrifice to the hatred and violence of the mass of the people.

  8. Dacier was not politic; although she sustained her ideas well and displayed much erudition and depth of reason, she is said to have injured her cause by the violence of her polemic.

  9. No: but that if an opponent menaces me, of whom and without cost of blood and violence I can get rid, I would rather wait him out, and starve him out, than fight him out.

  10. The violence of the patient had become more and more fitful, and seemed at length to be giving place to mere stupor.

  11. But the lassie herself supersedes the point, doing violence to the conversation.

  12. Against the wall, in the corner next the window, is the ashy face of a terror-stricken woman, kneeling with hands outstretched to avert violence threatened by a man who is waving some weapon before her eyes, while he talks incoherently.

  13. And wafers being obtained from her writing-desk, a threat of violence from Mumps was withdrawn, and overlooked.

  14. We preserve the so-called peace of our community by deeds of petty violence every day.

  15. He submitted patiently, and without words, to the gentle violence of his kinsman, and was straightway carried to his apartment.

  16. The boy, frightened at the violence of the soldier, rose to his feet, and dropping his instrument in alarm clung to Abdalla.

  17. Does it need I should give you more proof of the bloody and insolent violence of Narvaez?

  18. More lucky than Lazaro, yet scarce more happy, this violence woke up the sleeping energies of life; and he raised his head, though only to stare about him with a bewildered look of unconsciousness.

  19. Take her--thou wert her protector from harsh words and the violence of blows.

  20. Suddenly a loud heart-rending cry rang out, the cry of the mother, surpassing even the din of the thunder in the storm, whose violence was increasing.

  21. That thirst for the Divine, which nothing had quenched through the long, long ages, seemed to have returned with increased violence at the close of our century of science.

  22. At one moment he jumped from his bed, wishing to explore his absent friend's empty room, as he felt certain that some deeds of violence were taking place in it.

  23. The general exaltation had yet increased; it was the hour when the violence done to Heaven at last produced the miracles.

  24. Yet as soon as he had found himself at the Grotto, the idolatry of the worship, the violence of the display of faith, the onslaught upon human reason which he witnessed, had so disturbed him that he had almost fainted.

  25. It was decisive; Lourdes was only an explainable accident, whose reactionary violence was even a proof of the extreme agony in which belief under the antique form of Catholicism was struggling.

  26. Lesseps replied that he protested against "this act of violence and spoliation.

  27. Some of the most atrocious acts of violence were perpetrated in immediate proximity to the Zaptieh, where is situated the Prefecture of Police.

  28. All peaceable inhabitants will be treated with kindness, and no violence will be offered to them.

  29. Whilst this was occurring similar scenes of violence were being perpetrated in another part of the town, namely, in the streets leading from the Place Mehemet Ali to the Marina and to Ras-el-Tin.

  30. Gentleness had produced nothing, so far; violence alone could succeed in future.

  31. He had calmed down during the course of his speech, as he often did, beginning on a note of unreasonable violence and ending on one completely different.

  32. Squire, with a return to the unbridled violence he usually showed when he was disturbed.

  33. The Indians, so accustomed to brutal violence from the hands of the whites, had begged of us, before our departure, that we would not beat them.

  34. Metropolitana, that "its current has great violence and rapidity, and its depth is unfathomable," must be received with some allowance.

  35. The violence of the exertion cast the young Mohican at his side.

  36. Seizing Cora by the rich tresses which fell in confusion about her form, he tore her from her frantic hold, and bowed her down with brutal violence to her knees.

  37. William Penn was termed Minquon by the Delawares, and, as he never used violence or injustice in his dealings with them, his reputation for probity passed into a proverb.

  38. When last seen, the environs of the works were filled with violence and uproar.

  39. Magua, hurling his tomahawk with violence at the unresisting speaker, and gnashing his teeth with a rage that could no longer be bridled at this sudden exhibition of firmness in the one he believed the weakest of the party.

  40. Though our wayfaring has been sore and our sustenance scanty, we have had little other cause for complaint, except the violence done our feelings, by being thus led in captivity into a far land.

  41. He is then to obtain the bow and arrows by treachery, for violence will be useless.

  42. In his own lifetime Socrates made a point of witnessing his plays; the very violence of Aristophanes' attack proves Euripides' potent influence; his lost drama Melanippe turned the heads of the Athenians, the whole town singing its odes.

  43. For one act of violence begets many others like it, until righteousness can no longer dwell within the sinner.

  44. Hephaestus, the god of fire, opens a conversation with Force and Violence who are pinning Prometheus with chains of adamant to the rocks of Caucasus.

  45. With satisfaction of desire, the inhibiting forces come to their own, and the violence of repentance and disgust may be extreme.

  46. When at all opposed the angry reaction is extreme, and they tend to violence at once.

  47. Amid their jollity, about midnight, the ship struck with such violence that she immediately filled and sank.

  48. You need not be informed that the violence and rapacity of a tyrannic ministry have forced the citizens of America, your brother colonist, into arms.

  49. The river pours with great impetuosity and violence through a deep and narrow fissure in the gneiss rock, which rises so abruptly on both sides to such a height, as to oppose an impassable barrier to all further progress.

  50. His wrath, increased by the long suppression of his suspicions, burst forth in violence the more terrible.

  51. His violence of ill–temper, and sombre suspicious moodiness, must often have taxed to the utmost all Bianca's powers of dissimulation, and all her forbearance.

  52. The offence is that of one who has carried with him, in the perpetration of his crimes, whether of violence or of fraud, the whole force of the State.

  53. Especially is it to surrender the Unionists of the Rebel States to violence and bloodshed.

  54. Is it a long catalogue of crime, where violence and corruption alternate, while loyal men are sacrificed and the Rebellion is lifted to its feet?

  55. A tempest has swept over us, scourging in every direction; and now that its violence has ceased, we are occupied in the work of restoration.

  56. Till truth and right from violence be freed, And Public Faith cleared from the shameful brand Of public fraud.

  57. I have no hesitation in saying that no other conclusion is possible without violence to the statute.

  58. I have energized, with such oscillations, a loop of heavy copper wire so powerfully that masses of metal placed within the loop were heated to a high temperature and melted, often with the violence of an explosion.

  59. At this point the metals were hot enough to fuse or run together and the whole thing reacted with such violence that it amounted to an explosion.

  60. My man here tried to give me the slip and I had to use a little violence to secure him.

  61. A few more abductions, my dear child, and you will realise that it is far better to break a wild filly with violence than to tame her by dint of sweetness and petting.

  62. Again, sinking in the hollow of the waves, she would plunge with such violence that her stem would be almost perpendicular.

  63. Instead of advancing to the coast, the chebec seemed to run along broadside, and to beat about, in spite of the increasing violence of the wind, as if it were waiting for a guide or signal.

  64. In the violence of the storm he saw an omen; it seemed to him that the vengeance of Heaven clothed itself in a terrible majesty before striking him.

  65. Erebus, in the feeble struggle which occurred between him and the unhappy girl, employed every possible means to prevent violence or injury to the one he loved.

  66. The violence of his rage could not dissociate the innocent result of the crime from the crime itself, or from those who committed it, but Pog had long ceased to think or act with regard to justice.

  67. I struck violently at the man on my left, and then with greater violence at the man's face on my right.

  68. Finding, to my surprise, that I had not knocked down either, I struck again and again with all the violence of a man frenzied at the sight of my poor friend's murder.

  69. My blows were delivered with more extreme violence than I ever think I exerted, but I became painfully convinced of my incompetency.

  70. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "violence" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abuse; acerbity; acidity; acridity; acrimony; animality; astringency; atrocity; barbarity; bestiality; bite; bitterness; bloodshed; brunt; brutality; coercion; compulsion; constraint; cruelty; disorder; disturbance; duress; edge; emotionalism; extremity; ferocity; force; furor; fury; grip; harshness; inclemency; inhumanity; injury; intensity; intimidation; irascibility; keenness; nervousness; outrage; passion; poignancy; point; pressure; rage; rigor; riot; roughness; ruthlessness; sadism; savagery; sensitivity; severity; sharpness; sting; stringency; teeth; terrorism; truculence; vandalism; vehemence; venom; violation; violence; virulence