It's the women and children dependent upon them--the women and children who have no voice in the matter, and yet who are bound to suffer most by a strike.
God has said it; Alleghenia by the voice of her law has ratified it.
He doesn't have to remember how the life died suddenly out of a voice that had been tender and eloquent.
And, though he was seemingly addressing Rathbawne, there was that in his voice and in his words which was meant for every ear in the state!
Colonel Broadcastle's voice was sweeping the armory, as he put the regiment through the manual of arms.
I've hardly seen your face, and yet I know your dear, deep eyes are troubled; I had barely heard your voice before I felt its weariness.
The north wind was attentive and amenable to the voice of persuasion, in comparison with Josephine Rathbawne.
Almost immediately, the memory of the convention rushed over him, and he recognized the voice as that of Michael McGrath.
His eyes were blazing, hisvoice touched with a new meaning, an eloquence deep, firm, conclusive.
Then some spoke of the wrongs of Aegina, formerly not the least among Greek cities, but now so crushed under the yoke of Athens that she had not dared to raise her voice openly against the tyrant-city.
In this dire extremity, when the strongest spirits were crushed with misery, one voice was heard, which still spoke of hope.
Conspicuous among those who fought on the ships was seen the gallant figure of Brasidas, who exerted himself, by voiceand by example, to infuse his own heroic spirit into the rest of the crews and their officers.
But the general voice of the assembly was strongly against him.
Great was the amazement at this flat contradiction of the avowal which they had made before the senate, and Alcibiades, giving voice to the general indignation, overwhelmed the astonished envoys with a torrent of invective and abuse.
It was the voice of Nicias, who, when all others faltered, rose to a pitch of heroism which he had never shown before.
Yes,' exclaimed Pasteur with a voice which gave evidence of the sincerity of his conviction, 'yes, M.
Bouillaud, asked, with the insistentvoice of a querulous octogenarian: 'Let M.
He had pointed out to the doctor without any faltering of voice the progressive symptoms of the paralysis.
Every day a little man with lots of brass buttons and a big voice came and asked anxiously after our honorable insides.
He was simple and sincere, and his deep voice trembled with earnestness as he declared that sacrifice was the only true road to happiness, sacrifice of ourselves, our wishes and desires, for the good and the progress of others.
I lay there holding on to the vision, until I heard a man's voice close by say, "She will be all right now, I will take care of her.
He had never heard her sing, and the full, beautiful notes of her contralto voice thrilled him like organ music.
Maitresse Aimable smiled, then she tried to speak, but her voice broke.
Her eye wandered to the racllyi, with its flitches of bacon, to the dreschiaux and the sanded floor, to the great Elizabethan oak chair, and at last back to Guida, as though through her the lost voice might be charmed up again.
From near the great doorway came a voice saying: "The record is here," and Detricand stepped forward, in his uniform of the army of the Vendee.
A human voice had at last pierced the awful exhaustion of the deadly labour, the peril and strife, which had numbed the brain while the body, in its instinct for existence, still clung to the rocky ledges.
But there came to me a voicein the night which said: "Is thy life thine own to give or to destroy?
O Philip," she answered, her voice quivering, "how can I?
Every face turned in her direction, for her voice had rung out clear as music.
Yet it all had the look of reality--the voice had the right ring, the face had truth, the bearing was gallant; the force and power of the man overwhelmed her.
Then he turned to me, and spake in a braying voice as if a harsh horn were blown: Abide thou; if thou takest one step I will slay thee at once.
His voice had grown softer as he spake, and toward the end of his words he faltered, and at last brake out a-weeping, and cast himself wordless on the grass before her.
He spake, and his voice sounded false unto him, as if it came from another's mouth: I wot not; the woman that led me nearby seemed to bid me hope.
His voice was soft and full, and he spake deftly, but she was not content with it for its kindness, as she had been with all the other men whom she had met since she left the House under the Wood, and she durst not trust her hand to him.
Her voice was cold rather than fierce, yet was there the poison of malice therein.
And then she spake it in a soft voice that she would indeed pity him for the sundering, yea, and herself also.
A transaction very famed in those parts, and still giving loud voice in the Polish Books, which indeed get ever noisier from this point onward, till they end in inarticulate shrieks, as we shall too well hear.
When night fell on that fateful Tuesday the voice of Syndicalism had been raised in a temple dedicated to ordered, Anglo-Saxon liberty--the Hampton City Hall.
His nasal voice was complaining, yet distinctly aggressive, and he emphasized his words by gestures.
Hannah's voice echoed pitifully through the silence of the flat.
The queer vibrations were in his voice that she had heard before.
You're my wife, now--" His voice seemed to come from a great distance.
But it was Hannah who, looking up and catching sight of Janet's face, was quick to divine the presage in it and gave voice to the foreboding that had weighed on her for many weeks.
Her voice had broken, now, into furious, uncontrolled weeping--to which she paid no heed.
And when at last he hung up the instrument and turned to her, though still furious against the strikers, his voice betrayed the joy of battle, the assurance of victory.
And indeed a voice was heard petulantly demanding what was wanted--Lise's voice!
She was seated once more leaning back in the corner of the carriage on her way to the station, she felt Ditmar's hand working in her own, and she heard his voice pleading forgiveness--for her silence alarmed him.
The glamour to which Janet had yielded herself was on occasions slightly troubled by some new and enigmatic element to be detected in his voice and glances suggestive of intentions vaguely disquieting.
The nasal note in Lise's voice had grown higher and shriller, she was almost weeping with anger.
Ditmar, removing one of the side curtains that she might see, with just a hint in his voice of a reverence she was too excited to notice, pointed out the stern and respectable facades of the twin Chippering mansions standing side by side.
Suddenly the wounded man uttered a thrilling cry, rose up in the bed to a sitting position, end pointing his finger at the detective, demanded in a hoarse voice "Why is he here?
The group gathered around the bed were paralyzed to silence, but after a moment the silence was broken by the voice of the leader of the gang of lynchers who asked: "Who is he, Tom?
In a hoarse voicethe stranger asked; "Has the girl been murdered?
The stranger entered the room, and in a stern voice he demanded.
When the man found voicehe answered: "The devil or one of his imps.
At the moment there came a fortunate diversion in favor of the policy of delay; a voice called in from the house "Come here, Renie, your father is reviving.
A deeper pallor overspread the girl's face, as in a low, husky voice she whispered: "I believe they are leading you on.
The man was a rough, villainous-looking fellow, and his voice was coarse and his manners vulgar.
He glanced at the girl with blazing eyes, and his hands worked nervously and there was a tremulousness in his voice as he asked: "Are you mad, girl?
The detective had just completed his change in appearance, when he was startled by hearing a shrill piercing scream in a female voice from the direction of Tom Pearce's cabin.
I beg your pardon," said a voice from the other side of the table, "but if you find it disagreeable to ride backward won't you take my seat?
The terror in her voice told how intense was her fear of capture.
He turned his face toward me, the firelight fell bright and strong upon it, that peculiar tone in his voice sounded at just the same instant, and there flashed upon me the memory of a scene in Boston two years before.
His voicewas very tender as he spoke the last word.
Then came the sound of a rapid stride down the hall and a deep voice bellowed, "Nick, let me in!
In his voice a peculiar intonation--I had noticed it many times before--teased me with suggestions of a voice heard somewhere else.
And the voice of the orator, which had impressed me by reason of a certain peculiar intonation, was like this man's voice, and his face had in it much that was like the face of Old Dan.
The heavy, double doors of the placita entrance were open, and as Lieutenant Wemple strode past he heard a sound from within, a half suppressed exclamation in a voice that trembled with feeling.
A whiff of peat-smoke; A gleam of delf on the dresser within; A woman's voice crooning, as if to a child.
Heard, like some sad Gaelic strain, Ocean's ancient voice in pain; Darkness folding hill and wood, Sorrow drinking at my blood.
He defers to the voice of experience, in faith that his own experience will by and by prove its truthfulness.
Yet mortals think the gods are born and have shape and voice and raiment like themselves.
Then Eakins' voice came, sharp and shrill over the walkie-talkie.
No trouble yet," Eakins said, his voice sounding thin and sharp over the walkie-talkie.
Over the receiver, they could hear a bored British voice saying, "Pawn to Queen four, eh?
They're herding us," Cable said, his voice going shrill.
It sure is fast," Eakins said, hisvoice conversational again.
It was only in his blue eyes, with their overhanging brows and somewhat fixed look, that one could trace an expression, not exactly of melancholy, nor exactly of weariness, and his voice had almost too measured a cadence.
He got up hastily; some secret voice told him that he would see her there to-day.
He was very stout and tall, swarthy of countenance and beardless, he spoke in a thick voice and seemed half asleep; but the more quietly he spoke the more those about him trembled.
French, and her voice cut to his heart like a knife.
After the words "and longing vain," he sighed softly, dropped his eyes and let his voice gradually die away, morendo.
Her voice was even enough but she could not conceal her dismay at his narrow escape.
Her tone was even enough, hervoice the soft, full voice of a woman touched by love, but beneath its velvet was a matter-of-fact certainty that caused the faintest tremor to run through his limbs.
The sound of another horse, cutting in before them, running frantically, and Beck's gun hand went up only to poise arrested as a voice came to them with the singing of a rope end that flayed the animal's flanks.
Tears sprang into her eyes and her voicecame trembling through trembling lips.
His voice was unmusical, unlovely, but he sang with fervor, sang as conscientiously as he worked.
He stood looking at her with grief in his eyes and when he spoke his voice shook.
Her voice shook a bit and on the words that old hostility leaped back into Bobby's face.
For long he sat there and gradually the inner voice died entirely, slowly a cold, heartless desire to cling to a dead thing like his standing in the country took its place as his chief interest in life.
Then went on withvoice and manner under control: "You see, I am much in love with you and losing you for only a little while puts me a bit off my head.
It had reached its height when Tom Beck, whose eyes had been on Hepburn as Webb gave voiceto his insult, elbowed the foreman from his way and faced the one who had occasioned that laugh.
At the sound of the intruding voice Hilton wheeled sharply.
I was sitting in the reading-room of the hotel one day, believing that I was alone, when a twangy voice broke in upon the silence.
The voice was perfectly steady, and the face smiling, as he uttered this amazingly sad statement; but some one chanced to look up and saw two great tears standing in his little monkey-like eyes.
Her voice will be that of a witness present at every deed, good or evil, of our lives.
To contemn this voice is to sin and be guilty of rash judgment.
An instinct, the wee voice of God in the soul, tells us to withhold our judgment even when the intelligence fails to weigh the motives aright.
A certain conscience, whether it speaks the truth or not, speaks with assurance, without a suspicion of error, and its voice carries conviction.
As for the unnatural mother, it is best to leave her to listen in the dead of night to the appealing voice of her murdered babes before the tribunal of God's infinite justice.
Then it is that the voice of God's authority reaches the ear of the unit and says to him in no uncertain accents: thou shalt marry.
If one should always follow the bent of one's legitimately natural inclinations, no fault can reasonably be found if another hearkens to the voice of his soul's aspirations and elect a career in harmony with his nature.
To which Count d'Auteroche with a loudvoice answered" &c.
Bruhl explains, with voice quivering, those cuts in the Friedrich manifesto of August last, and other griefs suffered; the two Swedes soothing him with what oil they have ready.
She had not moved for some minutes when she felt a hand laid gently on each shoulder, while her father’s voice asked in affectionate tones, “What is my little girl thinking of?
Marian’s eyes filled at the sight, and she had much ado to keep her voice steady while answering his queries in regard to the growth and prosperity of Minersville, its schools, churches, and public works.
Cousin Elsie has one or more to offer her,” added the sweet voice of his eldest daughter.
Never a bit of it to give a starvin’ human creeter,” snarled a man’s voice that seemed to come from a clump of bushes a yard or two in Croly’s rear.
Then a voicethat seemed to come from the doorway into the hall said: “You are the very best of fathers, sir, always ready to take any amount of trouble for the benefit of any of your children.
It seemed but a prelude, and presently a rich tenor voice struck in and sang a pretty Scotch ballad, the flute playing an accompaniment.
To judge by quotations and allusions, his favourite of the classics was Horace, the chosen of the eighteenth century, and generally the voice of its philosophy in a prosperous country.
He goes on Sunday to the church, And sits among his boys; He hears the parson pray and preach, He hears his daughter's voice Singing in the village choir, And it makes his heart rejoice.
The ministers of kings, whether despotic or constitutional, may vainly envy the sure tenure of office which falls to the lot of those who are chosen to rule by the voice of the people.
At length, a voice was heard to pronounce the words, "Try it with fire!
As his voice reached the close of his song, he passed quietly away.
Then with a grim and surly voice he bid them awake, and asked them whence they were, and what they did in his grounds.
The awful scenes of the time of blood and terror which followed were so deeply imaged on his mind, that for years afterwards they haunted his dreams, and he seemed "To hear a voice that cried, To the whole city, sleep no more.
His voice they'll always hear, His face they'll always see; There's nought in life so sweet As such a memory.
The tones of his voice become very gentle and solemn, and he ceases to have that flow of expression, which is so remarkable in him in all other subjects.
Where'er my footsteps turned, Her voice was like a hidden bird that sang; The thought of her was like a flash of light Or an unseen companionship, a breath Or fragrance independent of the wind.
Is there no Divine voice for him in the absolute stillness?
One cannot pass by without being reminded that the rustic psalmody must have had the accompaniment of many a wildly-whistling blast; and what dismal storms must have often drowned the voice of the preacher!
For to make confidential disclosures, either concerning one's self or other people, in a tone of voice perfectly audible in the kitchen, is somewhat trying.
In the mean time the commotion rather increased in the house, and he could hear in the distance a voice adjuring some one to go for the clergyman.
With despairing calmness, the Rector approached his voice to her ear.
The old man's voice trembled as he pronounced the last words, and the people looked at him in astonishment.
And I know too," cried Redebas, throwing up the window, and shouting across the quiet court-yard in a voicelike the roar of a lion.
Brandow's voice echoed from the lower floor in loud, angry tones.
Just then the door-bell rang, and at the same moment his wife's voicesounded from the entry.
He had bent his lips to her ear as he sat behind her; his deep voice grew so low as to become almost inaudible, but she caught every syllable, and each word pierced her to the heart.
To which an old friend bids you heartily welcome," said a clear voice behind him.
I can still hear her sweet voiceutter the words which were the richest reward to me for all I had done and suffered, the words: 'I thank you, my friend.
She had left the door of the room open, and Hans Redebas' gruff bass voice was heard shouting: "Brandow!
Yes, Curt Wenhof, my poor dear Curt," continued Gotthold, whose voice trembled at the recollection of the beloved friend of his youth.
At intervals he thought he distinguished her voice; but perhaps it was only his fancy, excited to madness, which filled the pauses in which he did not hear the voice of the man he hated.
Shouting at the top of his voice at every jump, "They're coming!
Captain Randolph Sever, as he slowly turned over on his back to face the owner of the voice which had so dimly penetrated the dreamless slumber resulting from a twenty-four-hour tour on outpost duty.
Sergeant Schriner, with soldierly punctuality, reported with the detail just as the sentry over the rifle-stacks at the church called in a subduedvoice the hour of twelve.
The faithful animal had not finished his challenge when the deep voice of the Colonel rang out completely drowning it, giving commands for the charge.
There was the "vantriloquest" bird, gifted with a voice that is the essence of all that is frightful and hideous in sounds--forty demons running amuck and coming your direction.
And any man or woman that lifts his or her voice to proclaim against a plurality of wives under the Government of God, will have to seek an inheritance outside of that city.
Though my voice is tolerably good, I feel weary in making a congregation of from eight to ten thousand people hear me, I have tried to do so.
If a man commences speaking loud, in a short time his voice gives out; whereas, if he commences rather low, he may raise his voice by degrees, and be able to sustain himself in speaking some length of time.
Why did he not lift his voice and vindicate the Divine law?
There is not a woman under the sound of my voice to-day, but can bear witness of this if she has tried it.
There are hundreds within the sound of my voice to day, both men and women, who can testify that this has been the effect that the practice of this principle has had upon them.