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Example sentences for "interests"

Lexicographically close words:
interest; interested; interestedly; interesting; interestingly; interet; interethnic; interets; interface; interfacial
  1. While he was especially devoted to the interests of the farmer, he was essentially a patriot, and loved his State and all its diverse interests with an enthusiastic devotion and yearned for her prosperity.

  2. He was an able and faithful Representative, and always devoted to the interests of his constituents.

  3. LEE the State of Virginia has lost the services of one of her most chivalrous and noble sons, and the district he so well represented a faithful guardian of the interests of all its people.

  4. It is doubtless a beneficent ordination of Providence that the best interests of society are not solely dependent on what in common parlance is called genius.

  5. Patient industry and impregnable virtue are the essential cardinal qualities that make the man, in the vast majority of cases, worthy of love and honor, and which conserve the best interests of the world.

  6. Lee during the last years of his life; he was faithful to the trust, and ever watchful of the best interests of the school.

  7. He advanced and promoted these interests as president of the Virginia State Agricultural Society.

  8. And psychology enables you to exploit that respect in the very best interests of His Majesty’s Service.

  9. Her four interests in life are The Times, the Tory Party, her Wyandottes, and—ME.

  10. In other words, if men merely conspired to advance their own business interests they committed no offence under the then existing law; to be liable to punishment they must be actuated by malice.

  11. We do not desire to minimize in any way the great commercial interests of our people, yet we feel that the work of our associations is educational and legislative in its character.

  12. A fight was on between the elevator interests and the commission merchants of the Winnipeg Grain Exchange--a fight for existence.

  13. There was little use in the farmers attempting to organize in defence of their own interests unless the effort were absolutely united and along broader lines than those of any previous farmers' organization.

  14. It is simply co-operation of the few in the interests of the few.

  15. That no more natural resources be alienated from the Crown but brought into use only under short term leases, in which the interests of the public shall be properly safeguarded, such leases to be granted only by public auction.

  16. For this financial assistance the farmers' trading company got no return except the satisfaction of knowing that the money could not be spent to better advantage in the interests of Western farmers.

  17. The farmers began to feel that it would be a good thing to have a representative at Winnipeg to watch the grading of their cars and to look after their interests generally.

  18. Place a body of disorganized farmers in front of organized industrial interests and you see where you are at!

  19. The great weakness of the farmers was their individual independence; if they could be taught to stand together for their common interests there was hope that something might be accomplished.

  20. The common interests of Brahmo Dharma should lead both classes to respect, and be on amicable terms with each other.

  21. Colebrooke was a free-trader by conviction, and because he had at heart the interests both of India and of England.

  22. But when the war cloud broke, and responsibility for the welfare of Britain's subjects and trade interests in China devolved upon him, he compromised.

  23. But there are large money interests which would suffer by such reforms, you say?

  24. But, nevertheless, the inevitable difficulties in the way of drawing the great nations together in the interests of a better understanding with the Chinese people would seem to make such a solution academic rather than practical.

  25. He cut his way through a tangle of "interests," vested and otherwise, not so different in their essence from the liquor interests of this country.

  26. This man, seeing little but good in opium, doubts "if it ever entered into the conception of the court of directors to suppress in the interests of morality the cultivation of the poppy.

  27. True; and there are large money interests suffering by the opium reforms in China, relatively as large as any money interests we have in this country.

  28. The fishery interests suffer on account of it.

  29. He even had a smile for Colonel Bangs, who was discussing with Mr. Magruder the probable effect upon the railway interests of the country of an article in the Argus of that morning upon "Our Grinding Monopolies.

  30. But perhaps some of my readers may still think that time spent on the rights of animals is so much taken away from the great human interests that are at stake.

  31. Access to Mountains Bill,” which while safeguarding the interests of land-owners, would have permitted pedestrians to indulge their love of highland scenery by making their way to the summits of uncultivated mountain or moorland.

  32. Charlotte found that, with a prospect of returning to the world, a variety of interests which she had thought quite extinct revived and grew clamorous.

  33. Financial interests in this city are pretty closely tied together, Mr. Montague.

  34. His was one of the city's biggest banking-houses, and in alliance with powerful interests in the Street.

  35. Of course there are law firms which are identified with interests opposed to those who control the company.

  36. There might even be interests which would be benefited by Allan's course, and would take him up.

  37. The matter has never been taken up or published, simply because the interests involved have such enormous and widely extended power that no one has ever dared to attack them.

  38. Corrigan, McKinney Company of Cleveland with mining interests in Mexico wanted sulphides as a flux for the ores there.

  39. When Bell and Stephens had announced the sale of their property to the Hearst Interests there was great excitement.

  40. The Hearst Interests were bringing in more men and more money, so a building seemed assured.

  41. Mr. George Hearst, who had cattle interests in the Southwest, heard of the mines and sent a young mining engineer, Benjamin B.

  42. The Hearst Interests realized the advantage of such a road and began preparations to build a road connecting smelter and mines.

  43. I assure you, it's not so much that--no, I have your interests in view quite as much as theirs.

  44. No one was less likely to turn out a bookworm, yet in the study of Norse literature he found that combination of mental and muscular interests which was perchance what he had been seeking.

  45. But deeper lay the interests for which parties nowadays were in truth contending.

  46. Scatchard Vialls devoted himself with acrid zeal to the interests of the Conservative party.

  47. If they want a man who will fight sincerely for the interests of the people, here he is!

  48. I should shout, 'can't you see on which side your interests lie?

  49. Still, in the interests of my party, I admit that I had rather it were kept quiet.

  50. I thought it best for your interests as well as for theirs.

  51. What does a woman care for the interests of the country?

  52. New times had brought new interests and other ways of life.

  53. Its characteristics are simplicity and purity of manners, warlike spirit, and, above all, a loyal devotion to the interests of the family and the tribe.

  54. Nevertheless, it was a noble ideal for which they fought in pure devotion, having, unlike the other political parties, no worldly interests to serve.

  55. He was faithful to the interests of his sovereign, and greatly increased the royal authority.

  56. His interests were protected by his mother Bathsheba, an intriguing, ambitious, and beautiful woman, and his education was directed by the prophet Nathan.

  57. His self-denial and devotion to the interests of the nation were marvellous.

  58. Under its benign influences, these great interests immediately awoke, as from the dead, and sprang forth with newness of life.

  59. By rejecting, vast interests are committed to the sport of the winds: chance becomes the arbiter of events, and it is forbidden to human foresight to count their number, or measure their extent.

  60. We rear a memorial of our conviction of that unmeasured benefit which has been conferred on our own land, and of the happy influences which have been produced, by the same events, on the general interests of mankind.

  61. The young cannot learn as they ought to learn, and as the public interests require, because they have no suitable school for their instruction.

  62. It is an instrument of many tones, running through the whole scale of humanity; from the lightest gayety to the gravest sadness; from the large interests of nations to the humblest affairs of the smallest individual.

  63. Well, people who repress their pity for individuals in the interests of the general welfare are always called that.

  64. This story is fascinating, alive with constantly new and fresh interests and every reader will enjoy the novel for its freshness, its novelty and its inspiring glimpses of life with nature.

  65. He certainly had been different since we had had that dinner at home and had made Mrs. Larsen realize that I was looking after his interests as well as my own.

  66. It kept the fellows thinking and working in the interests of the business.

  67. The way you treated Larsen will tend to make him merely work for you and not for the interests of the business.

  68. He had quite the consciousness of his new friend, for their companion, that he might have had of a Jesuit in petticoats, a representative of the recruiting interests of the Catholic Church.

  69. But is this lady against your interests at home?

  70. She was acting in interests grander and clearer than that of her poor little personal, poor little Parisian equilibrium, and all his consciousness of her mother's moral pressure profited by this proof of its sustaining force.

  71. He realised the power of the British Government, and though he would resist us to the utmost in the interests of Manipur, nothing would have induced him to join in any plot against our rule in India.

  72. In one way this was an advantage, as all my interests were concentrated on my work, and nothing of greater interest could have been found.

  73. Vestigia nulla retrorsum" there was no retreat; and having acted according to my judgment for the best interests of the State, I felt bound to take further responsibility on myself, when necessary.

  74. I was really not fit to undertake any work in India till my health was re-established, but could not bear to leave the interests of Manipur in other hands until the boundary was settled.

  75. Property interests is what we need in the council.

  76. Now here's a little incident I found this evening that interests me immensely.

  77. Her interests and sympathies--her mother love--belonged only to those of her own household.

  78. She did not enter into her life as a crusader halt and maimed; all of the woman's varied interests and capacities were felt in the work of the reformer.

  79. The reason was that their interests were her interests.

  80. Fontanares So, senora, your generosity was merely a trick to serve the interests of Sarpi!

  81. Marie If you speak thus to me, I shall believe you do not know the depth of my attachment; for it is fed less upon flattering words than upon the interest I feel in all that interests you.

  82. In the interests of my paper I took down his speech verbatim.

  83. We found that all our possessions fitted very easily into the two canoes, and we divided our personnel, six in each, taking the obvious precaution in the interests of peace of putting one Professor into each canoe.

  84. The interests of his deplorable profession are immaterial to us; but, as he observes, we cannot get down in any case, so it is a waste of energy to discuss it.

  85. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "interests" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.