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Example sentences for "preponderance"

Lexicographically close words:
prepareth; preparing; prepay; prepayment; prepense; preponderancy; preponderant; preponderantly; preponderate; preponderated
  1. In 1848 there were in Germany two political parties; one defending the maintaining of Austria in the Confederation and desirous that she should be at its head; the other demanding the exclusion of Austria, and the preponderance of Prussia.

  2. At the very time when the ministry of the new spirit was constituted, out of the eleven ministers, seven were Freemasons, a preponderance which the sects have not lost in the succeeding ministries.

  3. Its fall would sooner or later necessarily draw after it that of all Brabant, and the preponderance of power in that quarter would decide the whole dispute in favor of the king.

  4. The authority of the speaker gave preponderance to his arguments, and the next question was, when the king should commence his journey and what road he should take.

  5. This, although perfectly fair, would at once give in the Senate the preponderance to the English of the Upper and Middle provinces.

  6. Complaints were made that this gave an undue preponderance to the British in those cities; though, from the proportions of the population, it is not very obvious how they could thereby obtain more than an equal share.

  7. But if we consider the hostility and proportions of the two races, the practical effect of this law was to give the French an entire preponderance in the juries.

  8. They perceive this; for when once the Western States gain the preponderance in wealth and power, which they will in a few years, the cause of the Eastern, or manufacturing States will be lost.

  9. An increase of power given to the democratic party, by the creation out of their ranks of the magistrates, termed Ephori, which threw an undue weight and preponderance into the hands of the people.

  10. This superiority was not caused by external preponderance and compulsion, but by the internal acknowledgment that strict laws and a well-ordered discipline belonged to them above all.

  11. Prom that moment the common council ceased, the rule of atamans and the preponderance of the Brotherhood were at an end.

  12. He had learned that Hmelnitski, in spite of the preponderance of power under Krivonos, fearing the result of a battle with Yeremi, was marching with all his forces to his aid.

  13. The heavy cavalry could scarcely move; this gave a great preponderance at once to the flying regiments of the Cossacks and the Tartars.

  14. An expedition against the prince was not without danger, Hmelnitski, in spite of the preponderance of his forces, might suffer defeat in a general engagement, and then all would be lost at once.

  15. The Cossacks were unequal to armored men in the field, but behind a rampart they fought to perfection; and with such great preponderance of power they would surely repulse an assault.

  16. It would not be possible, to enforce a decision against nations having a preponderance of military power, nor even against a group with a large, though not the preponderant share of military and economic resources.

  17. Such a league would then become useless or worse, since it can only exert an influence so long as it possesses an immense preponderance of power.

  18. British India came from the United Kingdom, and other British dependencies showed a similar preponderance of trade with Great Britain.

  19. Just as peace within a state cannot be secured where the law-breakers are a majority, so international peace cannot be secured unless the preponderance of power is clearly on the side of peace.

  20. London was unanimously approved as the place, and the preponderance of sentiment was in favor of 1842 as the time.

  21. The disproportion of women does not show any marked tendency to increase except among the elderly, the preponderance becoming increasingly marked towards old age.

  22. To the great preponderance of Native, as compared with British, troops may be attributed the fact that the sepoys dared to break into open mutiny.

  23. Lord Dalhousie, Governor-General in 1854, saw the danger of this great preponderance of Native troops.

  24. A preponderance of secretions would here be disease; but so would be a too great preponderance of nutrition.

  25. David Hume was of opinion that industrial preponderance was in a necessary and continual state of transition from one country to another.

  26. The mere possibility of a strike is of itself calculated, in the determination of the rate of wages, to procure for the equitable purchaser of labor the desirable preponderance over the inequitable.

  27. So far, the preponderance of the importation of money may be called a favorable sign and the preponderance of the exportation of money an unfavorable one.

  28. A2-3-1] Each school is wont to estimate the favorableness of the balance according to the preponderance of that which they consider the most important element in a nation's economy.

  29. And the person who thinks that a permanent preponderance of exports or imports is not at all possible in the way of commerce, overlooks the possibility of a very extensive national indebtedness.

  30. On the whole, a rapidly growing people meet with great gains and losses, but the preponderance is in favor of the former.

  31. Colbert's step to destroy this preponderance is coincident with the changed foreign policy.

  32. Only extraordinary conditions which thin the ranks of males, such as war and emigration, leave a preponderance of the number of women.

  33. This union of the government over all the provinces in two families so closely connected rendered the preponderance of the rulers too strong for that balance hitherto kept steady by the popular force.

  34. The ministers, though admitting the abstract value of the privilege, hesitated while the great preponderance of convicts seemed to require an absolute authority.

  35. They were fearful of compromising their revenues by permitting to New South Wales the preponderance of members.

  36. There is a great preponderance of Coleoptera over the other orders.

  37. Besides which, the combination tr, and the preponderance of initials in t, are common to the two vocabularies.

  38. The real preponderance of the affinities of the group taken in mass is that which its geographical position induces us to expect à priori.

  39. The Kulanapo has a clear preponderance of affinities with the Yukae.

  40. Slight as is this preponderance of affinity with the Jakon, it is not to be ignored altogether.

  41. Here, for the first time, we meet with languages where the peculiar phonesis of the Mexican language, the preponderance of the sound expressed by tl, reappears.

  42. The greatest part of what has been advanced hitherto touching the Spanish clergy applies to that epoch which preceded the preponderance of liberal ideas.

  43. Moreover, the alleged preponderance does not even prove that the majority of the citizens are in favor of the special privilege dishonestly demanded by the churches.

  44. It can scarcely be doubted to-day that schizophrenia, with its preponderance of the mechanisms of introversion, possesses the same mechanism as any other "psycho-neurosis.

  45. The preponderance of military force will be probably on the side of Great Britain, taking into count the citizen armies of Australia and New Zealand (and possibly of Canada) and the great forces available in India.

  46. The results to which the preponderance of opinion leans are given in the following table.

  47. The English aimed to secure the limitation of the preponderance of Russia in the Black Sea, and the acknowledgment of Turkey as one of the great European powers.

  48. There are some evidences of modernity that mar the illusion, to be sure; but the preponderance of the old-time emblems is sufficient to leave the mind in a delightful glow of reminiscences.

  49. Water covers three-fifths of the earth's surface, as everybody knows, and everywhere this water teems with life, so that a vast preponderance of the living things of the globe find their habitat there.

  50. It is apparent that such a sudden conversion of the preponderance which a force has obtained over another, into an inferiority to the other, cannot be anything taken out of the nature of Forces.

  51. It might be supposed that this preponderance of French was due to a preponderance of the French element, but this was by no means the case; the members of English-speaking race greatly exceeded those of French-speaking race.

  52. No measure that had ever been framed since the Revolution had caused such excitement in the country; but the preponderance of feeling in its favor was equally marked in both Houses of Parliament.

  53. Numerous examples of young abstainers who have died and coffee drinkers who have still lived on can be found, and vice versa, the preponderance of instances being in neither direction.

  54. The preponderance of the coffee over other industries in São Paulo is shown in many ways.

  55. There is nothing to substantiate this story; the preponderance of evidence is in support of the Edwards-Rosée version.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "preponderance" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ascendancy; ascendant; authority; balance; bulk; charm; clout; consequence; control; credit; dominance; domination; dominion; effect; eminence; enchantment; esteem; excellence; favor; force; greatness; hold; importance; insinuation; lead; leadership; leverage; magnetism; majority; mass; mastery; moment; most; personality; persuasion; plurality; potency; power; precedence; predominance; preeminence; preponderance; prepotency; prerogative; pressure; prestige; primacy; principality; priority; privilege; purchase; reign; repute; rule; say; seniority; skill; sovereignty; success; suggestion; superiority; supremacy; sway; virtuosity; weight