Ch'an, which formed part of the present province of Ho-nan, lay south from Wei.
I think there's a law against gamblers in this province and it ought to be enforced.
Of course, the examination would also include other departments of sacred learning, for it was the province and duty of Presbytery to satisfy itself as to the soundness in the faith of the candidates before them.
The army of Yuan‐Shi‐Kai, who was Governor of the province of Shantung during the troubles in the North, is a good example of what Chinese soldiers can be when well trained.
Fire and sword have laid waste the province of Chi‐li.
The peninsula is an irregularly shaped tongue of land with rugged and indented coast‐line jutting out from the province of Kwang‐tung.
The superior official—his own palm having been well greased—forbears to inspect them too closely, and departs to report to the Viceroy of the province that the troops are of excellent quality.
For this reason, and because there is some danger of neglecting the special part played by the Southern Province in Italian literary history, I am induced to digress from the main topic of this chapter in the direction of Pontano's poetry.
Start, then, in the first place, with a definite recalling to yourself of the province of form throughout our whole daily life.
He was born about 850 at Raj, in the Province of Chorasan in Persia.
The Arab invaders had found a great prosperous country which had been the most cultured province of the Roman Empire, and on this foundation they made a marvellous development.
While it is not generally realized, Spain was, as we have pointed out, the province of the Roman Empire in the West that advanced most in culture before the breaking up of the Empire.
The province of the future poet shall be to make one perceive it.
That is like saying," declared Kindelon, "that the province of the future gentleman shall be to make one perceive the courtesy in discourtesy or the refinement in vulgarity.
Never had she seen such a thing in her life, for she had been born and bred in the rural province of Echigo.
Long, long ago in the provinceof Tango there lived on the shore of Japan in the little fishing village of Mizu-no-ye a young fisherman named Urashima Taro.
He was about to return straight for home by the way he had come, when the thought struck him that he would find it more interesting to take another route, so he passed through the province of Owari and came to the province of Omi.
Long years ago in old Japan there lived in the Province of Echigo, a very remote part of Japan even in these days, a man and his wife.
They have heard of a beautiful Princess called Yakami who lives in this province of Inaba, and they are on their way to find her and to ask her to marry one of them.
On the way back he passed through the province of Idum.
The robber agreed with delight, feeling certain of victory, for he was famous as a fencer in his province and he did not know who his adversary was.
Long, long ago there was a large plain called Adachigahara, in the provinceof Mutsu in Japan.
Yamato Take now bade farewell to his aunt, and once more placing himself at the head of his men he marched to the farthest East through the province of Owari, and then he reached the province of Suruga.
The laws of this portion of our nature--the varieties of our sensations, and the physical conditions on which they proximately depend--manifestly belong to the province of Physiology.
The only laws of resemblance, therefore, which we are called upon to consider independently of causation, belong to theprovince of mathematics.
There is small wonder that a riot at the heart of the empire should lead to insurrection in every province of the personality.
Mystical and metaphysical implications should not continue to find a sheltering place in the province of psychopathology.
A few years later he travelled in the provinceof Archangel, and so ingratiated himself into the hearts of the simple-minded people that they most willingly aided him in collecting these songs.
Within the province of the Christian Faith "it is necessary that man should accept per modum fidei not only what is above reason, but also what may be known through reason.
So mediaeval logic readily wandered into the province of metaphysics, and ignored the line between the two.
Through the medium of the one he reasoned analytically; and in the province of the other he applied his reasoning constructively, using patristic materials and the fragments of Greek philosophy scattered through them.
Albert clearly defines the province and nature of theology.
In some form, however, it winds itself into every action of our mental faculties, and no province of life appears untouched by this craving of the mind.
But it ought not to dominate in any province beyond itself, and surely not the science of God, which leads to eternal life.
On the whole, Albert's merit in the province of Zoology lies in his introduction of the Aristotelian data and conceptions to the mediaeval Latin West.
Nor are the sciences--we can hardly say the other sciences--subordinated to it; since their province is natural knowledge obtained through natural means.
Civil Governor's having usurped the right of the Captain- General of the Province in causing Borrow's arrest).
The Vicar-General of the province gave as a reason for his action, an advertisement that had appeared in the Diario Comercial of Valencia, undertaking to supply Bibles gratis to those who could not afford to buy them.
The state of that province is truly horrible; it appears peopled partly with spectres and partly with demons.
Dr Usoz also addressed a letter to the Society asking to be considered as a correspondent and entrusted with copies of the Scriptures, which he was convinced he could circulate in every province of Spain.
It never haz been proved, that enny ov the animal kreation hav attempted tew laff, (we are quite certain that none hav succeded;) thus this deliteful episode and pleasant power appears tew be entirely within the province ov humans.
Men who invade the province uv wimmin are alwus jeered at, and how kan wimmin, when they invade the province ov men expekt tew eskape the same kind ov treatment.
This consideration was that she receive Bukowina, part of the province of Banat, and certain sections of Bessarabia populated by Rumanians.
Meanwhile another Russian column pushed out from Julfa along the Tabriz road to force battle upon the Turkish army invading the Persian province of Azerbaijan.
A Turkish offensive in the Province of Azerbaijan ended in a complete breakdown.
The Italian army operating in the province of Cadore won its next success in an attack upon the village of Cortina, situated in a salient of the frontier, 4,000 feet high, amid some of the most beautiful scenery in the world.
She was born of English stock, in the province of New Brunswick, and grew up in that lethargic state of society which has received not an impulse or a new idea since the time of Queen Anne.
The United States Government has no police power within the States, and it is not within its province to enact or enforce rules or laws, or even to make police inspection regarding the methods of operating mining properties.
This would be in substance, whatever it might be in name, to make this country a province of France.
Hamilton thought the inquiry beyond the province of the committee, but wishing to be prepared, if they should decide otherwise, furnished the President with a statement of the facts, as he understood them to be, with a view to his approval.
John exerts visitatorial power over the churches of that province wherein he dwelt, and that too, apparently, when he was the sole survivor of the Apostolic college, yet did not go into other parts.
Think of it, but for the Old South, a Spanish province would bound the United States on the South, and the Mississippi river, under the control of France, would bound it on the west.
As early as August, 1775, his name appears second on the list of the committee of safety for New Bern district, appointed by the first Congress of the province (that of Alexander Gaston being at the head).
There is not in either Province any English Seminary above the rank of a good school, at which a liberal education can be obtained.
The number of these schools may be increased as the circumstances of the Province may require and the means allow.
Was he not in league with that party which would retain the Province in vassalage to the old Compact which he had so heartily denounced in former times?
Although London is not so remote from Toronto as Ottawa or Kingston, yet it is the centre of a populous and prosperous part of the Province from which an ample number of student teachers would be collected to fill any Normal School.
The consequence is that many young men coming forward to the learned professions are obliged to look beyond the Province for the last two years of their education--undoubtedly the most important and critical of their lives.
In nothing is this Province so defective as in the requisite available provisions for an efficient system of general education.
As the whole Province east of Belleville is less advanced and less progressive in schools than the western parts, I think a second Normal School should be established at Kingston.
I believe the endowment of the priesthood of any Church in the Province to be an evil to that church.
He would convert the children of the Province into the most pliable tools of an arbitrary system.
In the Province of Quebec the ancient dîme (tithe) still exists.
Canada as a province quoad civilia was under Normandy, and hence it became to be believed that it was also quoad sacra under Normandy.
New France was declared a province or a kingdom and Quebec a "town.
Champlain was now thirty-six years of age, having been born about the year 1567 at Brouage, a small seaport town in the old province of Saintonge, southeast of Rochefort and opposite the island of Oléron.
And when they were married they were encouraged to rear up a fruitful progeny, for in the "Edits et Ordonnances" of the Province of Quebec, p.