The king's master of ceremonies, a very important personage indeed, came forward and repeated the king's order.
Such was the conduct of the personage whose life we examine.
It was in the midst of a people of this disposition that the personage appeared whose history we write.
This would appear very credible in the case of a personage who had proved himself capable of raising others from the dead.
The latter, evidently in concert with Jesus, preached repentance, baptized on the banks of Jordan, and announced the coming of a personage greater than himself.
The king's lieutenant, the seductive personage of the troupe, was on one knee to her, like a lover.
But Mr. Chapman was gone from Gatesboro' none knew whither; and Merle had not yet ventured to call himself on the chief magistrate of the place, to inquire after a man by whom that august personage had been deceived.
By the very act, as it were, of capturing one's self, the personage we believe we have seized escapes, disappears.
Nor conceived she, poor lady, the slightest suspicion that Jasper Losely was not a personage whose attentions might flatter any woman.
He was now a personage at court, where he won all hearts by his amiability and gaiety; and in political matters also his influence was beginning to be felt.
The political meaning was even more thinly veiled in the second part of the entertainment, a morality named L'Homme obstine, the principal personage representing the pope.
Generally, where a Horatian personage is known to have had two names, I have used that one which the exigences of the verse recommended.
This same personagewas a contributor also of many pungent and humorous things in prose and verse in the columns of the Advocate itself.
Mr. Carey was a tall, portly personage who, from his bearing and costume might readily have been mistaken for a non-conformist minister of local importance.
Were the concavity of the nose and the projection of the mouth a little more pronounced in "Elias Howe," the medallions of that personage would give a general idea of Mr. Mayerhoffer's profile and head.
A very strong proof that Queen Meave was an historic personage and not a myth is to be found in the name of the island in Loch Ree where she was killed.
This preservation of a place name connected with the name of an historicpersonage for two thousand years is most remarkable, and shows that Irish history is more truthful than is generally supposed.
There are few legends about her in Ireland; she is simply an historic personage there, but in England she became a fairy.
No other race in Europe would have so totally lost sight of a personage that was the hero of so many tracts and stories, and who was, besides, an historic character, and not a myth.
There is no traditional remembrance in Ireland of any English historic personage contemporary with Queen Meave, or of any such that lived for many centuries after her time.
The next moment the door was thrown wide open, and, preceded by two servants announcing him to the Duke, appeared a small and not very striking personage plainly habited in black velvet.
The Count ordered him instantly to be ushered in; and, during the brief moment that intervened before he appeared, considered hastily, whether he should employ this personage in any way in making the inquiries that were necessary.
All, then, that he replied to Master Nicolas Poulain was, that though he knew well the personage he mentioned by name, he had not the pleasure of his personal acquaintance.
He returned the salutations he received with the careless dignity of a Personage accustomed to respect, and then reined in his horse by the side of a barouche, and exchanged some words with a portly gentleman who was its sole occupant.
I remember hearing my father say that when he met the Count de Chambord at Ems, that illustrious personage delivered himself of a belle phrase much admired by his partisans.
To our astonishment, in the gruesome light, our eyes rested on the crumbling remains of a personage who, the official said, had passed away a long time before.
Whilst Barnaby had been searching she had been busy, dealing with an imposing but worldly personage in gaiters, who had been an old admirer of hers and was her sworn ally.
Some foreign personage was attending, and a rumour started that she meant to wind up her clock in earnest.
The Water-Witch will go at large, till a far different personage shall become your captive.
They tell me, you would speak with our mistress," said the principalpersonage of the vessel, in a subdued voice.
Alderman Van Beverout was a personage far too important, not to be known by most of those who frequented the goodly town of which he was a civic officer.
Doubletongue: "well then, there has been a royal personage murdered, after all.
May we, however, crave to know the honoured title of the distinguished personage visiting our town, and the name of the vessel in which he has arrived?
He is the personage that I left in Paris to give the order for your liberation that you wot of.
Besides, sir, if I remember rightly, that packet was entrusted to the care of a personage attendant upon yourselves, and who watched it like the fabled guardian of the golden fleece.
That good personage had remained fixed to his place, and for sometime had not recognised the young Count; but the moment he did so, a change came over his countenance, and he saluted him with an air of military respect.
I beg that you would remove this personage the Cure de Guadrieul from my house, to do with him as you think fit.
If that can be called society where a royal personage talks rapidly for hours, and the listener must not even look dissent?
The actions of this singular personage were in unison with his writings: he gives a pompous description of a most unimportant government which he obtained near Marseilles, but all the grandeur existed only in our author's heated imagination.
The ingenious writer of the Turkish Spy is John Paul Marana, an Italian; so that the Turkish Spy is just as real a personage as Cid Hamet, from whom Cervantes says he had his "History of Don Quixote.
At length they ventured to express their complaints that so great a personage should debase himself by so vile an employment.
And sagaciously interpreting this to be the wife of Carausius, makes a new personage start up in history; he contrives even to give some theoretical Memoirs of the August Oriuna.
He was, therefore, not a little surprised at the gentleman's sudden appearance, and began to question whether the personage before him belonged to this world or not.
The confessional made this personage the confidant in the most delicate secrets of domestic life.
For a while the Other (in his mind he called the great personage he had been in the eighteenth century the "Other") had taken possession of him.
He decided to postpone his search for them till he could definitely give a name to the personagewho had been Theophrastus in 1721.
The Loser Pays" is the story of the devotion to love and duty of no less a personage than Rouget de Lisle, the author of the "Marseillaise.
Whatever else was mysterious about the document, it was quite clear that he had been a great personage and had buried treasures.
He would assuredly end by finding out who was the mysterious personage who had been shut up in the Conciergerie in 1721 after having been betrayed on the First of April.
That personage nodded to him upon his entrance and continued to dictate a letter.
He liked to play at being a big personage in a mysterious sort of way, and the poor chap's paid for it," he added with a sigh.
By then he had taken to cutting me in the street, and I suspected that he was afraid of compromising himself by greeting a personageas insignificant as me.
He never lent money to anyone, but I had, on entering the service, been specially recommended to him by an important personage who had got me my berth.
He had much whispering with the parson and parish-clerk, for he is always a busy personage in the scene; and he echoed the clerk's amen with a solemnity and devotion that edified the whole assemblage.
The personage to whom I allude is a sturdy old yeoman of the name of John Tibbets, or rather Ready-Money Jack Tibbets, as he is called throughout the neighbourhood.
He reminds me of that fearful personage in the nursery rhyme: "Who goes round the house at night?
This was no less a personage than Colonel Seth Pennington, and it was obvious he had taken charge of what he considered the obsequies.
For a moment he stood, his cold, ophidian glance circling the room until it came to rest on no less a personage than the Black Minorca, an individual with whom the reader has already had some slight acquaintance.