With haste and pressure single acts fall over one another.
Through cold and pressure lower and lower temperatures were gained, each step forward having given a foothold from which a new advance was possible.
The current pressure required is six to eight volts, at a density of one and a half amperes per square inch.
Stations on the Hawaiian Islands to the south and others on the Aleutian Islands to the north of this area of high pressure will still further aid in the solution of the great and vital problems now before meteorologists.
Where there are but few trains it has been proposed to close the ends of the tunnel by doors, and provide a fan exhaust or pressure system, but this method is obviously limited in its applications.
A salt in solution exercises a definite pressure, quantitatively measurable, which is curiously analogous to the pressure exerted by gases.
An animal belonging to a species habitually monogamic may easily change under the pressure of external causes and adopt polygamy, and, in some cases, polyandry.
But, under the pressure of the new conditions, the old custom of tracing descent and the inheritance of property in the female line (so favourable to women) died.
It is possible that by some such simple way of escape we may come to change the pressure of our coercive marriage.
I do not under-estimate the undoubted importance of the driving pressure of want.
Remove the economic pressure and no woman will be driven, or be likely to be trapped, into entering the oldest profession in the world; but this does not say that she will not enter it.
This is explained if we recognise that a transitional period has been reached, when, under the pressure of social, and particularly of military activities, the government of the tribe has passed to the male kindred of the women.
You may rest assured of that," he returned, with an unconscious pressure of her hand.
The eager pressure of things to be done, things to be seen, of much conversation, the varied pageant of modern life perpetually presented to her eyes and her intelligence, could not but crowd out the spiritual order somewhat.
I think that was rather heroic, considering her traditions and the pressure which had been brought to bear to keep her silent.
A gentle pressure of her hand to his lips, and a faint smile, seemed to assent.
It will be seen that an engine so arranged is able to get substantially the same pressure in each of the second, third and fourth cylinders, as in the first (see Fig.
It will be understood that a spring is arranged on the stem I in such a manner that it will always force the piston H downwardly against the pressure of the steam.
As the pressure of the steam within the cylinder is now much less and decreases as the piston moves along, we have taken a theoretical indication of the combined pressure at each six inch of the travel of the piston.
A is a pipe discharging steam at a pressure of 100 pounds.
This is a device located between the boiler and the engine, so that the steam, in its transit from the boiler to the engine, will be heated up to a high degree, and in the doing of which the pressure may be doubled, or wonderfully increased.
The expansion pressure produced from such substances depends on the speed at which they will burn, and in so confining the burning substances that a great pressure is produced.
To hold the steam in the pipe would require a pressure of 100 pounds against the disk B, when held at 1, the first position.
As the pressure becomes greater the heat increases until it is of such intensity that the gas ignites, and an explosion follows.
In such a case two cylinders are placed side by side, one, called the high pressure cylinder, being smaller than the low pressure cylinder, which takes the exhaust from the high pressure.
The weight may be adjusted to the pressure desired before blowing out and the only feature in this type of valve is the character of the valve seat, which is liable, through rust, and other causes, to leak.
Wheels which depend on the controllable pressure of the water are of the turbine type.
If it should be lost in the Lords now, he, of course, thinks it would soon be carried by a pressure from Canada, such as the rejection of the Bill by the Lords would probably call forth.
But the pressure of such a large body, as the cube, which we have supposed to be pressed against our organ of touch, now awakens very different feelings.
The tremendous pressurewas suddenly lifted, and the two women were free.
A parting pressure of the hand, and he turned to go to the stables.
Pressure was therefore put on the council to make them declare that they would not ratify the convention, and a note from them to this effect reached the foreign representatives on the 25th August.
The fixing of an indemnity was intended only to provide a means of pressure upon the Tycoon's government in order to procure the Mikado's ratification of the treaties, and the consequent extension of commercial relations.
They thought that a good deal of pressure would be necessary to induce the very conservative Kioto Court to bring the Mikado there.
A spore, drifting high in an atmosphere, achieves escape velocity through molecular impacts and perhaps the pressure of solar light.
Ed felt the shock-pressure of it and held his breath until the radiation-tainted vapors cooled and blew away.
Eddie could feel the pressure of it, transmitted by the air--a light but definite punching inward of his flesh, from all sides.
Behind the projectilelike coaches, close fitting in the tubes, air-pressure built up.
There was no great harm in that; only the distention of blood vessels under swiftly lowered air pressure and an ache and ringing of eardrums, and of course the stinging dryness of the Martian cold against their cheeks.
The constricting pressure of space warps, creating a gravity pressure of billions of tons to the square inch, eased gradually.
The heat andpressure were restrained by the tight space warp for a while, until inter-dimensional barriers ripped wide open.
He knew he hadn't said anything original and that he had pushed an argument intensely, like a high-pressure salesman without full belief.
But space warps stood firm in their place, squeezing with an atom-crushing pressure of their own, natural only at the centers of stars.
Pan-Germans, after the manner in which Alexander had yielded to Pan-Slavic pressure in 1877.
Yet the annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina and the pressure brought to bear by the Count de Pourtalès at St. Petersburg had far more serious results than had been anticipated at Berlin.
The mind had given way under the perpetual pressure of one set of thoughts.
The London surgeon further stated, that until the pressure was removed from the patient's brain, Captain Edward Arundel would remain in precisely the same state as that into which he had fallen immediately upon the accident.
I fear that Mr. Marchmont, having been, by the hard pressure of poverty, compelled to lead a Cockney life for the better half of his existence, had but slight relish for the grand and sublime in nature.
The Spanish-American official, displaying his little brief authority, but irritated the restless borderer, whose advent he dreaded, and whose pressure finally proved irresistible.
They then put it into a wet deer skin, and strain the mercury by pressure through the pores of the skin.
From small beginnings, devised under the pressure of great emergency, these experiments have grown into the present system of secondary punishment.
Finally, the book should be placed under very gentle pressure and kept in this condition until dry.
If one has a steady hand, the block can easily be lifted at one side to determine just where the extra pressure is needed.
One should coax the surface and add pressure with each succeeding stroke, taking care that the tool does not scrape.
After tacking it down, trace the remainder, using a firm, even pressure and being careful exactly to follow the line.
In sand-papering by hand considerable pressure should be applied as evenly as possible and always along the grain.
Care should be exercised to adjust this pressure to the character of the tooling, if there is any, so as not to crush it.
One should not try to get the full depth with the first pressure of the tool.
Finally the cover is moistened a little and folded back with firm pressure in order to establish an even and permanent bend in the leather.
Finally a number of blotters of full size should be inserted in position under the corners to keep them in shape and the whole placed under light pressure until dry.
Though removed above the pressure of poverty, their station was dependent and fluctuating; it involved a frequent change of place and plan.
I also wrote to my wife, to the effect that the pressure of my parliamentary duties would prevent me from seeing her for a couple of months.
The pressure of the water is so great at the bottom of the ocean that were the eyes large they would be ruptured.
This material is prepared in a plastic form so that it can be forced underpressure into every line and indentation on the face of the matrix.
A reservoir containing highly compressed air is fixed on the diver’s back, which supplies him with air by a self-regulating apparatus at a pressure corresponding to his depth.
The hydraulic pressure for this 5,000-ton press is furnished by Whitworth pumping engines.
The objection made by some people to the use of air pressure is that it demands attention and the use of a complicated mechanism which more readily gets out of order.
As soon as the pressure is thus equalized, the door at the heading end can be opened and the workmen pass into the heading.
One door is always closed, and both doors are closed during the operation of entering or leaving the air-pressure section.
The bottom edges were sharp, and, with the use of air pressure and great weights, the three structures were sunk in the ground to the same grade as the intercepting tunnels, and the tunnels were then driven into them.
When love looks out of the eyes, and hesitates on the lips, and trembles in the arm that feels the confiding pressure of a tiny hand, it seems as though words were a crude, primitive method of communicating ideas.
Her foot slipped a little on an unexpected piece of ice, and his arm felt the momentary pressure of both hands.
Yet the freedom of your thoughts,' said the Scot, 'relieves not the pressure of the gyves on your limbs.
The whole is a well-built machine for a pressure of the spirit.
He felt himself laid upon the gravel; the sleeve cut from his shoulder, the cool sensation of the hot and bursting skin bared to the night air, and then a soft, cool, and indescribable pressure upon a wound he had not felt before.
The pressure continued, strange and potent even through his pain, and was then withdrawn.
She felt for a moment the firm, soft pressure of his long, thin fingers around her own, and then--he was gone.
He felt the soft touch of her small hands on his shoulders; warm breath stirred the roots of his hair, and then--the light pressure on his scalp of what seemed the lips of a child.
Drummond would have declined, but a significant pressure on his arm from Courtland changed his determination.
As the pressure was relieved below by the outpouring of the avalanche on to the valley floor, more snow came down--snow mixed with slush, and semi-liquid under the greatpressure that must have been developed.
His thin figure appears more slight than usual, his pale face more wan, in the anxious eyes of his companions; his hands more thin and feverish as one by one he clasps with a lingering pressure those that are held out to him.
He was foolish and gay and distressingly healthy; under no pressure whatever could he bud into a hero.