But she could not rise; her strengthhad deserted her.
But suddenly her strength left her, and falling first upon her knees, and then with her head and shoulders upon the wood floor, poor Norine lay stretched at the threshold of the bridal chamber, killed by disappointed love and by the flowers.
She knew she was recovering, when day after day she felt involuntary strength and appetite return.
So she shut her eyes to what might be in store for her (and, after all, the chances were immeasurably in her favour); and she bent herself with her whole strength into enjoying the present.
She made herself busy with carrying heavy baskets of turf, and straining her strength to the utmost; fetching all that was wanted, with soft swift steps.
I told the chaplain as I'd begin to pray for repentance, at after I'd done praying that I might see you once again: for it just seemed to take all my strength to say those words as I've named.
She felt that it must; and indeed both her nerves and her bodily strengthwere giving way.
When all this was done and said, it seemed as if Ellinor's strength and spirit sank down at once.
He tried to compose his mind to business, but in spite of his strength of character, and his present efforts, the remembrance of old times would come back at the sound of her voice.
He knew why she suffered, what made her young strength falter and tremble, what made her life seem nigh about to be quenched in death.
Yet while in stature she was like a child; in intellect, in force of character, in strength of clinging affection, she was a woman.
It may be applied as a wash to the part once or twice a day at the strength of 1-20th of the acid with water, or in the form of good cider vinegar.
It is also a most valuable application at half the abovestrength upon parts affected with Erysipelas, when the surface is swollen, and there are vessicles filled with fluid like a blister in burns.
Rhus Tox, applied, with water at thestrength of thirty drops of the tr.
The wound should be covered with some soft cloths, and kept constantly wet in Arnicated water of the strength of four drops of the tincture to a pint of water.
It should be repeated as often as any of the burning pain peculiar to the carbuncle returns, until the tumor suppurates in a tolerably healthy manner; then lessen the strength of the Ars.
If given low, and applied directly along the course of the affected nerves, at full strength of the tincture, they will almost always effect a cure.
The Indians, learning of the strength of Christian's army, knew better than to resist.
Strength was with his hands in all that he did and the feet of the strong god were untiring.
From their shoulders sprang an hundred arms, not to be approached, and each had fifty heads upon his shoulders on their strong limbs, and irresistible was the stubborn strength that was in their great forms.
There he babbles endlessly, and no more has strength at all, such as once he had in his supple limbs.
And while the strength of glorious Hephaestus was beginning to kindle the fire, he dragged out two lowing, horned cows close to the fire; for great strength was with him.
And the deadly spear cut through the two sinews; for the hero's full strengthlighted on his foe.
Strength will be right and reverence will cease to be; and the wicked will hurt the worthy man, speaking false words against him, and will swear an oath upon them.
Shed down a kindly ray from above upon my life, and strength of war, that I may be able to drive away bitter cowardice from my head and crush down the deceitful impulses of my soul.
For great was their strength and unconquerable were the arms which grew from their shoulders on their strong limbs.
And now I am come from Crete over the sea's wide back,--not willingly; but pirates brought me thence by force of strength against my liking.
She had taken what inexpensive pleasures she could secure--the health of her daughter, the strength of her arms to earn a living, the cunning of her mind to make a dollar do the work of five.
But she was also a woman of some strength of character.
He skipped through the book so close to complete failure that he hurled it across the room, and cried in anger because he had not the strength to throw the typewriter after it.
He had not the strength in his pinky to press the carriage-shift key!
They were busily engaged at this when we glided out to where we caught the full force of the gale, and it required all of my time and strength to hold her off the point.
Wearily he removed the pack, and placing it upon the ground near the kitchen door, was in the act of reaching for the mail to hand to his wife when his strength gave out and he collapsed.
She who first made our glorious flag, those who devoted their lives to nursing back to health and strength our nation's heroes, and the sainted mothers of distinguished men; but, oh!
But he had scarcely uttered the notes of glory and victory before his strength deserted him, and he would have dropped upon the ground if he had not been caught by Hapgood.
But that short interval of rest was a fountain of strength to Tom, and without a murmur he took his place by the side of his grumbling companions.
Fortunately the wounded man relaxed his hold, the boat righted, and Tom commenced paddling again with all his strength and skill.
With his renewed strength came renewed hope; but he did not deem it prudent to wander about the woods at present: therefore he threw himself on the ground under the protecting log to obtain the repose he so much needed.
The day was lost; all hopes of glory had fled; and a total defeat and rout were not calculated to add much strength to his over-tasked limbs.
Even the terrors of the Black Horse Cavalry could not inspire him with strength and courage to continue his flight at any swifter pace than a walk.
The sergeant seemed suddenly to be endowed with the strength of a giant, and he held his own till Hapgood sprang to his assistance.
Then he turned to the other Kings, but they were leaning to right and left in their seats, as do the intoxicated, without strength to answer his questioning.
Hast thou strength to carry one of my weight, O Kadza?
He was of the class enumerated by the sage: Who, with the strength of giants, are but tools, The weighty hands which serve selected fools.
And this Sword swayed by thee, and with thy skill and strength and the hardihood of hand that is thine, wullahy!
Arnold's strength before, was, I think, reduced to eleven hundred.
Encourage all your virtuous dispositions, and exercise them whenever an opportunity arises; being assured that they will gain strength by exercise, as a limb of the body does, and that exercise will make them habitual.
The strength of the wines of Portugal will give them always an almost exclusive possession of a country, where the summers are so hot as in America.
The new possessions of England will not only gain what America shall lose, but will acquire strength in proportion to the weakening of the United States.
So far we were proceeding in the details of reformation only; selecting points of legislation, prominent in character and principle, urgent, and indicative of the strength of the general pulse of reformation.
I examined it in a dull day, which did not admit a fair judgment of thestrength of its reflection.
Few men, without some eccentricity of character, would have the moral strength to do this; and it is very striking to find such strength combined with the utmost gentleness, and an uncommon regularity of nature.
Under such nursing as she had, she slowly recovered, but her old, stolid strength never came back to her.
The Road Agents came to the new city from Bannack increased in strength and boldness.
All are in full strength from their night's rest; the hour is fresh and lovely, and they are in condition to give each other the very cream of their thoughts, the first keen sparkle of the uncorked nervous system.
He made no pretence and no noise, but his smile was sunshine to the heart, and the touch of his hand imparted strength and courage to the despairing soul.
The accession of strength to the cause of the government was as yet of little avail, Bacon and his followers being driven to the walls, while the insurgents were protected on each side by a high wooden fence or barricade.
He did not know the strengthof her independent mind, and the endurance and fortitude with which she would carry her purposes into execution.
But Susie was used to sorrow, and drew strength from her very weakness.
Then his strength failed, and he could do no more than turn on his back and endeavour to float in the rough sea.
But their lot had fallen on a time when men had discovered that the strength of the muscles is far inferior in value to the strength of the mind.
He may also draw strength from the reflection that the public and posterity may cordially appreciate the work in which constituted authorities see nothing but failure.
If the writer sees vividly, and will say honestly what he sees, and how he sees it, he may want something of the grace and felicity of other men, but he will have all the strength and felicity with which nature has endowed him.
Obedience to the law of Sequence gives strength by giving clearness and beauty of rhythm; it economises force and creates music.
Ferris's time there were indications of waning strength because of "the continued emigration of the more substantial class of church members from the down-town districts of the city uptown.
Still in its water springs, Whose streams are never dry, Hope bathes her drooping wings, And gathers strength to fly.
The sorrow which his death caused her was fearful in its character as described in this poem, but was subdued in course of time by the strength of her religious faith.
And him, whose strength and stature seems to scorn 1822.
What saving skill Lie in forbearance, strength in standing still?
Why is the Past belied with wicked art, 140 The Future made to play so false a part, Among a people famed for strength of mind, Foremost in freedom, noblest of mankind?
If still the reckless change we mourn, A reconciling thought may turn To harm that might lurk here, 45 Ere judgment prompted from within Fit aims, with courage to begin, And strength to persevere.
So busy were all the others that they did not see how her strength was failing.
As the song went on, however, she felt the inherent suggestion in it, so that when she had finished it required all her strength to get up calmly, come among them again, and listen to their praises and thanks.
Marion nodded over the piano at the men, and presently played a snatch of Carmen, then wandered off into the barbaric strength of Tannhauser, and as suddenly again into the ballet music of Faust.
Richard was very fond of Frank, admiring him immensely for his buxom strength and cleverness, and not a little, too, for that very rashness which had brought him such havoc at last.
She had been nervous all the week, she could not tell why, and others remarked how her face had taken on a new sensitiveness, a delicate anxiety, and that her strength was not what it had been.
Newman referred to the Piedmontese as 'sacrilegious robbers,' but his advocacy of the temporal power was not strong enough to please the Vatican, while the strength of Manning's language left nothing to be desired.
The true reasons for the strength and vitality which the Roman Church still retains are not difficult to find.
The real strength of this legend lies in the fact that it has no historical foundation.
The movement which the Bishop hopes to lead to victory will remain, as it has been hitherto, a theory of the ministry rather than of the Church, and its strength will be confined, as it is now, mainly to clerical circles.
The reasons of their irresistible strength have been explained in a most brilliant manner by Dr.
He proceeds to discuss the strength and weakness of institutionalism in a perfectly candid spirit, but with too particular reference to the present conditions within the Roman Church to help us much in our more general survey.
On the strength of this presupposition, and for no other reason, they proceed to rule out, without further investigation, all alleged instances of divine intervention in history.
The great problem before the educational world in the next period is to draw the two types and tendencies in education closer together, to leave the wholestrength of both unimpaired, but to unite them.
In a second Lorraine was at his side, lifting him with all thestrength of her arms, calling to him: "Jack!
Grahame threw all his strength into his arms and dragged the horses to a stand-still.
Every bit of blood and strength seemed to leave his limbs; he leaned back against the table, cold with fear.
The war strength of a regiment is just double its peace strength, and the increment is the reserve.
With all the strength she had left she crushed Jack to her and kissed him.
With the last remnant of his strength he managed to stagger along behind till the train made another stop, when he floundered past the sleds to his own, where he stood alongside Sol-leks.
There was no power of recuperation left, no reservestrength to call upon.
And though they were making poor time, the heavy load they dragged sapped their strength severely.
His strength left him, and the last his mates saw of him he lay gasping in the snow and yearning toward them.
After they had travelled three miles they unloaded the sled, came back for her, and by main strength put her on the sled again.
But his strength ebbed, his eyes glazed, and he knew nothing when the train was flagged and the two men threw him into the baggage car.
It was not the dead-tiredness that comes through brief and excessive effort, from which recovery is a matter of hours; but it was the dead-tiredness that comes through the slow and prolongedstrength drainage of months of toil.
The two men confronted each other, both held calm by a strength which a moment ago would have seemed impossible in at least one of them.
She was a simple, womanly soul, trying with all the strength of her honest purpose to resist the dictates of her love, and to do that which seemed right in her own eyes.
There was considerable strength too about brow and jaw.
Returning strength was restoring the stranger to his usual condition of mind.
She wondered now if he had lived to outgrow that juvenile trait, or had it grown with him, gaining strength as the greater passions of manhood developed?
Suddenly his staff slipped from his hand as though he no longer had the strength to grip it.
But before the maturity of emotion brought about the breakdown, a calm strengthcame to her aid and steadied her nerves and checked the tears which had so suddenly come into her eyes.
Whatever be the reason, it is commonly observed, that the early writers are in possession of nature, and their followers of art: that the first excel in strength and invention, and the latter in elegance and refinement.
By intellectual force, or strength of thought, is meant the degree of power which the mind possesses of surveying the subject of meditation, with its circuit of concomitants, and its train of dependence.
Has wisdom nostrength to arm the heart against calamity?
It is to give her strength to bear what is coming, poor child, poor child!
He has been a father to the fatherless, and the strength of the widow.
It was natural enough for the old man and ailing woman to be as they were, just as it was natural for him, in the height of his early manhood, to rejoice in his strength and youth.
It would require an exertion far beyond their strength to drag it when on its side.
So he thought that though he could not stop the horses, he might perhaps have strength enough to turn them off from the road into the farmer's yard; and that then they could be more easily stopped.
One was the combination of their strength in one united effort, and the other was the influence of the rollers in preventing the friction of the bottom of the boat upon the ground.
The boys thought that it would require far more strength than they could exercise, to bring the boat up such an inclination.
Thus, if only for once, conjectures made on the strength of a theory are proved to be correct by facts later observed.
These groups made treaties of marriage with each other, for political reasons of acquiring strength by union.