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Example sentences for "equipment"

Lexicographically close words:
equinox; equinoxes; equip; equipage; equipages; equipments; equipoise; equipotential; equipped; equipping
  1. There was such a constant stream of men that finally they had to be sent away, and put off till a later date, for there was neither equipment nor clothing left for them.

  2. They surprise and get possession of the western capital, and there settle down to pass the winter.

  3. The few foreign tastes they have are supplied by foreign traders.

  4. While he is sorrowful that he cannot enter the contest, because of his poverty, the ghost of Tibaldo appears to him one night and promises the necessary equipment on condition of receiving one-half the gains.

  5. In 1606, while Governor Acuna was absent from the colony, the fortification of Cavite, the equipment of a fleet and the defense of the city were undertaken and carried out successfully by Oidor Almansa.

  6. All day men and equipment poured onto the decks and into the hold of the giant transport.

  7. Next day we spent in adding to our equipment gas masks and trench helmets and we exchanged our American Enfield rifles for British Enfields,--lighter, shorter pieces having a magazine capacity of ten rounds of ammunition.

  8. Marie very frankly told him that an officer had requested permission to leave the equipment there, and had slept in the house.

  9. Having asked permission to store some of his personal equipment in the Padré's cellar, they thought nothing of his going down there frequently.

  10. Marie had forgotten about the equipment of Captain Grivelet in the cellar, but it was brought home to her with a shock when the searchers came up bearing the stuff the French officer had left.

  11. The guard house also was used to store equipment in.

  12. This equipment I shall remove today, but in the cellar you will find--' "At this instant a shell landed in the street and exploded with a roar.

  13. He demanded to know to whom this equipment belonged.

  14. It could not have been in the equipment that the Germans carried away with them, for they searched the Captain's belongings and found nothing.

  15. In other words, buy tools, equipment and supplies rather than finished toys.

  16. The most important articles of a fracture equipment are as follows: 1.

  17. Judge Lynch was supreme; and a length of hemp dangling from a branch was part of the equipment of every camp.

  18. It is still in active use, as a stock portion of the autobiographical equipment of every stage and film heroine who wants "publicity.

  19. By their uniforms and equipment one could see that the men had been equipped and sent off in great haste.

  20. The road was covered with the equipment the soldiers had thrown away.

  21. It outnumbered Lee's force and its equipment was immeasurably superior to his.

  22. The five hundred dollars that Brown carried with him as a part of the equipment with which he hoped to create a servile war, was contributed by Boston citizens and represented a hostility as unkind as it was unlawful.

  23. He had all that could be imagined of equipment and of limitless supplies.

  24. On such an expedition as that which Lee planned, they were certain to be opposed by armies greatly exceeding themselves in numbers and immeasurably superior in equipment and supplies.

  25. For ten years he had been dominated by a sense of strenuous responsibility; the equipment of Jean Christophe had been, as it were, a burden which his soul had had to bear.

  26. The more labor or the more equipment (or both together) that is put upon an acre, the larger the product, but the larger the cost per unit.

  27. The high rate of interest for borrowed money necessarily placed a limit on improvements in equipment and methods of farming.

  28. In commercial farming the land is not contrasted with capital as something apart, consisting of the value of the equipment and stock; but the whole complex of land and other goods is thought of as a capital-investment.

  29. Improvements in roadbed, rails, cars, engines, and other equipment soon reduced greatly the cost of conducting traffic on the main lines of roads.

  30. The employer benefits by the more efficient use of his machinery and equipment even when the price per piece is not reduced with the larger output per worker.

  31. Failure to do this results in inability to maintain and keep in repair the equipment and to pay the ordinary returns to the passive investment, and financial failure follows.

  32. I went down to the Arsenal with the Judge yesterday and saw them finishing the equipment of the new regiments.

  33. The car for South St. Louis stood at the end of the line, fast filling with curious people who had read in their papers that morning of the equipment of the new troops.

  34. But we had best leave motives to those whose business and equipment it is to weigh to a grain.

  35. Complete modern equipment as required by Army and Navy regulations; model of Camp Dix, comparison of uniforms and equipment from Revolution to date.

  36. The great Cunarder looked stately and magnificent, and as she gracefully rode over the big seas without any effort, simply playing with them, she told us what design, knowledge and equipment could do.

  37. In accounting for this change in population density Howell pointed out the relative destructiveness to small animals of modern farm machinery as contrasted with horse-drawn equipment or that used with tractors of earlier models.

  38. Relieved from the hindrance caused by the Sangleys, he turned his mind to the preparation and equipment of the fleet, for the time when he should be ordered to set out.

  39. The monthly expense of all that equipment amounted to twenty-two thousand two hundred and sixty pesos.

  40. He was present in person in the port of Cabit at the equipment and lading of the ships, and the embarcation of the passengers.

  41. Hastily gathering up his equipment and his rifle he hurried away at once to break the news to his companions.

  42. He had thought of the radiophone equipment packed away on his sled, the reserve outfit which always rode there.

  43. A sled-load of camp equipment was soon moving down to the willows by the creek bed.

  44. How were they to pack eight hundred pounds of equipment and supplies over these seemingly unsurmountable barriers?

  45. We'll unload everything we don't need, all the radiophone equipment except the light set, and cache them here.

  46. He was, after all, their oxygen equipment specialist.

  47. His seeming concern with the equipment bothered Crag.

  48. A single large radarscope, a radar altimeter and other electronic equipment provided analogs of the outside world; the reconstruction of the exterior environment painted on the scopes by electromagnetic impulses.

  49. He got out his test equipment and fumbled with it.

  50. He was busy moving his equipment into one compact corner opposite the commode.

  51. Aside from several large cables supplied expressly for the purpose of lowering the rocket, he obtained the rest of the equipment needed from the ship.

  52. The construction and equipment of the new ships for the Navy have made very satisfactory progress.

  53. Some guns have been completed, and with an enlarged shop and a more complete equipment at Watervliet the Army will soon be abreast of the Navy in gun construction.

  54. During this time Crane added to their already complete equipment every article he could conceive of their having any use for, while Seaton raged up and down the plant in a black fury of impatience.

  55. During the next few days, while workmen were installing a complete chemical laboratory in the tower room, Seaton busied himself in purchasing the equipment necessary for the peculiar problem before him.

  56. The equipment for a fungus foray differs with the nature of the fungi to be collected.

  57. Add a good strong pocket lens, such as may be bought for half-a-crown, and your equipment will be complete.

  58. But, before referring to special modes of hunting, it may be as well to mention the instrumenta belli required for the equipment of the Coleopterist in this country.

  59. He likes to box and play baseball and to row, and the Government provides for suitable athletic equipment for his sports.

  60. The executive officer not only runs almost everything on the ship but is in charge of all equipment and stores.

  61. Congress ordered the building and equipment of three frigates of forty-four guns and three of lesser weight and tonnage.

  62. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "equipment" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.