The small-copy of the Elecalc went to work in the course computing room and once more the ship took to the silent, black vastness of supervelocity until the second drop into reality.
But even some grasp of the true immensity of space, with its tiny pinpricks of solid matter scattered sparsely in a vastness of sheer, black nothing, was lost on the travellers between Sol and Neosol.
The bleak vastness stretched away on every side to the horizon.
He waved his hand vaguely in the direction of the north-east, where stretched a terra incognita into which vastness few men have strayed and fewer emerged.
In these last hours there pressed even more heavily upon Jolly Roger that growing realization of the vastness and emptiness of the world.
When the mere cost of the transport of these massive monuments to Constantinople is taken into account, all wonder ceases at the vastness of the sums which are said to have been expended in the work.
Her heart sank at the vastness of it all, and at her own helplessness, and the utter hopelessness of her stupendous task.
Sometimes I used to think I would go crazy, with the loneliness--the vastness of it all.
A spirit of vastness and loneliness breathed over the scene; the air was clear and crisp and recalled the bracing climate of the Persian tablelands.
The Jew carries with him the vastness of Asia, the sublimity of the worship of a single God; may the nations be fertilised by the powerful intellect and their religions elevated by the high conceptions of the Hebrew race!
We started at half-past two, on a course a little east of south; the vastness of the expanse and the billowing surface of the naked soil suggested the appearance of the sea.
It yielded a perfect view of the vastness of the amazing reach.
Men used to mountain vastness all the days of their lives were left speechless for moments, while their searching eyes sought to measure the limits of this long hidden land.
It was tremendous, and its vastness set the mind dizzy.
She evinced boundless faith in the vastnessof Maurice's intellect.
But she was frightened by the vastness of such hopes, and could not restrain a cry of disquietude and prudence.
Sometimes it is the mere vastness of the world, the multitude of things, which oppresses and confuses the young understanding.
Possibly this sense of the immeasurable length of certain experiences of childhood gives to the child's sense of past time something of an aching vastness which older people can hardly understand.
The vastness of the wilderness kindled his imagination.
It is this element of vastness in the achievements of American democracy that gives a peculiar interest to the conquest and development of the Middle West.
One may stand so close to a mountain that he perceives neither the vastness of the pile not the grandeur of its outlines.
As it was at creation's dawn so it is now and ever will remain, incapable of extension or contraction--a limitless vastness to which nothing can be added by way of extension.
Consider thevastness of the sum--" "Hang the vastness of the sum!
But the very vastness of the home mission task is inspiring rather than discouraging to heroic souls.
The tall trees, still bereft of leaves, and the colossal gateway incomprehensively stirred the sense of mental panic that sometimes seized him in face of vastness of space or of architecture.
He was raised to no exaltation by the vastness of the building, nor was he chilled by any dwarfing of himself.
The object of Turner's work had been to astonish and charm the spectator with nature's vastness and complexity.
There were no modifications to achieve vastnessor splendour.
The vastnessof his correspondence is simply astounding; his letters are addressed to all kinds of people, the lowest as well as the highest, and deal with every variety of topic.