Also, used to check the speed of machinery by frictional force pressing on the circumference of the largest wheel acted on by leverage of the brake.
On account of leverage the more difficult the unlocking but the more energetic the impulse when it does occur.
We have before seen that both on account of the unlocking and the lifting leverage of the pallet arms, it would be advisable to make them narrow both in the equidistant and circular escapement.
The tying at the end of the trigger being at one side will create a kind of leverage sufficiently strong to press hard against the tied stick.
If the flat stone to be used is a heavy one, the notch must not be more than 1 inch from the end; otherwise the leverage on the notches would be greater than is desirable, tending to hold the parts together too rigidly.
When these had been fastened together and set up, and the leverage wheel removed, they went away.
I intended to have given a figure to show the results of the pressure of the weight of all the leafage on a great lateral bough, in modifying its curves, the strength of timber being greatest where the leverage of the mass tells most.
To get ready for something, one knows not what nor why, is to throw away the leverage that exists, and to seek for motive power in a vague chance.
Habituation is thus our adjustment to an environment which at the time we are not concerned with modifying, and which supplies a leverage to our active habits.
The long arm of a leverage is connected to the air valve, while the short arm is connected to the needle, the reduction in leveragebeing such that the needle valve is made to travel much less than the air valve.
The float construction was improved and the gasoline shut-off valve was operated through leverage instead of being directly fastened to the float.
The assumption bill was lifted to its place on the statute book through the leverage exerted by Hamilton and Jefferson, with Washington's prestige as their fulcrum.
The intense concern felt by members in the choice of the site of the national capital supplied him with the leverage which he brought to bear on the situation.
Install two bolts in the rigid fork brackets which mount the mudguard; then place a rod about 8 inches long on the brackets to provide a pry base for the leveragebar when compressing cushion springs (fig.
With a leverage bar about 18 inches long, anchored on top of the pry base rod and under the spring fork, lift upward to compress cushion springs sufficiently to install one of the rocker plates.
Whatever style of bit-stock you buy, get one with a fair length of arm, as a good leverage cannot be obtained with a short one.
A pair of pincers are handy for =Withdrawing Nails=, especially nails whose heads are too small to be gripped with a claw hammer; but for removing large nails a stronger leverage is necessary.
The hull of the wherry was constructed as narrow as possible, and the sides flared out just at the greatest beam, so as to allow of sufficient width to carry the rowlocks with the requisite leverage for the sculls.
It is sometimes built with a flush gunwale like a gig, but more commonly with flared rowlocks like a skiff, thereby affording the required leverage for swells, while at the same time reducing the beam on the waterline.
An outrigged gig has two alternative disadvantages, compared to the skiff build; if she is as narrow at the waterline as the skiff, her flush gunwale reduces the leverage for oar or scull.
As the spinner holds this handle under the right armpit, he secures a great leverage upon the work and is better able to supply the physical power required to bring the metal to the desired shape.
The sutures of the jaws of the fish enable it to accommodate its grip to the various sizes of limpets, and to take a fair and square hold, while the lower jaw seems to act as a fulcrum when the leverage is applied.
Chairman Fahy was fully aware of the leverage these actions gave his committee, although he and his associates now had few illusions about the speedy end to the contest.
As the little forelegs touched the ground, they were twisted one behind the other so as to secure the greatestleverage possible.
Norman, an intelligent and progressive Negro who, realizing the importance of education as a leverage in the uplift of his people, early made sacrifices for the establishment of this school.
If an almost perpendicular leap is made, the leaper would not have leverage enough to turn.
If a pupil is taught from the first to use this extreme leverage he is likely to develop a rough tone.
Some players recommend the parting of the first finger from the others as giving greaterleverage over the bow.
I notice that where players use up all the available leverageof the hand from the outset, they are compelled to employ the weight of the arm to reinforce it for special effects.
In the biplane, therefore, although it required a greater leverageto restore its balance, he was unable to increase the correcting influence.
The Wrights, it may be recalled, adopted a similar method, although their system ofleverage was different.
The staple was strong, and driven deep into the oaken post, but he had a great leverage on it.
The more peak you can get," said the governor, "the more leverage the wind has, and the better she will answer the rudder.