Since then, Germany has expended considerable funds to bring Eastern productivity and wages up to Western standards.
A poor educational system, in particular, has been an obstacle to greater productivity and growth.
These measures have helped improve productivity and have put Jordan on the foreign investment map.
The result is that there are a good many artists who in a time of less productivity would have made themselves an enduring reputation, and who now must be content to be recognised only by a few.
To relieve poverty poor laws were passed; to prevent the decline of productivity corn laws were passed fixing arbitrary prices for grain.
Increase the productivity of the land and promote agriculture, not only for financial reasons, but to maintain and induce the growth of a larger rural population.
Hall, "the productivity of the land of Great Britain as a whole has declined.
This is the specifically capitalist formula of progressive labour productivity which, under capitalist conditions of production, is no less valid than the general law.
With the enlargement of the scale of production and the increase in the productivity of labour by co-operation, division of labour, machinery, etc.
The picture he paints of the various stages of production is merely that of a gradually increasingproductivity of labour.
Advances in labour productivity may well lead to progressively increasing capitalisation of surplus value.
But could anyone increase his consumption as rapidly and indefinitely as the progress of labour productivity makes the surplus value increase?
Sismondi thus rightly stresses the fact that the productivity of labour is an indispensable condition for the historical foundation of exploitation.
If productivity increases, the same amount of capital and surplus value may represent a progressively larger amount of consumer goods.
When we speak of capitalist reproduction in the following exposition, we shall always understand by this term a mean volume of productivity which is an average taken over the various phases of a cycle.
A practical difficulty faced by the leadership in the execution of its program is the lack of a precise concept of productivity and of an effective methodology for establishing sound productivity targets or for measuring actual performance.
Officially, low productivity has been ascribed to poor labor discipline and inefficient management arising from an inadequately developed sense of political and social responsibility.
The main cause of the incipient labor shortage is low productivity owing to a lack of industrial experience, a low level of mechanization, and the survival of backward traditional methods in agriculture.
These figures indicate a slightly faster advance in agricultural productivity, but in absolute terms productivity in agriculture has been very much lower than in industry.
This misconception has been reinforced by the circumstance that productivity levels are planned for only about 70 percent of the nonagricultural workers.
A change in the method of productivity planning, which involved a redefinition of productivity as a calculated index, is reported to have been widely misinterpreted as downgrading the importance of productivity.
According to the Politburo report, productivityin industry rose 2.
The lag of productivity has been attributed by the Central Committee to a pronounced shortage of skilled manpower and to various manifestations of poor labor discipline and faulty management.
The duty of the Forest Service to put the denuded areas which will not be reforested naturally into a condition of productivity admits of no further argument.
Experiments in forest management are carried on to determine the best methods of cutting National Forest timber to secure natural reproduction and at the same time to improve the quality and productivity of the remaining stand.
Using experience gained in making these samples, I periodically estimated the relative productivity of the two areas.
The most remarkable feature of the career of Bach is his productivity in the line of choral works.
Then ensued a career of operatic productivity most creditable and influential from every point of view.
It cannot be said that the banks created our industries, since the funds which are gathered by the banks in increasing volume are mainly the result of the increasing productivity of capital invested in industrial undertakings.
The continually growing productivity of industry makes necessary a corresponding growth of the market, if disaster is to be avoided.
These figures are subject to the same question as to their accuracy that apply to the estimates of wheat and corn production, but, on their face, they do not indicate any impairment of the productivity of the cotton soils of the South.
There is a prevalent belief that the productivity of the soils in those parts of the United States that have been longest under cultivation has been seriously impaired.
If this is true of labour-productivity we should expect to find it even more evident with regard to the productivity of capital; for the latter is passive instead of active, non rational instead of human.
In such cases their title to it is just as valid as the title of the capitalist, notwithstanding the doubtful titles of productivity and service which the latter has in his favour.
As we have shown in chapter xvi, efforts, sacrifices, and needs are superior to productivity as claims to reward, and must be given due consideration in any just scheme of distribution.
In the case of the interest receiver, however, the doubtful titles of productivity and service are reinforced by the fact of possession.
Not a single conclusive argument can be brought forward to show that the productivityof capital directly and necessarily confers upon the capitalist a right to the interest-product.
It is governed by efforts and sacrifices, at least in so far as they are reflected in productivity and scarcity; and by productivity and scarcity to whatever extent is necessary in order to produce the maximum net results.
Between productivity on the one hand and efforts and sacrifices on the other, there are likewise important differences.
To many situations the productivity test is substantially inapplicable.
The intrinsic relation of productivity is the same in both cases.
While the title of productivity does not entirely satisfy the seeker for decisive ethical sanctions, it is stronger morally than any opposing considerations that can be invoked.
Sometimes, however, we can compare the productivity of individuals engaged in different processes; that is, when both can be removed from the industry without causing it to come to a stop.
Where, however, the greater productivity is due merely to higher native qualities, physical or mental, the greater reward is not easily justified on purely ethical grounds.
Rising labor costs continue to be a threat to Singapore's competitiveness, but there are indications that productivity is keeping up.
The government's long-run economic goal is the modernization of Portuguese markets, industry, infrastructure, and work force in order to catch up with productivity and income levels of the more advanced EU countries.
For the long run, Syria's economy is still saddled with a large number of poorly performing public sector firms, and industrial productivity remains to be improved.
Productivity has been multiplied by invention after invention, by the erection of mill after mill, and by the employment of thousands of hands in place of hundreds.
This immense productivity is due to the use of farm machinery on a scale seen nowhere else in the world.
Although this vast temple was built late in the Roman period, it testifies to the rich productivity of the broad valley in which it lies and to the religious traditions that clung to this favored region.
That truth is that where the productivity of labor is high, where labor is efficient, there is a greater chance, all other circumstances being the same, of securing high wages than when the reverse is the case.
The definite exception to this last conclusion is when the rise in prices is caused by general lowering of the productivity of industry.
It should, therefore, be early made clear to him that the saving has been caused by the actions of the management, quite as much as by the increased efforts for productivity of the men.
Under Functionalization the number of years of productivity of all, workers and foremen alike, are increased.
A scientific system of fertilizing the fields, hand in hand with thorough management, irrigation and draining will materially increase the productivity of the land.
The productivity of labor increases, and in the same measure a portion of the working class is promoted to the sidewalk.
The productivityof labor will rise mightily, and such increased productivity makes possible the satisfaction of higher wants.
Especially will the productivity of labor rise through the discontinuance of the present and enormous disintegration of labor, in hundreds of thousands, even millions of petty establishments, conducted with imperfect tools.
What difference there is in the productivity of small, middle class and large establishments, even where modern technique is applied, may be illustrated by the census of manufactories of the State of Massachusetts for 1890.
He seeks to minimize as much as possible the productivity of production on a large scale, and to enhance the importance of production on a small scale.
Nor could such a spirit of industry fail to react both upon the productivity of labor and the quality of labor's product.
Upon land and its productivity depends first of all the population and its subsistence.
Nature is in all its parts living, self-moving along the lines of its development, productivity and product both in one.
One must be ignorant indeed of the activity of the churches and of the productivity of religious thinkers, if he does not own that in Christian circles also no questions are so rife as these.
Hebbel himself rightly dated an epoch in his life from his marriage and the renewed productivity which followed upon it.