Temperance men and women strongly urged this measure as they believed the Governor would have stamina enough to select commissioners who would enforce the prohibitory law.
It is grit, it is perseverance, it is moral staminaand courage that govern the world.
Education is nothing without strong and vigorous resolution and stamina to make one accomplish something in the world.
It is asserted that they grow too fast, tend to height and slenderness, and do not possess adequate stamina and muscle.
The woman-child set her paddle listlessly in the water, steering with it as best she could, until pride and returningstamina enjoined her to paddle on her own.
But the Mantis was also a master of stamina and self-discipline.
But I don't think I'd have the stamina to do it again.
He himself doubted whether he had thestamina to swim the Channel again.
In the first place, there is no need of war and in the second place, when there is war, the same stamina that will make efficient humans for the ordinary walks of life will make good soldiers.
The moral weakling stepped off with pyramided peculation, got caught at it, and lacking moral stamina to face out squarely a grave mistake, chose the supposedly lesser line of resistance to "easy money.
Certainly if there is any fact that stands out prominently in human experience it is the fact that nothing conduces to the development of moral stamina so much as the overcoming of difficulties, particularly distasteful difficulties.
His dress was changed, and he offered the appearance of an upright gentlemanlike, hard-featured man, who had apparently gone through a great deal of service without his stamina having been much impaired.
He is very much changed; his stamina appears to have been exhausted by the climate.
Many a man of frail physique and little stamina has been left behind by others not nearly so richly endowed with skill or intellectual ability.
Want of stamina has deprived the world of some who might have done much to ease its woes and help its advancement.
We can see our warships growing: we cannot see the stamina decaying; yet it is our stamina on which we must rely finally in the fatal hour of trial.
It is this peculiar, indescribable something; this superior staminaand mental caliber, that makes the stuff that rises to the top in all vocations.
Poverty and obscurity are not insurmountable obstacles, but they often act as a stimulus to the naturally indolent, and develop a firmer fiber of mind, a stronger muscle and stamina of body.
The moment he does this, he stands out in strong contrast with the great mass of young people who are throwing away their opportunities and have not grit and stamina enough to do anything worth while.
In other words, virility, forcefulness, physical and mental stamina reach their maximum in those who live close to the soil.
The kind of reading that counts, that makes mental fiber and stamina is that upon which the mind is concentrated; approaching a book with all one's soul intent upon its contents.
Of course, it is hard and painful, and it takes lots of stamina to undergo the processes that produce the finest product, but would you prefer to remain a rough bar of iron or a horseshoe all your life?
It is rugged necessity, it is the struggle to obtain; it is poverty, the priceless spur, that develops the stamina of manhood, and calls the race out of barbarism.
In the selection of executives, the nature and stamina of the pituitary will undoubtedly be taken very seriously in the near future.
There can be no doubt that Darwin had an abnormal fatigability, a lack of staminaand endurance in mental as well as physical application which plagued him from the late twenties to the sixties.
And this moral stamina has marked New England ever since, and marked her to her glory.
But as they gained bodily strength from their conflict with the elements, so they gained a certain moral stamina by their self-imposed religious observance.
In further proof of the value of the exercises described in this work as a means of building unusual vital vigor, note the remarkable stamina and virility of men possessing an unusual development of the neck.
Scientific men while delving into the marvelous secrets of physiology, have learned that the thyroid gland in some peculiar manner possesses an extraordinary influence upon vital stamina and virility.
This, together with the demands from so many communities throughout the country, show that we are all now awake to the necessity of this cardinal feature of the nation's welfare, the physical fitness and stamina of its youth and men.
In this way many others were affected after drinking, through want of a sufficient stamina to overcome the effect of the spirit.
This mortality evidently did not proceed from any want of proper care, but was to be ascribed to their having been embarked immediately on being taken from the fields, and consequently wanting that stamina which a sea-voyage required.
The house was not old, but it had been run up by a jerry-builder and its constitution had nostamina whatever.
The supreme aim of education should be to give sound judgment in the great affairs of life, and moral stamina to meet the crises which arrive when sound judgment is falsified by events.
Never I think have the stamina and the temper of a country been more fiercely tested than have those of Russia during the campaign which has been going on in Galicia since May last.
It lies in their own confidence, in the stamina and character of the Russian people, who, when once aroused are as slow to leave off a fight as they are to begin it.
A younger man with better stamina might think it hard to die; but why should I regret leaving such a diseased, worn-out carcase as mine?
But thestamina of these "withey" little men was even more remarkable than their endurance of cold.
I cite these last two instances not merely as eccentricities of character, but as really typical of the bodily stamina that most of the mountaineers can display if they want to.
Thus you will save for your own use only those which are physically right, which have the health and stamina that will enable them to stand up under the strain of continuous egg-production.
Reduced stamina and filthy quarters favor the spread of these diseases.
The best advice that I can give in either case is this: Do not keep a dead pull upon the reins, because that will not be a particle of use; in fact, by doing so you will only be supporting his head, and giving him stamina to go faster.
Speed is, I always think, far less necessary thanstamina in a four-in-hand team.