Here also a woman, Awashonks, was sachem of the tribe, and the bravest warriors were prompt to do homage to her power.
The Mohegan sachem tore a large piece of flesh from the shoulder of his victim, and ate it greedily, exclaiming, "It is the sweetest meal I ever tasted; it makes my heart strong.
When the court assembled, Alexander, instead of making his appearance according to his agreement, was found to be on a visit to the sachem of the Narragansets, his pretended enemies.
With amazing speed, the tall, athletic sachem fled along the bank of the river, seeking a place to ford the stream.
These Indians were divided into very many tribes or clans, more or less independent, each with its sachem and its chief warriors.
Captain Standish immediately went to the sachem of the tribe, and informed him that the lost goods must be restored, or he should make reprisals.
Just north of them was a branch of the same tribe, called the Mohegans, under their distinguished sachem Uncas.
The sachem declared that neither he nor his people had ever done any harm to the English.
These two young men had married sisters, the daughters of the sachem of Pocasset.
When they arrived at Corbitant's house they found the sachemnot at home.
The leader of this band was Tuspaquin, sachem of Namasket.
An illustrious Indian, by the name of Squando, was sachem of the Sokokis tribe, which occupied the region in the vicinity of Saco.
The proud sachem haughtily replied to the embassador, "Your governor is but a subject of King Charles of England.
This sachem was never a friend to the English, and he early sent to Plymouth a bundle of arrows bound in a rattle-snake's skin as a war challenge.
Philip was sachem of the Pokanokets and Canonchet of the Narragansets.
With this history and these gloomy anticipations of the future, Philip became the sachem of the Pokanokets.
An Indian, who claimed to have a grievance against Philip on account of a brother whom the sachem had killed, betrayed the hiding-place of Philip to the English, and shot the fallen chief.
King Philip, Sachemof the Wampanoags, saw that the further progress of the colonies would involve the extinction of his race.
Finally, the sachem added that he as Sagamore of the Pokanokets, and as it were regent of the Massachusetts, had authority to order the punishment of these rebels to his expressed commands for peace, and he hereby did so.
Not knowing whether this might be good or bad news, the sachem had felt it a friendly act to convey it to his new allies with the greatest possible dispatch.
Certes he stirred up strife between us and the sachem with his cock-and-bull stories.
And the sachem with a superb smile settled the tomahawk at his girdle, and threw off the folds of his horseman's cloak.
It shall feast, and Kamuso shall be chief of Obtakiest's pnieses; yes, he shall be sachem of the Massachusetts!
Once more the sachem in his waving feathers and tinkling ornaments drew the blade from the post and gravely carried it back to her.
A sachem pulled out the hatchet and carried it back to her, while the circle formed and widened again.
Throughout the whole continuance of the inclement season, they had caused alarms on the frontiers; and, in one or two instances their renowned Sachem had taken signal vengeance for the dire affair in which his people had so heavily suffered.
Perceiving the hopelessness of his situation, the Sachem of the Narragansetts dropped his tomahawk, loosened his belt, and advanced unarmed, with a noble resignation, to meet his foes.
Let the cunning man of the Pale-faces stand aside; a Sachem is ready to die!
Woman, I am a Sachem and a warrior among my people!
The Sachem is gone to the far land, and Nipset will be a warrior when the next snow comes!
Hast seen aught of the Sachem of the Narragansetts, Dudley?
What troubles the Great Sachem of the Narragansetts?
But when their own Sachem appeared on the ground which was still red with the blood of the combatants, and made known his intention to abandon a conquest that seemed more than half achieved, he was not heard without murmuring.
The punishment of this treason led to inquiries, which terminated in accusations against the great Sachem of the Wampanoags.
The Sachem of the Narragansetts a prisoner, of Mohican Uncas!
The sachemfell an instant later with the Wolf's knife in his heart, and instantly the camp was in turmoil.
The old sachem advanced upon him, but as he raised his axe to strike, the wife of the Wolf threw herself before her husband, and the steel sank into her brain.
Every evening at dusk, the widow of the rebel sachem went out into the woods near the camp and wailed her dead.
For Cecil, such an undertaking might be death; it certainly would be contemptuous refusal, and would call down on Wallulah the terrible wrath before which the bravest sachem quailed.
More than one sachem felt the inspiration of better, purer thoughts than he had ever known before when the "war-chief's woman" spoke in council.
The proud old sachem rose to his feet; his giant form towered over the multitude, and every eye fell before the haughty and scornful glance that swept council and audience like a challenge to battle.
The rebel sachem drew himself up proudly and fixed his flashing eyes on Multnomah.
Multnomah presided, and every sachem was in his place.
The grave and stately sachem who had opened the council tried for a little while to stay the fatal breaking up, but in vain.
The village where the grand sachem lived was called by them Pokanoket.
True to his promise, in the spring of 1766, Pontiac, greatest war chief and sachem of the Ottawas, presented himself in the council chamber of Sir William Johnson.
For several years Philip was grand sachem of the Wampanoags and kept this treaty with great faithfulness.
He knew that the son of the grand sachem of the Wampanoags could do anything that any other Indian had done.
In the presence of The Mark of Philip, Chief Sachem of Pokanoket William Davis.
The tribal council is held regularly on the night of the full moon of each lunation and at such other times as the sachem may determine; but extra councils are usually called by the sachem at the request of a number of councilors.
In case of a tie, the sachem is expected to speak.
The sachem then explains the object for which the council is called.
The woman is painted and dressed in her best attire and the sachem of the tribe places upon her head the gentile chaplet of feathers, and announces in a formal manner to the assembled guests that the woman has been chosen a councillor.
The sachemof the tribe then announces to the people that the man has been made chief of the gens, and admitted to the council.
The sachem of the tribe, or tribal chief, is chosen by the chiefs of the gentes.
If a majority of the council is agreed as to action, the sachem does not speak, but may simply announce the decision.
The sachem of the tribe is selected by the men belonging to the council of the tribe.
Hawthorne has an old Indian sachem with wizard power,[149] who has concocted the elixir of life.
They try shooting, hanging, and so forth, but he has gained such an access of vitality from electricity that he comes out unscathed through everything, resembling the ancient sachem in Hawthorne's novel.
About stepping from the rock to her boat, the Fawn turned to her sire, but e'er she spoke the sachem answered her appealing look.
When the sachemand the other chiefs agreed the Manitou had taken what he wanted, and given the rest back to his sorrowful children, Black Snake was not there.
The old Sachem slowly opened his eyes and once more rose to his feet, standing erect in front of the tree whose name he bore, where still, with the wolf stretched at her feet, the Gentle Fawn remained seated.
The Sachem continued: "The Great Oak can no longer overshadow and protect his people--can no longer preserve the ceremonies of his fathers.
After a moment's silence, during which the children even became mute, the Sachem arose with dignity and commenced his brief story in a solemn, serious manner, becoming himself and the occasion.
A dissatisfied "hugh" from the old Sachemcaused the first Chief again to rise, when in an instant all again became quiet, such were the peculiar customs of these people and the great influence of their Chiefs and Rulers.
White hairs of old Chactas, what was your astonishment when the daughter of the sachem pronounced these words: 'Beautiful prisoner, I have foolishly given way to your desire; but whither will this passion lead us?
The blind sachem opened his breast and drew forth Atala's crucifix.
The hieroglyphic emblem of the Aztec tribal sachem was a female head surmounted by a snake.
Footnote 77: Among the Wyandots there is in each clan a council composed of four squaws, and this council elects the male sachem who is its head.
The clan could depose its sachem or any of its chiefs.
Timmendiquas, already by common consent and in action the Grand Sachem of the Wyandots, was now about to be formally invested with the double power of Grand Sachem and military chief.
When it became necessary to choose the Grand Sachem of the whole nation, they alone did it.
He called the council which met regularly on the night of the full moon, and at such other times as the Grand Sachem might direct.
The rank of the sachem of the nation was inherent in the clan of the Bear, and the rank of military chief had always belonged hitherto to the clan of the Porcupine, but now the right was about to be waived and for an ample reason.
The sachem let the long folds of his buffalo robe fall back, tore from his girdle the bleeding scalp that hung there, and threw it at the general's feet.
The sachem entertained the most profound respect for Father Seraphin, whose noble character he could appreciate, and felt pained at the state in which he found him.
Suddenly a disturbance was heard in the camp, and two men rushed panting toward the spot where stood Valentine, the sachem and Curumilla.
Does he doubt the friendship of his brother Haboutzelze, the great sachem of the Comanches?
The sachem draped himself in his buffalo robe with that majestic grace possessed by all those untamed sons of the desert, drew his head up proudly, and walked toward General Ventura, who watched him approach with an anxious eye.
Yes, Excellency; it is Eagle-wing, the sachem of the Coras of the Rio San Pedro.
The great sachem of the Comanches, the cacique whom the red children call Haboutzelze, has come to speak to his great white father, the chief of the frontier palefaces.
Don Miguel let the chief choose his own horse, and while the sachem was harnessing his steed in the Indian fashion, he withdrew to his bedroom, and sent for his son to join him.
The sachem understood that the Spaniard was trying to shift the question on to other ground; he saw the snare offered him, and was not to be caught.
The Comanche sachem then squatted near the fire, and remained for several minutes, with his head bent forward and his eyes fixed on the ground, in the position of a man who is reflecting.
In the meantime the Comanche warriors had formed their ranks, and only awaited the signal of the sachem to start.
The governor listened to these words with a blush; the sachem returned to the head of his war party, which rapidly retired, followed by the shouts of a mob intoxicated with joy.
Carved into the wood was an emblem--it was the totem mark of the Tarratines--the sign manual by Sachem Nicola of Flagg's honorary membership in the tribe.
The sachem set a chair for her and relieved her of the staff and her bag.
Therefore, when the brothers Orono escorted her into the presence of Sachem Nicola, Lida entertained the confidence of one who was among friends.
The French of whom the great sachem speaks are my enemies also," replied Van Vuren through the interpreter.
The Englishmen hastened to complete their work, when they discovered that the sachem was awaiting them with impatience.
The old sachem lifted his cunning eyes and said: "It is well, Gitsa.
The sparks fly outward," said thesachem of the Oneidas.
A tribe divided against itself shall be annihilated," said the sachem sharply, with the clairvoyant power of the primitive man.
Winnepurkit, otherwise called George, Sachem of Saugus, married a daughter of Passaconaway, the great Pennacook chieftain, in 1662.
The step was quicker, the song more shrill, And the beat of the small drums louder still Whenever within the circle drew The Saugus Sachem and Weetamoo.
For the Saugus Sachem had come to woo The Bashaba's daughter Weetamoo, And laid at her father's feet that night His softest furs and wampum white.
Then did the sachem gird up his loins and go forth, like a strong man armed for the battle.
And the great Indian sachem had become the ally of the little English king.
The sachem saw all this, and his mighty spirit was stirred within him.
In his habits of life the sachem was abstemious even to austerity, yet frank end popular in his manners, entering heartily into the rude amusements and athletic sports of his people.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sachem" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.