He bowed whenever he met her, stopping especially for the purpose, drawing his feet together, and bending his head and body to an angle heretofore unwitnessed in that community.
Then she passed down the stairs with Sara on her way home, stoppingto speak to the mother of the sick child in the lower room, and suggest some new remedy.
While stopping to take breath in the belfry, you will perhaps be amused by a table of ringer's laws, and a record of marvellous peals, the same in purport as those exhibited at Hull.
It was dear Mr. Littlefield on horseback, stopping every now and then to pick a fly off his sleek horse.
He led them a very roundabout chase, never stopping long enough to look at any thing, or to let them have any sort of a good time.
Svirski, when stopping at Prytulov, gave out once the striking opinion that love was not blind altogether, but only suffering from daltonism.
If I do not find happiness, I shall find at least that enlargement of life, that freedom, which money gives; and all the better for me if I succeed in stopping at that.
Panna Ratkovski was stopping with the Osnovskis, so that Kopovski might seem to court her; but since he was courting another, there is no further reason for her stay there.
In view of this, people of the inner circle began to whisper about the chance of stopping the grain export; and this kind of echo Mashko brought back, with the assurance that it came to his ears through people extremely well versed in affairs.
Stopping for lunch at a neat little inn about half way across.
It was once the stopping place of many early celebrities, and with its broad stoop and great pillars is still a very prominent building.
They fell back in good order, carrying their guns with them, and stopping at intervals to fire with cannon and rifles at their pursuers.
He thought at first they were dead, but stopping a moment he saw their chests rising and falling with regular motion, and he knew that they were only sleeping.
Often I prowled under the windows of my friends, stopping at yours to send you a good-night.
At this name I quickly fled, without stopping to pick up the piano stool that I overturned in my hurried retreat.
I was unable to conceal my joy, when I heard him say he lived at Richeport, and that he intended stopping at Pont de l'Arche, which is but a short distance from his estate; my satisfaction must have appeared very strange.
You can hardly expect me to conceive of you, even in these advanced female days, suddenly stopping a number of young men and demanding their pocketbooks.
Nevertheless, they continued their unbroken marching, only stopping now and then to stare out across the snow-covered landscape.
Esther asked quietly, and turned, stopping short in the path to give Dick Ashton a long, quiet look.
It must be done by stopping Bible reading, Psalm singing and eliminating objectionable books.
And I go for neither, Mr. President" said Ira Allen stopping short in his walk, and turning to the chair.
Why, hundreds are joining the British every day, and what will be left, in a short time, can do nothing towards stopping such an army as Burgoyne's.
And so he kept on gliding all over the house, hanging and unhanging, and stopping a few minutes to talk.
And she had waited, applying herself to watching the administration of her possessions like the severest of intendants, depriving herself, stopping up gaps with unhoped-for profits.
At the sound of wheelsstopping at the door, he looked out of one of the windows of his apartment, which faced the street.
He went slowly away, turning his head from time to time, and stopping to listen, as if he were curious to know whether he was watched by any one.
Stagg, stoppingshort on his way back, and affecting to screen his face with the bottle.
I would,' retorted Hugh, stopping in his passage out and looking back; 'but what do I risk!
Hugh, clutching him by the collar with both hands, and shaking him as though he were bent on stopping his breath by that means.
You ought to be the best, instead of the worst,' said Hugh, stopping before him.
Father,' said the young man, stopping at length before him, 'we must not trifle in this matter.
The prison, which had been a mere black mass with little shape or form, put on its usual aspect; and ever and anon a solitary watchman could be seen upon its roof, stopping to look down upon the preparations in the street.
Hugh looked at him, and at the blackened faces by which he was surrounded, and, stopping for a moment to flourish his knife above his head, answered with a roar of laughter.
One day we were startled in mid ocean by thestopping of the engine.
It is certain that much swimming is the means of stopping diarrhoea, and even of producing a constipation.
This somewhat disconcerted her, for she had intended stopping near his door, to devise the best means by which to break the intelligence.
When he grew too weak to read, she would read to him from the Bible, stopping occasionally, while he explained some obscure passage, or endeavored to impress on her mind some solemn truth.
Her fame had preceded her, for many of those present had learned that a Kentucky belle and heiress was stopping at the Astor, and would be present at the party.
He was taking it leisurely through the town, stopping before every large "smart" looking house to reconnoiter, and see if it resembled the one his master had described.
Aunt Dilsey, stopping from her work and wiping the drops of perspiration from her shining forehead.
Curran was passing the quay at Cork where this virago held forth, when, stopping to listen to her, he was requested to "go on ou' that.
Why, if they must bite, not pitch in at once, instead ofstopping to harrow you by giving a concert.
How impossible it is for them to resist stopping at the street corners to invest a few pennies in the little fragrant bunch of pansies or tuberoses, for private delectation, and the adornment of their own pretty rooms at home!
Imagine how long those two fellows kept it up without stopping to wink, or even to look at the "way-stations"!
Iverything has a stoppingspot but time," said Mattha Branthwaite, coming in, his hat and cloak on.
Mr. Garth," she said, stopping as he drew up to her.