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Example sentences for "primacy"

Lexicographically close words:
priggishness; prigs; priketh; prim; prima; primae; primaeval; primal; primam; primaria
  1. What we have here applied in the case of the forgiveness of sins, the Real Presence, episcopacy, and the primacy of the Church, might be carried out in the case of many more doctrines forming a part of the great deposit.

  2. But over and above these, what an overwhelming proof in the unbroken succession of those who exercised the primacy from the beginning, and are referred to from age to age by the doctors, fathers, and historians of the Church.

  3. Thus as it is through the Body that men are made and kept Christians, so the Primacy is that principle of cohesion and subordination without which the Body cannot exist.

  4. The chief events of the third century brought out more and more the unity of the Church and the Primacy of S.

  5. Thus the double power which expresses the divinely-established government of the Church, the Primacy and the Episcopate, is as close a transcript of the Lord's life on earth with His Apostles as the diocese taken by itself.

  6. As the priesthood exists in attestation of the Real Presence, so the primacy stands beside our Lord's words, first promising and then conferring it, like the comment of eighteen hundred years, uniform and consistent.

  7. Kant himself imply so, in his doctrine of the primacy of the Practical Reason?

  8. They fought for bare existence, for primacy in commerce, for the command of seaports, for the keys of mountain passes, for rivers, roads and all the avenues of wealth and plenty.

  9. In its positive discipline, by prescription and by selective elimination, the leisure-class scheme favors the all-pervading and all-dominating primacy of the canons of waste and invidious comparison at every conjuncture of life.

  10. The dominant incentive was from the outset the invidious distinction attaching to wealth, and, save temporarily and by exception, no other motive has usurped the primacy at any later stage of the development.

  11. The career of Nelson is given an emphasis justified by his primacy among naval leaders and the value of his example for later times.

  12. Here her primacy was undisputed, and her fame complete.

  13. Accordingly, Great Britain, by Act of Parliament, in 1834, enfranchised all the slaves in her own possessions, and thus again secured to herself the primacy of a lofty cause.

  14. The veteran statesman who did so much in this cause, weaving its golden thread into the tissue of his renown, dwelt on it with pride, and accepted for his country the primacy that had been awarded.

  15. No other city has even ventured to contest the primacy of New York.

  16. As Rome had won her ecclesiastical primacy through her political position, so with Constantinople; and when the politics became divergent so did the definition of faith.

  17. The precedents of the earlier Councils were strictly followed in regard to Rome: no supremacy was allowed though the honourable primacy was not contested.

  18. Perhaps it was this, rather than any notion of primacy in authority or power.

  19. The primacy of Peter in these lists does not mean necessarily that he was the acknowledged leader at first.

  20. It held the primacy for more than eight years.

  21. For this reason work of precision must remain the province of refracting telescopes, although great reflectors retain the primacy in the portraiture of the heavenly bodies, as well as in certain branches of spectroscopy.

  22. Italians, however they might loathe the temporal power, could not willingly forego the spiritual primacy of the civilized world.

  23. Gentlemen and scholars were what the Arabs of the Western Caliphate seem to have become, with a primacy in medicine and mathematics beyond the learning of all other Europe in their day.

  24. Just when she ceased to deny it, I do not know, but probably when she ceased to be the sole capital and metropolis of Christian Spain and shared her primacy with Toledo sometime in the fourteenth century.

  25. At any rate, it is very chic; it gives a man standing in Seville, which disputes with Madrid the primacy in bull-feasting.

  26. The primacy of York was regularly vacant; Ealdred had died as the Danes sailed up the Humber to assault or to deliver his city.

  27. The primacy of Lanfranc is one of the most memorable in our history.

  28. The primacy of Canterbury was to be made vacant by the deposition of Stigand.

  29. Even those changes of Lanfranc's primacy which seem of purely ecclesiastical concern all helped, in some way to increase the intercourse between England and the continent or to break down some insular peculiarity.

  30. We must not lose sight of the primacy of that impression as we study our Scriptures.

  31. The claims of the Sun-god to spiritual primacy are expounded in the orations of Julian and the dissertations of Praetextatus in the Saturnalia of Macrobius.

  32. The primacy for which they contend is the merest figment; there are no material advantages at stake.

  33. First the primacy of the genital zone asserts itself, and second, the heretofore autoerotic character of the sexual activity is lost and the instinct finds its object.

  34. This had been gradually acquired during the dark ages and was strenuously upheld, as it was the source of wealth as well as of power, and without it the Bishop of Rome would speedily shrink to his original primacy of honor.

  35. Still, there was a primacy of honor in the inquisitor-generalship.

  36. The primacy of practical reason, already emphasized by Kant, gives us the answer: The ego limits itself and is theoretical, in order to be practical.

  37. He asserted that by denying the primacy of the Pope, Luther had contradicted the Scriptures and defied the Council of Nice, and must be suppressed.

  38. Catholics construct a skilful argument from fragmentary and doubtful historical records, which are not God's Word, to show that Peter chore Rome as his episcopal see, and therewith transferred his primacy for all time to this place.

  39. The bishops of Italy and of the provinces were disposed to allow them a primacy of order and association (such was their very accurate expression) in the Christian aristocracy.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "primacy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    accent; acme; archbishopric; ascendancy; authority; authorization; bishopric; championship; command; concern; consequence; consideration; control; curacy; deanery; directorship; dominance; domination; dominion; effectiveness; emphasis; episcopacy; height; highest; import; influence; interest; jurisdiction; kingship; lead; leadership; lordship; magnificence; management; mark; mastership; mastery; materiality; maximum; merit; moment; most; nobility; note; palm; paramountcy; pastorate; power; precedence; predominance; preeminence; preponderance; prepotency; presbytery; presidency; prestige; prevalence; primacy; principality; priority; record; rule; say; significance; sovereignty; stress; superiority; supremacy; sway; value; weight; worth; zenith