Finally, one more inventive than the rest hit upon the bright idea of encasing himself in leather, and by this device marched unharmed through the hissing and snapping court, tore off the shining jewel, and bore it in triumph to his nation.
Bob-sled is a proper, dictionary name for the ordinary form of this device and it is used at Davos and St. Moritz for jolly family parties on the straight courses.
Was much amused this morning by the device and trade-mark on a tin of jam.
The device was "Non sine labore"--and the trade-mark?
The truth was that the young inventor wished very much to try out a newdevice on his noiseless aeroplane and wanted to get rid of Mr. Gale before doing so.
Tom had set up in his shop a powerful, but not very speedy, old aeroplane engine, and had attached to it the device he hoped would help him toward solving his problem of cutting down the noise.
It was a safety device Tom had installed to prevent the motor running dry, and so being damaged.
This," said the prince, "is now the device upon the signet ring of the King of Yaque, the arms of your own family.
He perceived that he must give them more definite attention than his half-idle device of the wine--intended as that had been as a mere hyperspatial practical joke, not in the least irreconcilable with his office of host.
In like manner, no wile or device could save him from having to share the slice of bread; nor, when he did put it to his lips, could any grimace or protest hide the almost ravenous eagerness with which at last he devoured it.
By an ingenious device they are thrown together in a bit of wild country near town, and are made to exchange confidences.
At length one of the midshipmen suggested the device of "fothering," which he had seen practised in the West Indies.
The glare of these seemed to the allies to betoken the familiar device of lighting fires previous to a retreat, and thus confirmed them in the impression which Napoleon's calculated timidity had given.
The nimbus in Christian art appeared first in the 5th century, but practically the same devicewas known still earlier, though its history is obscure, in non-Christian art.
Eventually the difficulty was overcome by the device of an educational test based on the provisions of an act in operation in Natal.
The simplest device for closing holes not in use was a band of metal left free to slide round the pipe, and having a hole bored through it corresponding in diameter with the hole in the pipe.
Nobody had a watch, but the Australian children had a device of their own for telling the time.
It was a good idea, she reflected, having that device on the flag, for it really was a bit of home--for them.
It is proper to mention in connection with units of value a theoretical device for overcoming the necessary fluctuation in all articles of value.
It is simply a device by which the holder of manufactured liquors subject to sale can avoid the payment of a tax until the time of actual delivery.
A favorite device in some countries, and often advocated in this, is a direct tax upon incomes above a certain amount, graduated so as to give a much larger rate upon large incomes than upon more moderate ones.
These possibilities are greatly increased by every device for diminishing the effect of weather changes.
The boycott is a comparatively recent device for enlarging the field of combat to include not only the employes of an establishment but the consumers of its products.
The heavy taxes laid upon the consumption of alcoholic liquors and tobacco illustrate another device for making so-called luxury bear the heavier portion of taxes.
In closing the discussion of hard times, it is proper to mention a device for removing in part the discouragement of debts where ability to pay is entirely wanting.
The disks then pass through a milling machine which raises the edges, and when cleaned by dilute acid and carefully dried, are stamped by a steel die with somedevice covering both surfaces completely.
A very common deviceadopted in most of the states is that of assessing credits as well as property.
Another device for connecting directly with the fluctuations of business any compensation of wage-earners is called the sliding scale of wages.
A device much employed for making large accumulations of wealth bear a larger portion of the community's burdens is a heavy tax upon inheritance.
For this reason every device for universal education, development of skill and strengthening of character, and every check upon deterioration of personal strength or wisdom or virtue is to be considered.
Every mechanic knows that what he has accomplished with great exertion may have been duplicated by some labor-saving device with half the exertion, the two values being essentially equal.
As no conceivable device can make a babe as efficient as a man, so no contrivance, political or social, can make an undeveloped man equal to a fully developed one.
The complicated device on the river bank at stage centre is the shadouf, used for lifting water from the stream.
Gonsalvo assumed for his device a cross-bow moved by a pulley, with the motto, "Ingenium superat vires.
If he enters into an agreement, his life is passed in watching the other parties to it, lest by some cunning device they keep it in form and break it in spirit.
Such a device is simply a species of pool under a less offensive name.
The modern device of the 'trust' as a means of unifying industrial interests and eliminating competition had not yet been applied in the field of railroad transportation.
The final solution of the problem was, after some experimentation, found in the device to control the prices of transportation generally known as the pool.
The first occasion upon which this device was used appears to be in a book so rare that no copy of it can be found, either in the British Museum or the Bodleian Library.
It is significant that this emblematic device is used in the earliest period in which head-pieces were adopted, in a book which is descriptive and is in fact a text-book of the art of concealment.
The favourite device was the light A and the dark A.
Blank verse is impossible in French, because French with its lack of verbal stress has no other device than rime to mark the end of a verse.
This device is an attempt to imitate the crescendo and diminuendo effect of music.
That chamber is a re-vibrating deviceof certain rays and chemicals.
It was not glass, yet it was possible to look without difficulty into the interior of the building, which appeared to be one large room containing nothing but a central device not unlike the filaments of an electric bulb.
There was a ring upon his finger, a torn badge upon his left breast, with traces of a device in white threads which could not be well made out.
This device," he went on, as he fitted the cuisses, "this deviceis not very worthy of Dom Galors.
This he did by the simple device of calling up his agents by name, having the general's knack of judging men.
It was he who gave me this bull both as a vehicle for bearing me and as a device on my banner.
Thou art he who owns a vast standard (bearing the device of the bull).
Hearing this discourse, fraught with righteousness, between Sankara and Uma, that I have recited in the presence of this righteous conclave, one should worship with reverence that god having the bovine bull for the device on his banner.
And it was after the form of that bull that Mahadeva adopted the device on the standard floating on his battle-car.
Listen to me as I tell thee what Mahadeva having the bovine bull for the device on his standard had recited unto the ascetics on the breast of the Himavat.
Thou art he who has for his vehicle the same bull that forms again the device on his banner in battle.
These three and thirty deities, who are the lords of all beings as also Nandiswara of huge body, and that pre-eminent one who has the bull for the device on his banner, and those masters of all the worlds, viz.
It is for this reason that a bull to this day stands as the device on my standard overhead.
The latter did accept some, and adopt from that time the device of the bull on his flag.
The Grandsire, ye foremost of ascetics, told my soul that half the energy of the great god having the bull for his device would take birth as my son.
Indeed, the abode of that great deity having the bovine bull for his device began to blaze with a terrible beauty.
That discus, blazing with energy and like unto fire, was created by the great god having for his device the bull.
The actuated field of the device had scanned his nervous system, measured and tested it precisely.
The metal device wasn't a key, but Costa used it like one.
Signior Sogliardo, walk aside, and think upon some device to entertain the lady with.
And be not too sudden, but let the device induce itself with good circumstance.
Exceptions occur to this rule, but they are exceedingly few, since usually it is a general sense of the need of any new device which directs mechanical skill toward supplying it.
The storekeeper is said to have observed that the effect was immediate and lasting, the new-comer remaining a faithful and habitual customer; but this device is not to be ranked for breadth of enterprise with the one already mentioned.
Changes may not be made hastily and without due consideration; but when experiment has shown that the new device is more advantageous in furthering the objects of education than the old and tried formulas, a change is inevitable.