At Doddington, in Lincolnshire, while the bulk of the house is of plain brickwork, including the parapet, the doorway is treated with a considerable amount of elaboration (Fig.
The bulk of the people were farmers and shepherds, indisposed to war.
With the bulk of his forces he marched into Bohemia, and gained a great but costly victory at Prague (1757).
Leaving the bulk of their companions on the borders of the Rhine, two hundred thousand of them crossed the Alps, and made their way as far as Florence.
The perils to which their religion was exposed by the heathen without, and by a lukewarm party within, made earnest Jews, the bulk of the people, more inflexible in their adherence to their law and customs.
Lesbos they recovered, and captured Mytilene, the bulk of whose citizens, against the will of Cleon, they spared.
Fourthly, the bulk of the hieroglyphs are phonetic.
The bulk of the citizens had little more than a nominal influence in public affairs.
But the strong, sturdy men, the carters and shepherds, stood aloof; the bulk and backbone of the agricultural labouring population were not in the least affected.
To do the bulk of the labourers bare justice it must be stated that there is a certain bluff honesty and frankness among them, a rude candour, which entitles them to considerable respect as a body.
When American bottoms still carried the bulk of freight, and the supremacy of our flag--" Here Legrande recognized a patriotic sentiment and responded to it with wild republican enthusiasm, nodding his head violently.
Not more than three hundred yards separated the bulk of the contending forces, indeed there were some Germans in the houses less than two hundred yards away.
The ingratitude of the Parisians, as the Emperor styled it, was always a thorn in his side; yet he should have remembered that in the past the bulk of the Parisians had seldom, if ever, been on the side of constituted authority.
Possessed by many delusions, the bulk of the imperial councillors were too confident of success to draw back, and, besides, Bismarck and Moltke were not disposed to let France draw back.
On the other hand, as I previously related, the camp had already provided the bulk of the men belonging to Gougeard's division.
He intended to commit one more crime only--to telegraph in Allen's name to the bank for the bulk of Allen's property.
The bulk of these consisted of foreign bonds and other easily negotiable securities, which Allen had deposited with his banker.
All at once they were confronted by the tall bulk of Doctor Jim; and they stopped short.
He rose to slip out, but at that moment a big bulk of a man sitting two seats ahead of him jumped to his feet with a yell.
Joe had fearful odds to contend against since an accident to Hughson, the Giants' standby, put the bulkof the pitching burden on our hero's shoulders.
The bulk of the audience had been themselves so mystified by the possible significance of the word Salubrities that they knew the title by heart, and we began the evening with a roar of laughter that made us all friends at once.
Some of the hallucinations occurred immediately after waking, others while the percipients were awake in bed; but the great bulk occurred in a fully awakened state, and a large number appeared out of doors.
If the evidence of "hauntings" were measurable by bulk alone, no phase of occultism would be more completely demonstrated.
We will later consider what difficulty lies in the way of attributing to telepathy the bulk of these phenomena.
With that, followed by the housekeeper, the honest landlord, chuckling heartily, rolled his goodly bulk from the chamber, which he carefully locked.
The vessel was not of English build, and resembled in itsbulk and fashion those employed by the Easterlings in their trade, half merchantman, half war-ship.
Yonder, on the other side of the great gulf of heliotrope shadow, stretches the long bulk of the Jebel Ajlûn, shaggy with oak-trees.
But the main bulk of it is lifted high in the air, and spread out nobly to the visitations of the wind.
With this end, great attention must be paid, not only to the bulk taken in, but to the nature of the bulk, and whether there be a full or only a partial cargo.
But inasmuch as I was always ready for all comers, and would not for a moment harken any other opinion, the great bulkof conclusion ran into the grooves I laid for it.
Through wholesome fear of Parson Chowne, and knowledge of his fire-tricks, I kept the Rose of Devon in a berth of deep fresh water; where a bulk of sand backed up, and left a large calm pool of river.
He wished merely to conceal the bulk of himself in the first convenient shadow, there to wait until she had passed, then again to follow at a distance discreet, but sufficiently close to enable him to be of service in case of need.
She looked ready to confess her ownership of the black gun, as she was trying to get the sergeant's attention around the interposed bulk of Pudge O'Shay.
He prepares it in a large open shed just above the cellar, and when it is fit for use he adds about one-third of its bulk of loam.
Or if you do not wish to litter up the place, roll the bales into the cellar, shed, or wherever else you wish to make use of them, and mix about one-fourth of their bulk of loam with the manure and make up the bed at once.
Never pack mushrooms more than two deep without using plenty of soft paper between the layers, and never put a heavy bulk of them into one box or basket.
The bulk of the beds are generally put in in September and October.
It is put up in two ways, namely, nicely packed in thin wooden boxes, each containing two or three pounds of spawn, and also loose in bulk when it is sold by weight or measure.
Forest tree leaves are often used for mushroom beds, sometimes alone, instead of manure, but more frequently mixed with horse manure to increase the bulk of the fermenting material.
Liquid manure made from the contents of the barnyard tank has not done much good, but fresh urine from the horse and cow stables diluted twelve to fifteen times its bulk has given favorable results.
But if you are not so particular and wish them for immediate use, or for ketchup or drying, the common way of cutting them off and carrying them home in bulk will answer well enough.
Then boil down the strained liquor to half of its bulk and add its own weight of calf's-foot jelly; season with allspice or white pepper and boil down to the consistence of jelly.
Take five or six barrow loads of horse droppings that have lain in a heap for some time, and lost their heat, and mix them with one-fourth of their bulk of short stable litter.
Their cook here was the famous La Foret, to whom, it is said, Moliere read his new plays, trying their effect on the ordinary auditor, such as made up the bulk of the audiences of that time.
Words are impertinent in face of the tranquil strength of its bulk and the exquisite delicacy of its lines, and we find refuge in the affectionate phrase of Mr. Henry James, "The dear old thing!
But the ministerial Solons of the country could not be induced to view the subject in that light; hence this deplorable state of morality and improvidence, which unfortunately pervades the great bulk of the country population.
The enemy had concentrated the bulk of his forces east of the Mississippi into two armies, commanded by Generals R.
Before noon Longstreet was ordered up from the north side of the James River thus bringing the bulk of Lee's army around to the support of his extreme right.
The small-arms of the enemy were far superior to the bulk of ours.
While General Taylor was away with the bulk of his army, the little garrison up the river was besieged.
The bulk of the trade was in leaf tobacco, and domestic cotton-cloths and calicoes.
The bulk of the army moved directly for Jetersville by two roads.
The North had a great number of educated and trained soldiers, but the bulk of them were still in the army and were retained, generally with their old commands and rank, until the war had lasted many months.
Shortly afterwards the bulk of the troops were sent from the city to the villages at the foot of the mountains, four or five miles to the south and south-west.
In other booths silver formed the bulk of the capital of the bank, with a few doubloons to be changed if there should be a run of luck against the bank.
Trencher crowded his bulk into the booth, dropped the requisite coin in the slot and very promptly got back the answering hail from a certain number that he had called--a number at a place in the lower fringe of the old Tenderloin.
That early experience stood him in good stead now; he took no credit to himself for his accuracy in estimating the bulk of a living human being.
Considering her sparseness of bulk she had a most astoundingly big strong voice, and in the voice as in the strut was arrogant pride.
For just as he pressed his bulk into the recess the man hunt manifested itself.
The great bulk of the command, however, stood by O'Neill; until about midnight, when a large scow attached to a steam tug approached the Canadian shore and took the whole of the remaining forces on board.
A few there were who saved their herds, but the bulk were swept in the net of the robbers.