Born about 1830, he is by far the most remarkable Kafir now living in South Africa, for he has shown a tact, prudence, and tenacity of purpose which would have done credit to a European statesman.
It recalls the long struggle of the Swiss for freedom in the fourteenth century, or the fierce tenacity which the Scotch showed in the same age in their resistance to the claim of England to be their "Suzerain Power.
His posteriors were so cut and mangled that we could compare them to nothing but a piece of bullock's-liver, with its tenacity torn by craven dogs.
The Captain, unconscious of the tenacity with which the chivalrous blood of South Carolina held language that mooted a comparison of colors, considered his answer; but could see nothing offensive in it.
His reference to the statute of Virginia in favor of religious freedom illustrates another of his leading sentiments, to which he clung with undeviating tenacity during his whole career.
Charles's tenacityand clever tact were now rewarded.
The following case illustrative of the tenacity of virulence of snake-venom was reported by Mr. Temple, Chief Justice of Honduras, and quoted by a London authority.
There is little doubt of the possibility of spermatozoa deposited on the genitalia making progress to the seat of fertilization, as their power of motility and tenacity of life have been well demonstrated.
Diego would never turn back; and this stupid tenacity in pursuing a course which he knew to be wrong, had cost him respect and honor, and was still to cost him liberty and life.
And yet, behind all this, there was the tenacity of the great artist and the phenomenal power of endurance, in certain directions, which is essential to prize-winning in the fight for fame.
And having once insisted, nothing could turn him from his purpose, for he possessed English tenacity grafted upon Scotch originality, with a good deal of the strength of both races.
They may be cold in winter, but blessed be thetenacity of barbarism, which retains this agreeable architecture.
There were in them determination andtenacity of purpose as well as the capability of passion.
This remarkable tenacity of life is well illustrated by the following table from a most suggestive article by Hoffmann.
Despite the appearances of physical degeneracy which we have noted, the Jew betrays an absolutely unprecedented tenacity of life.
Is this tenacity of life despite every possible antagonistic influence, an ethnic trait; or is it a result of peculiar customs and habits of life?
It was not strength so much as boldness and tenacity that conquered here.
One could depend on the children if they were put in places of trust, and in school they seemed to grasp knowledge with much more tenacity and vigor.
Living in a state of unnatural excitement, often worked up to a high pitch of nervous tension by stimulants, becoming weak in body and mind, her character loses fixedness of purpose and tenacity and true energy.
These mischievous insinuations called for the utmost prudent activity on our part, for, although these people are not fanatics in religion, they, at that time, still clung with tenacity to the infallibility of their priest.
It happened that there was among them more of a certain tenacity of character, of the old Puritan faithfulness, than was manifested by some of our co-laborers; having put their hands to the plow, they never thought of turning back.
He does not cling to life with thetenacity of the whites.
In essence, poetry is the love of life--not mere brutish tenacity of sensation, but a passion for all the honesties that make life free and generous and clean.
All of us, we suppose, dwell amid ghosts we are not aware of, and this gentleman would be startled if he knew the tenacity and assurance of certain shades who moved across his small lawn that afternoon.
Iron discipline produced splendid tenacity in action, and wholesale desertion at all times.
Only the now fully developed genius and magnificent tenacityof Napoleon staved off for a time the debacle which was as inevitable as had been that of the old regime.
If any trace of her sex lingered in the Queen's actual statesmanship, it was seen in the simplicity and tenacity of purpose that often underlies a woman's fluctuations of feeling.
But lies and hesitation were no sooner put aside than the Queen's vigour and tenacitycame fairly into play.
The world was saved from this danger by the tenacity with which the old religion still held its power.
I think that he always corresponded with these girls, and visited them occasionally after they became women, for you know with what tenacity he clung to his early associations.
Still he struggled on, with the tenacity by which youth clings to life; he hung on, though certain that every moment would be his last.
It out-balanced the weight and tenacity of the sand; and after a good spell of pulling and tugging, Ossaroo's limbs were drawn upward and once more set free.
I've learned since what Russian depth of feeling means--and tenacity of purpose.
And Rafael slowly, yet with the iron tenacity of his race, got back his control.
In every instance the conduct of the believers testified to the indomitable spirit and unyielding tenacity that continued to distinguish the lives and services of the Persian followers of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh.
To do them justice, women in general cling with wonderful tenacity to this article of their faith.
They had been awaiting this crisis all day long with that mixture of tenacityand indifference which is seen on most faces in an Indian Court.
With an odd sort of tenacity he seemed dwelling on his aunt's last words.
Heriot's name to him, and with an odd tenacity he wanted to make her say it.
This tenacity is not less strikingly illustrated in the careful perpetuation of rites, festivals and scenic representations which originated in notions which have long since become obsolete, and are now forgotten.
A good dog, however, generally succeeded in fastening to the throat of his prey, and there clung with such tenacity as to sink and rise with the buck, avoiding the terrific strokes of its hoofs by laying close to the deer's body.
On the other hand, the Indians clung to them with a tenacity and fondness which made the spectators forget that they were gazing upon savages.