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Example sentences for "energy"

Lexicographically close words:
energising; energize; energized; energizes; energizing; enervate; enervated; enervates; enervating; enervation
  1. Hence it is that though the tides are caused by the moon, yet whenever they require energy they draw on the supply ready to hand in the rotation of the earth.

  2. In that mighty fly-wheel a stupendous quantity of energy is stored up, and a stupendous quantity of energy would be given out before that fly-wheel would come to rest.

  3. As the energy is withdrawn from the fly-wheel by the machines in the mill, so it is restored thereto by the power of the steam engine, and the fly runs uniformly.

  4. The energy is derived from the explosion of gunpowder, and the pulling of the trigger is merely the means by which that energy is liberated.

  5. Neither can an electric current go on flowing, nor an electric light keep on shedding forth its beams, without a constant supply of energy from some source or other.

  6. In somewhat similar manner the tidal wave produced by the moon is the means whereby a part of the energy stored in the earth is compelled to expend itself in work.

  7. Would it be true to assert that the finger of the rifleman which pulls the trigger supplies the energy with which the rifle bullet is animated?

  8. When the work by the tides withdraws energy from the earth, that energy is never restored.

  9. The last of these three principles, involving the relation of electric currents to the work they can do and to the energy expended in their production, will be treated of separately and later.

  10. The third principle to be borne in mind is that to do work of any kind, whether mechanical or electrical, requires the expenditure of energy to a certain amount.

  11. The earth's rotation is a reservoir from whence the tides draw the energy they require for doing work.

  12. The Dynamo=, Dynamo-Electric Machine or Generator, is a machine for converting mechanical energy into an electric current, through electromagnetic induction.

  13. The Electric Motor= is a machine for transforming electric energy into mechanical power.

  14. The electrical energy that goes over the wires to furnish light, heat, and power, really comes indirectly from the coal that is used to boil water and convert it into steam.

  15. The zinc is gradually dissolved, and it is this chemical burning of the zinc that furnishes energy for the electric current in the simple cell.

  16. The energy of the current is kept up by the heat absorbed, just as it is kept up by chemical action in the voltaic cell.

  17. There is very little loss of energy in well-made transformers.

  18. It is not economical to run a car at such a speed that energy is wasted as heat.

  19. It is very poor economy to waste valuable time and energy in order to save the cost of a few extra tools.

  20. The introduction of the electric transformer enables enormous currents to be so applied to the weld as to spend their energy just at the point where heating is required.

  21. Setting their eyes and tongues at work, they follow him with the energy of a pack of wolves on a trail of blood, never slackening in their race until they hunt him down and yield him up to trial, judgment, and the mines.

  22. There can be no mistake about their energy and power.

  23. By one wise stroke of his pen, the Emperor made all men equal before the stick; and breaches of this rule are judged with such wholesome zeal, that the savage energy of the upper ranks is completely checked.

  24. Then the sudden burst of energy ceased, the song broke off, the speed diminished; and the men slowly dipped their paddles in a heavy, drowsy way.

  25. Mr. Petalengro goes on to say: “It would seem to us that the more rude energy a man has in his composition the more a woman will be made to take her position as helpmate.

  26. Straight and regular are her features, and the wide mouth, with its strong, even dazzling teeth, betokens an energy and force of will which would do credit to the other sex.

  27. In the language of science, our vital force and nervous energy were becoming rather rapidly exhausted, or, to put it more colloquially and briefly, we were awfully done.

  28. Nothing, however, could exceed the energy and skill with which Croz threaded his way through the labyrinth which surrounded us.

  29. Contempt and antagonism gave a fine energy to a head and face already sufficiently expressive.

  30. She began to admire and exclaim about it with a great energy and effusion, trying hard to say the correct and cultivated thing, and, in fact, repeating with a good deal of exactness what she had heard said of it by others.

  31. Her little face was quivering under the suppressed energy of what she was going to say.

  32. I haven't the energy to quarrel with a fly.

  33. His light voice developed a sudden energy during his little speech.

  34. Suddenly she said, with an energy that startled him, "George, what are we to do with that place?

  35. That was her last call, for now we had closed in on her, and all her energy and breath were devoted to combat.

  36. Some ran around the hill with vast energy and little purpose, while a few of the more sensible began to carry away fat white eggs.

  37. Less energy on his part would have been more satisfactory, but we bore with him until he grew so fond of this semi-daily hunt that he began to bring 'old Dunne' without being told.

  38. As Androvsky approached Domini saw that he had lost the energy which had delighted her at dejeuner.

  39. She had passed from lassitude to vivid energy with an abruptness that was almost demoniacal, and to an energy with which both mind and body seemed to blaze.

  40. We should pray with as much earnestness as those who expect everything from God; we should act with as much energy as those who expect everything from themselves.

  41. He that has energy enough in his constitution to root out a vice should go a little farther, and try to plant in a virtue in its place, otherwise he will have his labor to renew.

  42. True hope is based on the energy of character.

  43. He that has energy enough in his constitution to root out a vice should go a little further, and try to plant a virtue in its place; otherwise he will have his labor to renew.

  44. Think of what an immense quantity of physical energy must go to the making of those immense sweeping handwritings achieved by some persons .

  45. Cornelia, in the energy of her appeal, had stopped walking, and the two stood, for a moment, looking at one another.

  46. They gave an impression of greater energy and vitality, and were all the more comprehensible and lovable, because not too sublime and vast.

  47. Besides, the very energy and impetuosity which the young man showed, suggested the apprehension that the power of his newly-awakened emotions was greater than his ability to control and manage them.

  48. With the strength of brave determination, and the energy of creative power, you will break the reins, liberate yourself, and soar aloft.

  49. By dint of energy and perseverance he pushed on and on till at last he became one of the most prominent and honoured members of the Bar.

  50. Chitta Ranjan came back to Calcutta, gave up his unrivalled practice at the call of his mother-country and devoted all his time and energy to the attainment of Swaraj by the peaceful method of non-violent Non-co-operation.

  51. Chitta Ranjan's another sister Srijukta Urmila Devi who has recently lost her husband has dedicated her life and energy to the services of her country and has started an ideal institution for educating Bengali girls on national lines.

  52. But unfortunately much of this noble energy and zeal goes utterly to waste; there is no permanent channel through which it can be made to flow; there is no work of durable utility to which we have been able to apply it.

  53. The principle of the conservation of energy affirms the quantitative constancy of that which is so transformed, measured, for example, in terms of capacity to move units of mass against gravity.

  54. The conception of energy seems, indeed, to afford an exceptional opportunity to naturalism.

  55. And the conception of energy seems capable not only of unifying nature, but also of satisfying the metaphysical demand for an efficient and moving cause.

  56. The scientist does not merely assert that the equation for energy is true if nature's capacity for work be measurable, but that such is actually the case.

  57. The energy of physics, defined by measurable quantitative equivalence, is a case in point.

  58. And with the aid of the principle of the conservation of energy this theory appears to make possible the derivation of heat, light, and other apparently non-mechanical processes from the same original energy of motion.

  59. But the conception of energy is more adaptable, and hence better qualified to serve as a common denominator for various aspects of experience.

  60. It consumes more energy in the work it exacts than the remuneration it gives is capable of replacing.

  61. Used-up capital must be replaced, and of all forms of capital the most fundamental and indispensable is the human energy necessarily consumed in the work of production.

  62. His wife mourned him sincerely, but her natural energy and activity prevented her from yielding to a hopeless sorrow.

  63. Master," he said, "without the sincerity of your faith and the energy of your vows, you could not have seen such a miracle.

  64. He now threw himself with characteristic energy and zeal into the task of examining the numerous MSS.

  65. With this crumbling of the empire went a more elaborate organization; bureaus took the place of principles and of the energy of individual rulers.

  66. There is a danger of filling the special schools with children whose poor mental endowment renders them incapable of receiving benefit at all commensurate with the energy and expense devoted to them.

  67. This would not have been possible but for the complete arrangements made by Mr. Buchanan, and the ability and energy which he showed generally in the discharge of his duties left nothing to be desired.

  68. Mr. Barton is doing a useful work here in devoting his spare time and energy to a study of the Ifugao religion with its myths and mythology.

  69. We do not answer the attacks that are made because we are trying law cases and our every energy is bent to the prosecution of those cases.

  70. Shall we continue to expend energy in striving to accomplish what we all see to be impossible, or shall the city, having done its best, turn its energies into more hopeful channels?

  71. But then my host was old in years himself, only, like Ulysses, he still possessed the unquenched fire and energy of youth in his soul, while time bestowed infirmities together with wrinkles and white hairs on his helpmate.

  72. With renewed hope and energy I hastened on, the light increasing in brightness as I progressed; and, after half an hour's brisk walking, I found myself approaching a human dwelling of some kind.

  73. One spur of the kind would be quite sufficient, I should imagine, to get out of a horse all the energy of which he was capable.

  74. Isn't it remarkable how a man over fifty like Larsen could have the energy and enthusiasm he showed?

  75. To his other qualifications are added the executive skill and indomitable energy which are needed to place Middlebury College upon the footing with similar institutions to which its honorable position in the past so justly entitles it.

  76. It demanded all the energy of his very small faculties to defend himself and the world against them.

  77. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "energy" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    action; activity; agency; ambition; animation; application; ardor; arm; assiduity; authority; beef; bounce; charge; clout; cogency; compulsion; concentration; dash; diligence; dint; drive; duress; dynamism; eagerness; effect; effectiveness; effervescence; effort; electricity; endeavor; endurance; energy; enterprise; fervor; fire; force; fortitude; gumption; guts; hardiness; impetus; industry; influence; initiative; inspiration; instrumentality; intensity; life; liveliness; lust; main; mana; might; momentum; muscle; obstinacy; pains; panache; potency; potentiality; power; prepotency; productiveness; productivity; pull; punch; push; relentlessness; sinew; snap; soul; sparkle; spirit; stamina; steam; strength; sturdiness; superiority; superpower; thrust; toughness; trouble; validity; vehemence; verve; vigor; vim; violence; virility; virtue; virulence; vitality; vivacity; weight; zeal