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Example sentences for "hardiness"

Lexicographically close words:
hardier; hardiest; hardihood; hardily; hardiment; hardinesse; hardlie; hardly; hardned; hardness
  1. The benefit, however, may be said to end with the first cross; and the progeny of this mixed descent is greatly inferior to the pure Leicester in form and fattening properties, and to the pure Cheviot in hardiness of constitution.

  2. When we add to these beauty of appearance and hardiness of constitution, it is no wonder that they are held in such universal esteem.

  3. By this course of breeding and treatment the size and weight of the fleece were reduced, and that hardiness and vigor of constitution, which had universally characterized the migratory Spanish breed, were partially impaired.

  4. That hardiness of enterprise which had conducted him through life, brought the same novelty, and conferred on him the same vigour in literature.

  5. In developing the factor of hardiness further in this apricot variety, I have taken advantage of something I had observed about other fruit trees.

  6. Second in hardiness is Kremenetz, much of its top being killed, but its union being only slightly affected.

  7. Some of the seedlings, however, still show persistent traits of hardiness and of insect resistance and we still have hopes that after 15 years these trees will yet overcome the adversities of this uncongenial climate for this species.

  8. Then came our catastrophic Armistice Day blizzard, the most severe test of hardiness and adaptability ever to occur in the north.

  9. Early each spring I continue to cut scions from the most recent unions and graft them to new root systems, so hastening and setting the factor of hardiness through frequent asexual propagation.

  10. My theory is that a determination of the hardiness factor of an English walnut tree can be made according to the color of its bark.

  11. Conversely, among these Carpathian walnuts, I have found that varieties whose bark becomes tan or brown early in autumn show much more hardiness than those whose bark remains green.

  12. The seedlings grown from the light-colored nuts show about the same degree of hardiness as the Carpathian plants.

  13. The variety which showed the greatest degree of hardiness is "Firstling," originally known as Letter F.

  14. Convinced of the hardiness of the tree, I was anxious to obtain scionwood but it was not until late that winter that I received permission to do so.

  15. By frequently uniting a hardy stock with a less hardy top, I think that the individuality of the top part may be somewhat broken down and the extra characteristic of hardiness added to it.

  16. I also believe that I have added to the hardiness factor of the apricot by making frequent grafts.

  17. This tree is well worth testing for hardiness as it is evidently self-fertile, there being no other nut trees of the same age near by.

  18. I do not know from what tree it grew, but it is worthy of testing for hardiness in districts north of present location as there is some evidence of hardiness.

  19. No variety should be eliminated because of a lack of hardiness during the coldest winter on record in the region where it is being grown, if it possesses other desirable characters.

  20. There are definite degrees of hardiness which must not be overlooked.

  21. This point suggests the desirability of crossing the finest heartnuts with the best butternuts to get a combination of the hardiness of the butternut with the good qualities of the heartnut.

  22. Some Notes on the Hardiness of the English Walnut in Michigan and Ontario By J.

  23. There is also about an acre of "butterjaps" which are growing vigorously but have shown little promise of value because of a lack of hardiness and generally poor cracking quality.

  24. This tree is also worthy of trial for hardiness in districts north of present locations.

  25. Rapid growth, high yield and excellent quality of nuts are of little value if hardiness is lacking.

  26. The flowers of the filbert show a greater range in hardiness than those of peaches and sweet cherries.

  27. Because of its hardiness and apparent value as a pollinator for Colby, propagating wood from this R 5 T 27 walnut tree will be available to experimenters, but we do not plan to name it at present.

  28. Next in hardiness is the Green Bay, and next are Burlington, Des Moines, Bixby, and McCallister.

  29. Also the Marquardt (if it is a true Marquardt) last winter indicated much greater hardiness than did grafts made at the same time with Rockville and Burlington varieties.

  30. Hicans that graft well on local bitternut stocks are the Rockville, first in hardiness and for bearing nuts of the usual size for Rockville.

  31. Many of these seedling trees show great promise, while others under observation for the past few years are being discarded because of lack of hardiness and production.

  32. And so it happed that this man that lieth here dead did so much by his wisdom and hardiness that the earl was taken, and three of his lords, by force of this dead man.

  33. And well thou wotest, said Sir Palamides to Sir Tristram, I know thy strength and thy hardiness to endure against a good knight.

  34. Thus through his great hardiness he beat aback all the knights without.

  35. Have ye no marvel, said Sir Launcelot, for ye shall right well wit that he is come of a full noble blood, and as for his might and hardiness there be but few now living that is so mighty as he is, and so noble of prowess.

  36. That is a cursed castle, said Galahad, and all they that be conversant therein; for all pity is out thereof, and all hardiness and mischief is therein.

  37. And when he saw the letters and understood them, yet he entered, for he was right perfect of his life: but his knight had none hardiness to enter, and there found he this sword, and drew it out as much as ye may see.

  38. And sir, said Sir Dinas, ye shall understand that Sir Tristram is called peerless and matchless of any christian knight, and of his might and his hardiness we knew none so good a knight, but if it be Sir Launcelot du Lake.

  39. Nay truly, not so, that shameful sight causeth me to have courage and hardiness against thee, more than I would have had against thee and thou were a well-ruled knight.

  40. He told me that all he said at that time stands, with the addition that since then he has had proof regarding the absence of blight and the extreme hardiness of the trees and their continued bearing.

  41. That particular feature of pecan raising is quite as important as the mere question of hardiness in Connecticut.

  42. Maximum hardiness is developed only by trees that support a large area of normal leaves continuously from the time of foliation in the spring until late fall when they are killed by frost.

  43. In considering the productiveness and hardiness of the catkins of the seedlings resulting from the different crosses the data have been assembled in Tables 2 to 5, each table containing the summarized records for different plantings.

  44. With its fine flavor, tree beauty and hardiness it edges closer and closer to where we can recommend it commercially.

  45. Hardiness of catkin also varied greatly and rather consistently from year to year.

  46. Hardiness in woody plants is only a relative term and is determined by the condition of the plant at the time the low temperature occurs.

  47. Tables 2 to 5 contain the mean of these estimates and a considerable variation in catkin hardiness in the different populations is evident.

  48. The drawbacks are lack of hardiness and short bearing season in the north.

  49. Hardiness is only a relative term and can be determined only when the different kinds of plants are in the same physiological condition as regards growth or activity.

  50. Nuts that are extremely hardy in the more northern latitudes, appear to have developed this hardiness gradually throughout many generations.

  51. Vigour and hardiness of bush and hardiness of flower, male and female, are assumed, as without these high yields are not to be expected.

  52. The severe injury was probably because the materials making for hardiness in the wood had been transported to the maturing fruits and the temperature dropped quickly before the trees had time to develop cold resistance.

  53. Snyder 28 Other Business of the Association 29 Factors Influencing the Hardiness of Woody Plants--H.

  54. Plenty and peace breeds cowards; hardness ever Of hardiness is mother.

  55. If we, with thrice such powers left at home, Cannot defend our own doors from the dog, Let us be worried, and our nation lose The name of hardiness and policy.

  56. Hardiness~--Only several growers in the colder regions felt that lack of winter hardiness was a serious limiting factor with their varieties.

  57. I might add here that we also found that if the variety of heartnut was not hardy, it did not help any in regard to hardiness to use black walnut at the rootstock.

  58. The other related species are of variable and uncertain hardiness and are not reliable in this northern range.

  59. Selection of varieties for machine cracking or eating from the shell should determine varieties one should grow, but hardiness should be the key factor in selecting varieties.

  60. Now all of them I could not tell or number, so many as were the adventures of Odysseus of the hardy heart; but, ah, what a deed was this he wrought and dared in his hardiness in the land of the Trojans, where ye Achaeans suffered affliction.

  61. So in speaking of hardiness of the plant it may mean hardiness as to either cold, heat, drouth, fungus or insect trouble.

  62. Extensive experiments have also been started with fruit trees, shelter-belt trees, ornamental shrubs and perennial flowering plants to determine the factors that influence the hardiness of plants.

  63. We do not know any more about the hardiness of these trees we have been putting out than we did before.

  64. When we cross the native plum with the Japanese plum, we obtain seedlings that combine in a fair measure the hardiness of the native plum with the size and quality of the Japanese plum.

  65. We have varying degrees of hardiness in these seedlings.

  66. You would not expect to get anything hardy from seed of the Talman Sweet, but the entire hardiness so far of the young trees propagated from the original seedling, makes me impatient to see the fruit.

  67. By the term hardiness is understood the capacity to resist against any special condition of environment.

  68. The other way of obtaining hardiness is by crossing a tender variety with a hardy one.

  69. A few growers have orchards sloping in all directions, and their opinion on the influence of slope on hardiness and retardation of the blooming period should be valuable.

  70. It was covered, so its hardiness is untested.

  71. This varying degree of hardiness in the Japan pear seedling of commerce I find discussed in a German horticultural paper.

  72. But the most singular feature in the character of Manuel, is the contrast and vicissitude of labor and sloth, of hardiness and effeminacy.

  73. But the hopes of fortune depopulated the mountains, luxury enervated the hardiness of their minds and bodies, and in proportion as they mixed with mankind, they became less qualified for the enjoyment of poor and solitary freedom.

  74. It is wholly to this dreadful Practice that we may attribute a certain Hardiness and Ferocity which some Men, tho' liberally educated, carry about them in all their Behaviour.

  75. I know, Sir, as criminal as you are, you have still Shame enough to avenge yourself against the Hardiness of any one that should publickly tell you of it.

  76. Despite its angularity this is the trimmest and one of the handsomest of our native magnolias, and it has the merit of hardiness even in New England, where it attains large size.

  77. This tree has not the hardiness nor the compact form of the Norway maple, and it is subject to the attack of borers.

  78. Its hardiness gives it importance as a cover for waste land on seashores and for hedges and wind-breaks in any exposed situation.

  79. They are about alike in hardiness and in general form.

  80. Among the requirements in the Northeast, it may be said that we need hardiness of tree, coupled with a determinate habit of blooming, more than any other characteristics.

  81. Does Stuart maintain its reputation for hardiness in his locality?

  82. Before we get quite away from this subject, I would like to ask Mr. Roper if he has noticed any striking differences in the hardiness of Stuart and other northern forms of the pecan in his particular locality.

  83. We want the hardiness and adaptability of the shellbark, combined with the thin shell, the excellent cracking qualities, and the pleasant flavors of the pecan.

  84. The lack of hardiness of the pecan would be strengthened by the hardy northern form, while the breeder would aim to retain the excellent flavors of each, the good qualities of meat, but enclosed by a covering of paper shell texture.

  85. They who were not yet grown to the hardiness of avowing the contempt of the king.

  86. Plenty and peace breeds cowards; Hardness ever Of hardiness is mother.

  87. Witless headiness in judging or headless hardiness in condemning.

  88. Nevertheless, we may well regret the decay of the old spirit of hardiness since even a generation ago.

  89. Their life had a hardiness and simplicity about it which might well be a lesson to a modern priest.

  90. The French breeds, Creve-Coeur, Houdan, and La Fleche, gain in size and hardiness by being crossed with the Brahma cock.

  91. Perhaps this is due to the particularly daring combination of its lines and the general hardiness of its plan and outline.

  92. Moreover, it makes up for any lack of fecundity by its superior hardiness and ease of management.

  93. It has been acclimatized in many parts of the world, and shows the same vigor and hardiness wherever it has been transplanted.

  94. From then on there is a steady increase in crop and hardiness for many years.

  95. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "hardiness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    assurance; audacity; durability; endurance; energy; force; fortitude; grit; guts; hardihood; hardiness; hardness; longevity; might; nerve; obstinacy; pertinacity; pluck; potency; power; resistance; resolution; stamina; stiffness; strength; stubbornness; sturdiness; temerity; tenacity; toughness; vigor; vitality