Now, there are some natural ores in which the gold particles are all very small; with these fine powdering and mixing yields a product from which a sample may be safely taken.
Also it is evident that so much depends on the manner of powdering that nothing precise can be stated as to the average coarseness of the powder.
After powdering as finely as possible, the coarse particles are sifted off and weighed.
Powdering finely is much more effective; for, since the weight of a particle varies as the cube of the diameter, halving the diameter of the particles increases their number eight-fold.
He stepped up into the cupboard, curious to see if this too had been a powdering closet, and if that were so if the old panelling and ornamentation had remained in their original condition.
In the days when the Hôtel Saint Ange belonged to the great soldier whose name it still bears, this strange little apartment had surely been, so the English artist told himself, a powdering closet.
Picart does not say, and perhaps it would not be wise for us to surmise, that these modes of powderinghad a religious origin.
The custom of powderingthe hair seems to be a savage "survival;" at least, it is still to be found among the Friendly Islanders, among whom it was observed by Forster.
This condition of things was brought about by powdering his arm with pulverized luminous paint.
All these, with the round centipede table and the Chippendale chairs set in order against the walls, were dimmed and grayed with a thick powdering of dust.
This is because thepowdering multiplies the surfaces of the glass at which refraction and reflection occur.
There's nothing actively immoral about powdering one's nose, you know, Jean.
The crackling sound is called decrepitation, and is well illustrated by throwing a handful of bay salt on a clear fire; but this property is destroyed by powdering the crystals.
Then, carefully powdering himself, he crossed to the mirror over the mantel on the opposite side of the room and inspected the result of his labor.
It stroikes me the spalpeen has been powdering his mug," growled Sweeny, his little eyes blazing with a ferocious light.
My lady would sit in her boudoir with her head thrust through a hatch in the wall into the "powdering closet"--a contrivance necessary to prevent the powder being scattered over everything.
The Oxenden family have long owned the beautiful old place, which still contains a "powdering closet," as used in the bygone days of huge headdresses and powdered hair.
By then snowflakes were silently flitting to the ground, powdering the rough roof above the hollow, and resting upon the caps and shoulders of the trappers.
They stood for a few moments preparing their muskets, each powdering the pan afresh, and looking to the flint, for a misfire might have disastrous consequences.
My brother has the eye of a hawk, even as has his son," said Silver Fox, busily ramming down a fresh charge and powdering the pan of his long musket.
Stars had come out, a fine powdering of them, and the moist evening atmosphere was sweet, even heavy.
He walked to the edge of the terrace, and looked down into the darkness; he could just see the powdering of the daisies on the unmown lawn.
Comb my head clean, which I found so foul with powdering Come to see them in bed together, on their wedding-night Come to us out of bed in his furred mittens and furred cap Comely black woman.
Straight ahead there was dust and sunshine and the ceaseless tramp, and on either side the fresh fields were scorched and whitened by a powdering of hot sand.
Betty looked round with a smile, but as she did so, her eyes went beyond Champe, and saw Dan standing in the doorway, his soft slouch hat in his hand, and a powdering of snow on his dark hair.
The figure of Dan, as he stood upon the threshold with the powdering of snow upon his hair, rose suddenly to her eyes, and she flinched before the careless humour of his smile.
She had a powdering of freckles on her nose, and her pupils had dilated with anger until her eyes looked black; her head was very erect on her slim shoulders.
He had satisfied the urge of a burning curiosity which had assailed him first as she sat in the window of Laura's drawing-room, and he noticed the magnolia texture of her healthy pallor and the little golden powdering of freckles on her nose.
Meg was the eldest of the family, and had a long, fair plait that Bunty used to delight in pulling; a sweet, rather dreamy face, and a powdering of pretty freckles that occasioned her much tribulation of spirit.
And her spare money went in the purchase of "Freckle Lotion," to remove that slight powdering of warm brown sun-kisses that somehow lent a certain character to her face.
After dishevelled Jane had vanished again into the powdering closet whence she had first emerged, the lady of the banished portrait moved over to Patricia and her lover.
The fish-fag and some of the Makemies were dragging her beloved Jane over Lady Lyron's court steps, out of the powdering closet.
A cloud of violet-powder, a vague white mist, seemed still to be floating in the air, from the effects of her over-powdering her face and neck.
There was a light powderingof snow on grass and trees.
Spring comes tardily to the high mountain town, and a light powdering of snow still lay on the topmost slope of Monte Subasio.
Nearly every family had a beef and a pork barrel (called a "powdering tub"), from which most of the meat used in summer was taken.