It may be with him that Iyeyas[)u] arranged the plan of fixed endowment for the Church; an endowment not to be added to or diminished, so that it should be an element of stability and no longer a fluctuating danger.
Paul delighted to survey the variety ofendowment and faculty which appeared in the Church.
But however rich in endowments the Corinthians were, they could not but feel, in common with all other men, that no endowment can lift us above the necessity of conflict with sin or put us beyond the hazard which that conflict entails.
The gift of prophecy, then, was the endowmentwhich enabled a Christian to speak so as to bring the mind and spirit of the hearer into touch with God.
There is thus an identity in man's native endowment between what he can do and what he wants to do.
There are thus seen to be at least three distinct reasons why our native endowment of capacities and desires needs control and direction.
Charlemagne's endowmentand encouragement of education was largely made effectual through the Church.
The late rebellious outbreaks in Ireland seem, in certain quarters, to have revived the notion of the expediency of a state endowment of the Roman Catholic priesthood.
Loyalty is not a thing to be bought: it is a spontaneous feeling, unpurchaseable at any price; and if the Irish Catholic clergy have it not now, the most liberal endowment will work no change in their political feelings.
Why, if such endowment can be vindicated upon any intelligible principle, is it to be confined to the Roman Catholic clergy of Ireland alone, and not extended to the dissenting denominations throughout the width and breadth of the land?
But, sincere or not, that statement may serve as an answer to the writer in the last Number of the Quarterly Review, who supports the endowment scheme with an unction which we were certainly not prepared to expect.
The Norwich Town Council approved a scheme formulated by the Charity Commissioners for the administration of Anguish's endowment for boys.
St. Andrew's Hall, Norwich, in aid of the endowmentfund of the Jenny Lind Infirmary.
Norman's charity was to cease to exist in its then form, the master pensioned, and the endowment to be appropriated to the maintenance of a girls' middle school, the scheme for which was practically the same as that for the King Edward VI.
The Princess of Wales then accepted purses in aid of the endowment fund, a short address was delivered by the Dean, and the Bishop offered prayer.
There was an endowment of a hundred a year, and they were relieved from all further anxiety.
There was a small endowment on the chapel of fifty pounds a year, and the rest of my income was derived from the pew-rents, which at the time I took charge did not exceed another seventy.
Under the New Covenant there is a distribution of grace to every one, an endowment of each according to his faith with priestly and even kingly powers.
Other good men and true in Israel that day might have seemed as capable of the heavenly endowment as those who prophesied.
In a sense the invocation of this blessing was the highest function of the priest: he became the channel of spiritual endowment in which the whole nation shared.
The law of spiritual endowment in his case set the other aside.
In reviewing the peculiar endowment of Fields, the Chicago Record says:-- "How this feat is performed is as much a mystery as the process by which he solves a problem in arithmetic.
This endowment has sent out in Crawford's place many a noble young man into the harvest-field of the world, and who shall say for how many centuries it will keep his name green in earth and heaven!
The proceeds from thisendowment add to the library's income by about two thousand dollars annually.
There is, for example, a free library in connection with the Goodwyn Institute, an establishment having an endowment of half a million dollars, left to Memphis by the late William A.
I do not mean that she has succeeded in building up a great flourishing plant with a big endowment and all sorts of improvements.
The society has an endowment and membership is inexpensive, costing but fifteen dollars a year, including the three balls.
In 1900 the club properties and the funds remaining in the club treasury were transferred as an endowment to the Charleston Library Society.
His speech contained a remarkable passage, pronouncing definitely against denominational endowment of university education.
On principle they held denominational endowment of education to be retrograde and obscurantist.
He enumerates the various courses considered, and states that the course adopted was to go through the endowment amendments, and if they were carried adversely, then to drop their responsibility.
What is the quality of an endowment for a charitable purpose that constitutes a valid claim for such a boon?
No opulence of endowment tempted this man to indolence, and no poverty of endowment will excuse us for sloth.
So that whatever natural endowment we start with, it must be heightened, purified, deepened, enlarged, by the presence in our lives of a deep and vital religious conviction.
Clark has pointed out in another connexion that the words domus and aula were employed when a building was "appropriated by endowment as a fixed residence for a body of scholars.
Peterhouse was founded by Hugh de Balsham[100] for his Ely scholars whom he had in vain attempted to unite, with a separate endowment of their own, under the same roof as the canons of S.
The college was endowed for 12 fellows at least, half of whom were to hail from those northern counties in which both Lady Margaret and Fisher were interested; the total endowment was for 60 persons.
The manor of Girton on the Huntingdon road--the old via Devana--belonged in the xi century to Picot the Norman sheriff of Cambridge who expropriated part of its tithes for the endowment of the canons' house and church of S.
On the alienation of this manor from the see of Ely it was purchased by the founder of the Charterhouse, and now forms part of the endowment of that college.
Merton in Surrey, as a chef-lieu and endowment for "poor scholars in the schools" who are living under a code of rules prescribed by himself.
That was Marjorie's version of that idea of the Endowment of Womanhood which has been creeping into contemporary thought during the last two decades.
An educational convention to devise plans to increase the Endowment and Building funds of the College was held in Richmond, April, 1874.
The endowment gathered at such an expenditure of time and labor was in large part lost.
At the commencement, June, 1859, there was a large re-union of the Alumni of Randolph-Macon to rejoice over the endowment secured and to consult together about the interests of the College.
Considerable collections were taken up during the year to increase the endowment of the College.
It was to be indeed Alma Mater to many sons, and daughters, too, and a mother of many other Methodist colleges, blessing every State in the South, some of them surpassing in outfit and endowment the mother.
The herculean task of raising the largest endowment fund ever contributed to any college in Virginia or in the South up to this date by public subscription was thus confirmed.
With nubility there comes to every girl a wealth of emotional endowment which is often most bewildering--indeed, it upsets some unstable organizations, while to others it is merely an intoxication.
He enhanced the endowment by diligent study in the high school at Prato, in Tuscany, where he spent his boyhood.
Their mental endowment is inferior to man; their physical strength is less; their moral caliber more attenuated; their emotional nature shallower.
That is left to endowment and to chance, which sometimes shows itself in the shape of a literary critic.
Nitti is the type of man who is made by hisendowment and by his environment.
The wonder is not that a man of the temperament and intellectual endowment of Signor Papini has this feeling, but that he can convince himself that any one else should be interested in his discovery.
The moment this endowment was made known to them the fat was in the fire.
Perhaps the endowment of the Church with new weapons of truth; perhaps her emancipation from associations which, however ancient, are unhealthy; perhaps her opportunity to go forth upon new heights of vision, new fields of conquest.
Is it this feature of their endowment that accounts for their high scores in conventionally standardized measures such as tests and examinations?
Unusual mental endowment is clearly indicated by the fact that he rose entirely by his own direction and effort to a post of honor in an intricate field of knowledge.
I could not think then, and cannot think now, of any endowment likely to be more speedily and happily fruitful in good to the whole country.
Mr. Carnegie having established the institution for research which bears his name at Washington, with an endowment of ten million dollars, and named me among the trustees, my old friend Dr.
The world has recently read the testimony of persons under oath, in Washington, who testified concerning the endowment oaths, so I will forbear any further remarks on this subject.
The endowments were given under the direction of the Prophet Joseph Smith, who afterwards gave us lectures or instructions in regard to the endowment ceremonies.
Accordingly Nature is full of devices by which those who have proved their original endowment by winning out in the struggle shall hand on this endowment to a subsequent generation.
I think that we young people looked upon a government official of average endowment as rather an outsider.
Like Milton, too, he had in a supreme degree the poet's double endowment of an exquisite ear for the music of verse and an unerring eye for the images of nature.