By the time he was fourteen, he had acquired such skill in the management of the rifle, as to excel most of his young associates.
He was fortunate in being able, by his skillful management and manœuvres, to save from their grasp his favorite frigate Constitution, and the Cyane.
Be it your vocation to lay open all the hidden riches of our great country; to diffuse life and vigor into all its veins; to take the whole management of its material interests into your hands.
But an inconceivably large portion of human knowledge and human power is involved in the science and management of words; and an education of words, though it destroys genius, will often create, and always foster, talent.
There was not a farm-house for twenty miles round that wore an air of so much brightness and evident goodmanagement as that Of James Cheshire.
His lordship was one of a managementthat governed Drury-lane Theatre at that time, and that were not successful.
No expense has been spared to make the opening season one which shall be worthy the generous patronage which the management feel sure will crown their efforts.
The management beg leave to offer to the public an entertainment surpassing in magnificence any thing that has heretofore been attempted on any stage.
Upon the whole, last night's performances shed honor not only upon the management but upon the city that encourages and sustains such wholesome and instructive entertainments.
The present management deserve well of the public.
The management of the catapults was intrusted to one man after another,--but in vain.
He was no doubt a gallant officer, and possessed of all necessary gifts for the management of a 250-ton steam swivel-gun; but he seemed to me to be somewhat heavy.
Those who understand the management of these men will find them faithful and contented servants.
The charge was instantly made, the barricades were torn down, and the terrified management ordered that drink be served to its victorious patrons.
As a compromise, the management ceased selling liquor, and on the night Churchill visited the place the bar in the promenade was barricaded with scantling and linen sheets.
His dominant idea is that the government of a city should be conducted upon very much the same principles as the management of any corporation, railroad, or joint stock company.
Imitators it has had in abundance, but not one of them has succeeded in catching that secret of political management which has endowed Tammany with its wonderful permanency.
The great essential for municipal progress is home rule in the management of local concerns.
Every year its management descends, with perfect impunity, into the hands of a more and more degraded class.
In kennel management Lady Gifford takes the keenest interest, and her system appears so excellent, that all engaged in hound breeding may find something to learn from it.
The queen-mother, as she was very much displeased to see such consequences of the government, in whose management she had no share, so I suppose she had the less concern upon her.
But the reason of telling this story is for the management of it.
Although the management of local affairs is in the hands of the prefect his power with regard to these is checked by a deliberative body known as the general council (conseil general).
To see short pieces, they might come two or three times instead of once, and the management could make a reduction on taking a quantity.
Once when I had the management of him," said the doctor coolly.
It had got far beyond management before any one discovered it; and now was making fast work in that corner of the room and creeping with no slow progress along the cornices of the bookshelves.
In all he said he suffered it to appear, that he wished and hoped to have the management of the finances.
Bologna and Ferrara, legations appertaining to the Papal See, had been already occupied by French troops, and placed under the management of a committee of their citizens.
I'll be after making complaint to the management for inconveniencing four gentlemen and reducing them to the ranks of common laborers.
Would he apply to their management the principles of which as a Scout he was now so earnest a champion?
Long-term concerns include pollution, particularly depletion of the ozone layer, and management and conservation of coastal areas, especially the Great Barrier Reef.
I will have themanagement of the affair, or I will have nothing to do with it.
The practised veterans of mother Britain were often compelled to admit that he had no superior in the management of artillery.
Reckless party managementwould then be stripped of half its horrors.
Sensible of this momentous truth, you have improved upon your first essay by the adoption of a Constitution of Government better calculated than your former for an intimate union and for the efficacious management of your common concerns.
Lord North now assumed the management of the grand drama of oppression and laid more deeply the revenue plan.
Before he arrived at his majority he had the management of a large estate left him by his father.
In fine, his superior mind directs the management of his domestic concerns with the same ability, activity and regularity, which he evinced in the conduct of public affairs and which he is calculated to display in every situation of life.
At present he is employed with activity and perseverance in the management of his farms and buildings and he orders, directs and pursues, in the minutest detail, every branch of business relating to them.
The young man assumed the management of this small festivity from the outset.
Vincent assumed the management of these modest little merry-makings; varied the scene of them as much as possible; and so arranged matters that no financial question came up to ask for Maisrie Bethune's interference.
I doubt whether the imagination of nincompoops and boards of management has ever devised anything more beautiful than this.
Those skilled in the artistic records of Boston may remember that the management of the same Library once refused the offered gift of a statue of a woman holding a baby, on the sole ground that the woman was not attired.
The next essential, and in most cases the most important one from the manufacturing standpoint, is a management capable of producing the best product at the least cost.
Send out a circular letter advertising the new White Front Grocery and telling what the policy of the new management will be.
On board the lighter, the Buffer and his wife were too busy with the management of their vessel—a task to which they were not altogether equal—to notice the watch and pursuit instituted by the little boat.