It is the latter priceless qualification which usually pulls a man through.
He achieved a respectable position for himself among his fellows, but upon a qualification which would have surprised an older generation.
With this qualification then, we approve the general decision of the Protestant Churches, and adopt as authentic the canon as it stands.
First—where, in the gospel history, is it proposed, as an essential qualification of a religious teacher, that he shall have an uninterrupted succession from the Apostles?
Perhaps the qualification "for the present" may have had something to do with determining their attitude.
You ought to have been a crack physician, for certainly no one answering to that qualification could have been guilty of a more salutary prescription.
We need to erect a high standard of moral qualification for positions of trust and honor.
Hence it is a matter not of difference between the love and goodness of the Father and that of the Son, but of qualification by experience in the trials, temptations and weaknesses of the flesh.
Various well-known clubs were in the habit of meeting here, notably the Society of Dilettanti which was formed in 1734, of it Walpole wrote that "the nominal qualification is having been in Italy and the real one being drunk.
I arrived in town this morning, time enough to do all in my power to send to Gregg, to try if I can get a qualification to take my seat to-morrow.
In Europe, thequalification necessary to entitle a proprietor to vote at their general courts was raised, from five hundred pounds, the original price of a share in the stock of the company, to a thousand pounds.
For the very same reason for which you reject infant baptism, you must also reject infant salvation; for faith is held up in the Word of God as a qualification for salvation with more emphasis than as a qualification for baptism.
By the series of constitutional amendments begun in 1890, and since spread through the South, a property or intelligence qualification has practically been established for Negroes while not applying to poor or illiterate Whites.
The qualification was reduced by Marcus to one fourth.
That distinction was generally considered, either as a legal qualification or as a proper recompense for the soldier; but a more serious regard was paid to the essential merit of age, strength, and military stature.
A property qualification was usually prescribed, but the amount of property it was necessary to hold varied considerably in different states.
Enfranchised in one state, he is enfranchised in all (subject to difference of qualification only).
South Dakota is one of the eight remaining states where foreigners may vote on their "first papers" and citizenship is not a qualification for a vote.
I burst into a shout of laughter that quite justified the steuerrath's qualification of my behavior.
Actuary, please to take down the reply of the prisoner, who admits without qualificationthat he wished to be sent off by his father.
Therefore, in 1718, it was declared sufficient qualification for pardon for a tory to kill one of his fellow-tories.
The sixteenth and twenty-fourth clauses impose the oath of abjuration, and the sacramental test, as a qualification for office, and for voting at elections.
But the qualification does not abolish what it qualifies.
I should like to qualify still further the sentence containing the qualification 'on the whole.
The qualification is essential, since the hero, for all his affinity with that power, is, as the living man we see before us, not so compatible.
But in drawing inferences we have to bear in mind what is implied by the qualification 'substantially.
No more discrimination between active and passive citizens; no longer any difference between poll tax of an elector of the first degree and that of the second degree: no electoral poll tax qualification whatever.
Especially is the electoral law one of these, a law which, requiring a small qualification tax for electors and a larger one for those who are eligible, "consecrates the aristocracy of wealth.
That College had immemorially asserted for its members an exemption from the performance of those public exercises demanded of the rest of the University as a qualification for their degrees.
As a matter of fact this boy is not quite right in his head; but this state of mind is not among the Mafulu in any way a necessary, or indeed a usual, qualification for a sorcerer or magic man of any sort.
Pope's ignorance of Greek--an awkward qualification for a translator of Homer--is undeniable.
But we may admit that an intensely sensitive nature is a bad qualification for a public career.
The favoured faculty never doubted its own qualification for supremacy in every department.
The truth is, however, that the law is liable to all the objections which apply to the old collegiate regulations, which make time the only element of qualification for distinction.
The statement calls for qualification in detail, but the general fact is unmistakable.
This baptism would, then, be only a qualificationfor service.
But both men and women need the Holy Ghost baptism which consumes inbred sin, as an indispensable qualification for the highest efficiency and most marked success in the work to which they may individually be called.
It was also poured upon the heads of prophets, priests and kings, as a necessary qualification for the discharge of their respective offices.