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Example sentences for "enormity"

Lexicographically close words:
eno; enon; enorme; enormes; enormities; enormous; enormously; enough; enounced; enow
  1. The enormity of this last is more striking than the simple truth of the proposition condemned.

  2. Barlow, "that I can not exactly decide on the question of relative enormity between two opposite sins.

  3. If we understand him correctly, his contention is that the enormity of this tax consists largely in the reprehensible nature--as represented in his pages--of the institution itself.

  4. The rebuke that I received sent me down the stairs overwhelmed with a sense of the enormity of my crime, yet more than sustained by joy to think that I had escaped the utter annihilation with which my reprimand was freighted.

  5. One case in particular fixed the attention of the whole of France, not only on account of the enormity of the offence, but of the rank and high connexions of the criminal.

  6. When the Crusades had drawn all the smart young fellows into Palestine, the clergy did not find it so difficult to convince the staid burghers who remained in Europe, of the enormity of long hair.

  7. It is pleasant to note the innocent candour with which, in Walpole's manly declaration, one enormity is made to justify another.

  8. Every word that Mr. Gresham had spoken was picked in pieces, and the enormity of his theory was exhibited.

  9. When the old man again shook his head, seeming to be dazed at the enormity of the demand, Phineas insisted that his request should be conveyed to the master of the house.

  10. He was on his legs before a fortnight was over asking some question of some Minister, and of course insinuating as he did so that the Minister in question had been guilty of some enormity of omission or commission.

  11. Let us hope the people of 1832 will seriously reflect on the enormity of this revolting act, and be no longer lost in an apathy that has already proved so disastrous to their liberties.

  12. I feel its enormity in the very depths of my heart," she replied, shuddering and weeping.

  13. To do them justice, wicked as they were, they had no idea of the enormity of John Glenalvan's sin.

  14. They had been taught that to doubt the truth of this book, to examine it, even, was a crime of such enormity that it could not be forgiven, either in this world or in the next.

  15. What does the Church teach regarding the enormity of the sin of unlawful association of the sexes?

  16. This provision suddenly swelled into dimensions of enormity hitherto unsuspected.

  17. Except financial shuffling they will very likely commit no new enormity before the election.

  18. The women are accused of every enormity known in that Rome where vice attained such proportions as have never been approached in any civilization in the history of the world.

  19. The enormity of the outrage didn't faze "Beef.

  20. The plane-trees were putting on a fresh skin, and the breeze formed undulations in the magnificent enormity of the chest-nut-trees.

  21. His confusing reverie lasted all night; he remained till daybreak in the same position, leaning over the bed, prostrate beneath the enormity of fate, perhaps crushed, alas!

  22. We are not justifying the shooting, but appealing to your instinctive sense of right, in order to show the enormity of this fearful crime, and to fasten strong conviction in your mind against this sin.

  23. This inhuman crime might be compared to the murder of the innocents, except that the criminals, in this case, exceed in enormity the cruelty of Herod.

  24. What must be the moral enormity of a sin, which, when committed, produces in vast numbers of cases such frightful physical and moral destruction as that which is here portrayed?

  25. But the very enormity of the iniquity makes me doubt it.

  26. At Blodgett's bachelor enormity people came and went.

  27. He didn't try to measure the enormity of his action.

  28. The enormity of Read's crime rendered him a proper example, and he would therefore hold out no hope of mercy towards him.

  29. He was not sincerely penitent, as one who feels the enormity of his offence.

  30. The crew were dismissed, and all the students were disposed to laugh at the mildness of the punishment, compared with the enormity of the offence.

  31. If the offence were at all proportionate, I tremble to think of the enormity of your crime; or is it because he is a Reverend, that you demean yourself so humbly before him?

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enormity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.