He laid his friend's head upon a cushion, renewed the wet rags that lay upon his fevered brow, gave him some cool drink, and was ready to help his master in five minutes.
All the weeks which he himself had spent in Moulmein, and during which he had worked hard to master the language, only resulted in enabling him to make himself imperfectly understood.
She wore the dress of a widow,--a dress so new in its folds that it was evidently but a short time since the Dread Messenger had paused at her threshold to bear away its master and bread-winner.
Sutherland is carefully getting our artist's materials into the stern; and the Laird is busy with shawls and waterproofs; and Master Fred brings along the luncheon-basket.
After we had landed Master Fred, and sent him up the hills, and gone off fishing for lithe for an hour or so, we returned to the shore in the gathering dusk.
The silver bell of Master Fred summoned us below for dinner, and still John of Skye was gently obdurate.
It was not scientific fishing; but we got big fish--which is of more importance in the eyes of Master Fred.
And here is the silver tinkle ofMaster Fred's bell.
This bird was fond of his liberty, but would always come to his master when called, and roosted every night in an outhouse.
The appearance of his master dressed in 'blazers' always greatly affected him.
Accident has made you Master of a secret, which I never would have revealed but on the Bed of death.
Heedless of her tears, cries and entreaties, He gradually made himself Master of her person, and desisted not from his prey, till He had accomplished his crime and the dishonour of Antonia.
Scarcely could He master himself sufficiently to conceal his desires from Antonia and her vigilant Duenna.
A Villain made himself Master of my affections, and to follow him I quitted my Father's House.
My heart remained without a Master till chance conducted me to the Cathedral of the Capuchins.
Long before I took the veil, Raymond was Master of my heart: He inspired me with the purest, the most irreproachable passion, and was on the point of becoming my lawful husband.
However, to prevent such a tragical Catastrophe for the present, I shall make a retreat, and leave you Master of the field.
To hide them from her He was not sufficiently master of himself: Yet He dreaded lest, in a transport of jealous rage, She should betray the secret on which his character and even his life depended.
By this means I became Master of the Key to the Garden door, and I had now nothing more to do than prepare Agnes for the elopement.
Agitated by remorse and fear He prepared for flight: Yet his terrors did not so compleatly master his recollection, as to prevent his taking the precautions necessary for his safety.
The boy of yesterday--the man of today--knows the Rollo books, and is familiar with the method by which the mind of young Master Mollycoddle was improved by the guidance and precepts of his father and Uncle George.
Mr. Barton is master of the mystery story, and in this absorbing narrative the author has surpassed his best previous successes.
His master has sunk in the depth, and the faithful log yet awaits him.
The crowd, withdrawing from Master Jakel when the plate commenced its wanderings, pushed Otto and Wilhelm forward toward the low fence before the juggler's table.
Master Jakel's own puppets had been hired; a student, distinguished by his complete imitation of the first actors, represented them by the puppets.
Then came the master of the fire-engines, with his wife and little granddaughter; then three pretty peasant girls; then the whole Botanical Society, with their real professor at their head.
She looked high, and she looked low, but nothing could she find; so she was very unhappy; for she knew her master would be miserable if he had no dinner.
Up came the traveller, and looking around, asked where her master was.
Vaughan, the then head-master of Harrow, to take some boys into her house, and so gain means of education for her own son.
Once on my feet, I feel perfectly at my ease, ruler of the crowd, master of myself.
An English master of a vessel, just arrived, received a bucket of water.
The ladies saw me, and the master of the house came out, entreating me to enter, with the Spanish compliment, "that his house and family were entirely at my service.
English labourers generally manage to leave their master the moment they become useful.
The French plenipotentiaries at the Hague had already assented to their master engaging himself not to favour directly or indirectly "the enemies of the Prince of Orange, acknowledged King of England.
The deceiver was anxious in the event of a counter-revolution to stand well with the restored monarch, and intended no further treachery to his existing master than is necessarily involved in the attempt to serve two masters at once.
But I shall not let Master Fritz tie me to you again.
And the people rebuffed them, because they should hold their peace: But they cried the more, saying: have mercy on us master which art the son of David.
When they were come to Capernaum: They that were wont to gather poll money, came to Peter and said: Doth your master pay tribute?
And the servant went again, and brought his Master word thereof.
When they were come together, they asked of him, saying: Master wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israhel?
When the pharisees had perceived that, they said unto his disciples: why eateth your master with publicans and sinners?
Peter took him aside, and began to rebuke him saying: master favor thy self, this shall not come unto thee.
If I then your lord and master have washed your feet, ye also ought to wash one another's feet.
And as he began to sink, he cried saying: master save me.
In the meanwhile his disciples prayed him saying: Master eat.
And Simon answered, and said to him: Master we have laboured all night, and have taken nothing.
She stood enraptured till the melody subsided and there was silence again, broken by the voice of the small master of the ceremonies.
I spoke to our master for him, but it's a slack time of year, you see.
And the master without his coat--he'll be soaked through and through.
Fairfax was an hour and a half late, and, in spite of the refusal of the manservant, came limping in, and found the master taking a glass of hot milk and a biscuit.
Fairfax thanked him and watched Barye's face as the masterscrutinized and went around the little figure.
He recalled the choir-master of St. Angel's church.
Charley was thoroughly sympathetic with the Southerner, but he was as well an excellent servant, notwithstanding that he served a master whom he did not understand.
He saw his uncle through Bella's eyes, but he never passed the master of the house in the halls, taking good care to escape him.
The passion and tenderness brooding in him made his voice rich and the choir-master heard him above the congregation.
He had fallen in love with the works of the Swedish master as he had seen them in photograph and plaster cast at the exposition in New Orleans.
Until he should become a great master and need her with her simplicity and her humble mind less than ever?
On Sunday afternoon, in his desire to see the children, he forgot his distaste of meeting the master of the house, and rang the bell at an hour when Carew was likely to be at home.
He has studied with Cedersholm, but we shall soon forget whose pupil he is when he is a master himself.
As his master came up, Massai leaned over the side, his master's rifle in his hand.
In the meantime Caesar's master departed, thinking, no doubt, that the boy would follow him to his own "more better country.
Before the master left, Caesar was persuaded by his envious fellow-countrymen to remain with them to be flattered and courted.
The hitherto all-conquering snake, lord andmaster of the ravine, bade defiance, joining issue with the craft of its kind.
That is precisely what the master of a lonely boat in an odd angle of the Coral Sea was doing when a joyful sail appeared--a dove-like messenger from civilisation and shops.
It was not that I was not master of my fate, but that out there in the glare of the sun was patient water, dripping for the refreshment and cleansing of my grimy lips.
The master of ceremonies carried to the front a big and rough sapling.
The crab was merely tickling; the faithful spouse, with the tenderest motives, was cruelly beating her lord and master to disablement, and it can scarcely be credited that the echo of his remarks has yet subsided.
She soon overtook him and said: "Master Brandon, the princess wishes to see you.
In a moment some one called out: "Master Brandon is wanted.
Go home and tell your imbecile oldmaster I scorn his suit and hate him--hate him--hate him!
Before the evening is over, Master Brandon, we want you to give us another sermon," and she laughed, setting off three other laughs as hearty and sincere as if she had uttered the rarest witticism on earth.
One afternoon, a day or two after Brandon's presentation, a message arrived from Mary, notifying me that she would have a little fĂȘte that evening in one of the smaller halls and directing me to be there as Master of the Dance.
Then with the tears falling unheeded down her cheeks, "Master Wolsey, you butcher's cur!
How do you know that I want to purchase aught in any way, Master Wolsey?
Ibsen's symbolism in The master builder, and When we dead awaken.
Ibsen's symbolism in "The master builder" and "When we dead awaken.
Harps in the air (Nazimova in the Master Builder).
It was then all that its leaders could ask, and its claim as master of the field was established, but it was worn by severe marches and battles, and in need of rest.
So well satisfied was he that he was master of the military zodiac that he despatched the Washington authorities of Lee's "gross mistake" and exposure to severe penalties.
Speech belongeth unto men, and chiefly to me that am themaster in this house.
And Eumaeus made reply: "He belongeth to a master who died far away.
And Telemachus sat among them, vexed at heart, for they wasted his substance; neither was he master in his house.
Yet truly it is not because thou art idle that thy master thus dealeth with thee; nor, indeed, art thou in any wise like unto a slave; for thy face and thy stature are as it might be of a king.
All about were wolves and lions; yet these harmed not the men, but stood up on their hind legs, fawning upon them, as dogs fawn upon their master when he comes from his meal, because he brings the fragments with him that they love.
Twenty years had he waited, and saw his master at the last.
For when the masteris away the slaves are careless of their duty.
Little by little, and for the sake of tranquillity, he has abrogated all his authority as master of the house, all his dignity as a man, into the hands of his wife.
I say also that, if the master does not give it to us, we have a right to take it, even from his strong-box, even from his blood.
Zeuxis rent the challenge in a thousand pieces, and, burning with rage, exclaimed: "Tell your master that Zeuxis stoops not to compete with plebeians!
The servant informed him that his master had been there the day before, but had gone at once to Yasmen, near which place he had hired, or even bought, a house two weeks earlier.
The arrangement of a whole series of these amusements, to fill out the day, was the sole occupation which weighed on their thoughts; and even this, for the greater part, Pan Osnovski took on himself as master of the house.
A quarter of an hour later, Pan Stanislav entered, at the request of Plavitski, but ill-humored, irritated through striving to master himself.
If, after all that I have considered and thought over and said, I could not master myself, I should be the last among men.
He began to interest her, for he seemed very intelligent, and more difficult to master than she had expected.
ABOUT a quarter past eight o'clock in the evening, Master George, as he called himself, the little pedantic man, came skipping down the wharf.
Yet, so highly pleased was Master George, that he kept up a succession of applauses at every grimace made by the comedian.
The master sets the most dissipated and immoral examples in his own person, and allows his children not only to exercise their youthful caprices, but to gratify such feelings as are pernicious to their moral welfare, upon his slaves.
Among them was a well-known master builder, in Charleston-a very muscular and a very humane man.
At this, Master George commenced reading the Captain a disquisition upon the best mode of acquiring the French language.
Sometimes his master pays the municipal fine, and administers a domestic castigation less lacerating.
Your writers manifest it in their books upon us and the people seem of necessity to copy from them, and echo their grumblings," rejoined Master George.
His master flogged him once, while he was in the jail, himself, giving him about forty stripes with a raw hide on the bare back: not satisfying his feelings with this, he concluded to send him to New Orleans.
And such is the law at the present day, that no master can give his slaves their freedom, except by special act of the legislature, and that with such a multiplicity of provisions and conditions that few even attempt it.
Scarcely seated, Master George rang the bell with such violence that he disjointed the cord and tassel, and gave such an alarm that three or four darkies came poking their alarmed countenances through the curtains at once.
Unable to move him in his resolution, one by one began to give him a hearty shake of the hand and bid him good-night, leaving little Master George to the exclusive honor of seeing him home.
Why, sir, my master longs to see her, and is almost mad in good earnest with the joyful news of her being here.
And have you given your master a hint of their plot upon him?
Nay, and to tell your worship another truth, I believe you did, for I find I was born with those same whoreson appetites too, that my master speaks of.