Lord Godolphin retired from the Treasury, who was the first Commissioner and most skillful manager of all.
He showed us his pretty garden, choice flowers, and curiosities, he himself being a skillful gardener.
Lasalle and Karl Marx=] After 1850 the socialistic movement temporarily declined in France and Great Britain, but it gained a great impetus in Germany, under the teachings of certain able and skillful advocates.
With childlike obedience Nance followed him every day and watched the workmen rear the beautiful structure under Jim's keen eyes and skillful hands.
His slender, skillful fingers adjusted the band and brushed a stray ringlet of hair back under the furs.
As a means of readily detecting the presence of minerals in their ores the blow-pipe, in the hands of a skillful operator, is unrivaled.
A skillful operator can blow for many minutes at a time without the slightest fatigue.
The sample is first crushed fine and a few skillful shakes get rid of all the gangue, leaving behind the tin and wolfram.
In relation to particular measures, Washington had shown himself to be as skillful a statesman as he had proved himself sagacious as a general.
The Trumbull, of thirty-two guns, was commanded by Captain James Nicholson, a spirited and skillful officer.
Although a great orator, he was not a skillful debater.
When due to injury to the bones of the head, tumors, ulcerated teeth or dried pus in the nasal cavities, it is best to secure the services of a skillful Veterinarian, one whose professional knowledge renders him thoroughly competent.
This was accomplished in a short time under his skillful manipulations, and a hearty meal afforded to every one of the little company.
The habitual gloomy expression rested upon the face of Oonomoo, and it needed no skillful physiognomist to read the signs of an unusual emotion upon his swarthy countenance.
Being a skillful backwoodsman, he acted as guide to the men, proceeding, in spite of his years, at a rate which cost them considerable effort to equal.
In addition to all these qualifications, he was a skillful versifier, and composed the most beautiful extemporaneous poetry, apparently without an effort.
For habit has rendered us so skillfuland quick in conversing with the language of the deaf and dumb, that no impediment ever exists to the free interchange of our thoughts.
It was quite a trick twenty-five years ago to take the logs over the rapids, but he was skillful with a raft, and always kept her straight in the channel.
Could it be possible that he was only maliciously amusing himself at her expense, playing even a more skillful game than she was capable of doing against such an unusual antagonist?
Red looking admiringly at her skillful handling of the rangy roan gelding, the kindling eyes and firmly compressed lips, decided that she would "make good.
A few skillful strokes of the scalpel and he nodded his satisfaction.
She was not at all the mad woman Mrs. Guinness had always described her--not at all what Kitty had fancied a lecturer on woman suffrage, a manager of the Water-cure and a skillful operating surgeon must be.
This is a fair, faithful and skillful condensation, and the most readable narrative we have seen of poor Dominica's tale of revolutions and wrongs.
By careful washing, skillful varnishing and by the use of a preparation for removing grease spots many books are given an extended turn of service without lowering the standards established.
Yet the knowledge acquired by only one day of observation under skillful guidance in the children's department at central would prove invaluable to these women.
He was wonderfully skillful in the use of arms, an excellent swimmer, and extraordinarily hardy.
No honors were too great for a man at once so skillful and so fortunate (for the Romans had always a great belief in a general's good fortune).
To be skillful or wise; to prepare or arrange something skillfully.
A little skillful maneuvering on our part, and the victory is ours.
Everything in the two rooms occupied by Viola and her brother remains just as it was when the child died, and I have no doubt that a skillful detective will be able to unearth something that will explain the whole matter.
There is a skillful pickpocket aboard of this boat, and those who have money had better be on their guard.
That was a skillful maneuver, Lottie, to put them to winding yarn; nothing could have been better.
Yes, but they say he is the most skillful detective that ever operated in Philadelphia.
His leg was broken about three inches above the ankle joint; but thanks to the skillful old surgeon, no lameness or deformity resulted from it, and in less than four weeks he was able to walk without crutches.
Lannelongue I went to the Sainte-Eugenie hospital, where this skillful surgeon was to operate on a little girl of about twelve years of age.
Kuhn, a skillful brewer of Chamalieres, near Clermont-Ferrand, as well as to M.
Lister was skillful at games of chance, where his impassiveness served him well, but Walters fancied he was by no means likely to shine at anything else.
Bud might not be able to convince the scoffer at the blacksmith's shop; Mr. Ramsey did not expect that he would; he knew that Satan had many skillful ways of using false weapons and making them flash like true steel.
How pretty it is," Claire said, watching the crimson silk flowers grow on the canvas under skillful fingers; "do you enjoy working on it?
The skillful doctor, who had already been summoned from the city, was silent as well as skillful.
But really they are expert in the use of these well-adapted limbs, and one can not help admiring the skillful and graceful way in which they wade about in water breast deep, as well as on dry land, in search of their insect prey.
No one doubts that our minds influence our digestions as has been so clearly proved by the skillful experiments of Pawlow, an eminent Russian physiologist.
The opposite position, in which the head is the last portion born, is, even with the most skillful treatment, somewhat more serious for the infant, though not for the mother.
For this reason and also because skillful guidance of the mother at this time will prevent unwelcome sequels in the later years of life, physicians now extend their watchfulness beyond the hour of birth.
Slight injuries are not uncommon, especially if the confinement be the first, for the most skillfultreatment often fails to prevent them.
Similarly a visit from the doctor about four weeks before the expected date of confinement is indispensable to skillful management of the delivery; neglect of this precaution is sometimes responsible for bad results.
So amazingly skillfulwere they in sweeping away his public standing that the process was actually interesting.
Your Honor will realize that her emotions were wantonly and deliberately played upon by the defendant in a skillful endeavor to create sympathy for himself.
Were not the appeals to Austria and England merely a skillful device to gain time?
Of this inevitable reaction Bonaparte now made skillful use.
Here he grew up, becoming famous for his great strength and agility; he was six foot four inches in his stockings and was noted as the most skillful wrestler in the country.
The history of the war from now until the close of the war is a series of flanking movements carried on by two most skillful generals.
One under Sherman, against Atlanta commanded by the skillful rebel General Johnson; the other under Meade, directed against Lee and the Confederate capitol.
As before said, our readers have read his description of a parliamentary leader, and we will further simply say that Mr. Blaine is one of the most skillful parliamentary leaders in the country.
Halec Tustenuggee was a most skillful warrior: bold and daring in his policy, yet capable of dissimulation and treachery.