In this manner the ancestors of the oldest land inhabitants began to struggle out of the sea.
Now, if the ancestors of the two great organic kingdoms were thus simultaneously produced here, we are warranted in believing that they would similarly be produced elsewhere, given conditions suitably alike.
We all have felt this impulse in our childhood as our ancestors did before us, when they conjured goblins and spirits from the vasty void, and if our energy continue we never cease to feel its force through life.
The word Vasteriox used by theancestors of the Parsis, which appears to correspond to Vaishya, also signifies a husbandman, as already seen.
But they claim to belong to the Barhai caste and say that their ancestors immigrated from Benares at the time of a great famine there.
A section of Telis so named because their first ancestors presented ghi to the king Bhoramdeo.
A small group of Brahmans, so called because their ancestors are said to have received a grant of five villages from Raghunath Deo of Hindoli.
It appears then that at this time the ancestors of the Hindus and Iranians were not yet separated.
Hence the land in which the tombs of ancestorswere situated was held to belong to the family, and could not be separated from it.
Among the ancestors of man, as among other animals, there was no doubt a time when blood relationship was no bar to sexual intercourse.
Like the Hindus, the Iranian ancestors of the Parsis revered the sacred liquor made from the Soma or Homa plant.
Prayers for ancestorsare offered annually at the Shab-i-Barat or Bakr-Id festival.
Such stories may be purely imaginary, or may contain some substratum of truth, as that the ancestors of the caste were Rajputs, who took wives from Chamars and other low castes.
This is a law which our ancestors established in this island, and it is always observed.
Men may become animals and animals may become men; animals and men may communicate with each other and live on terms of equality; animals may be the ancestors of human tribes; the sacred totems of savages are most usually animals.
Standing in this relation to our ancestors and our posterity, we are assembled on this memorable spot, to perform the duties which that relation and the present occasion impose upon us.
We are in the line of conveyance, through which whatever has been obtained by the spirit and efforts of our ancestors is to be communicated to our children.
Our New England ancestors brought hither no great capitals from Europe; and if they had, there was nothing productive in which they could have been invested.
He was a descendant of the Puritans, hisancestors having early emigrated from England, and settled in Massachusetts.
Our ancestors began their system of government here under a condition of comparative equality in regard to wealth, and their early laws were of a nature to favor and continue this equality.
Lastly, our ancestors established their system of government on morality and religious sentiment.
Having provided that all youth should be instructed in the elements of learning by the institution of free schools, our ancestors had yet another duty to perform.
Then Olaf's inclination to go to the heritage of his ancestors became strong.
On the other hand, King Valdemar should get that domain in Norway which hisancestors Harald Gormson and Svein Forked-beard had possessed; namely, the whole of Viken as far north as Rygiarbit.
For what we have received from our ancestors is only a fraction of what we are, or may become.
The Kuzzelbashes in Eastern Turkey have a tradition that their Christian ancestors were compelled to become Mohammedans, and they are now regarded by the Turks as little better than infidels; nor are the Koords in much higher repute.
I will demonstrate how contrary the character of your ancestors and your own have always been to the spirit and temper here inculcated.
With these illustrious examples ever rushing upon your memory, no man can doubt that your lordship has inherited that detestation of influence by which your ancestors were so honourably distinguished.
But within those limits hardly a peasant's cottage would be found without its bottle of the drug, in which their ancestors placed their faith for so many generations.
Your majesty well knows I am one of the kings of the sea as well as yourself; that my ancestors yield not in antiquity to any royal house; and that the kingdom I inherit is no less potent and flourishing than your own.
This is a law which our ancestors established in this island, and it is always observed inviolably.
But poorly, I thank God," answered Douglas; "for few of my ancestors died in bed or chamber.
It must, for one thing, make him feel his duty to his ancestors more strongly.
I cannot well forget,' I returned, 'what my ancestorshave done for me.
They would even assume an hostility to their ancestors because theseancestors were of English blood.
In the primitive history of the land her ancestors took no part.
I am inclined to the latter opinion, and to believe that the inhabitants of ancient Atlantis were the ancestors of the warlike and adventurous Caribs.
Since then the edge of the forest has been beaten back some miles to the north-east; but the people cling to the old spots, where, generation after generation, their ancestors have lived and died.
According to Prescott the Aztecs and cognate races believed their ancestors came from the north-west, and were preceded by the real civilisers--the Toltecs.
Catholicism will be naught but a very ancient superstition of the past, how amazed men will be to think that their ancestors were able to endure that religion of torture and nihility!
I have read of a maid in France ages back who raised armies to drive my ancestors out of her fatherland and I think that maid must have looked as my maid did and had the same blessed grace to inspire courage and love and service.
There may be plenty of Crowninshields still left for aught I know or care, for I never troubled my head much about my possible ancestors who carried on a field gules an Eastern crown or.
She made a drawing of the new facade to the house in the country; she pulled up the trees, and pulled down the walls of the garden, so as to let in the easterly wind, which Mr Baynard's ancestors had been at great pains to exclude.
Plaiting rushes is still the earliest amusement of children, the patterns of which are sometimes identical with the designs engraved by our earliest ancestors on their sculptured stones.
Thousands of years ago our ancestors prayed to Waruna, the father in heaven; thousands of years later the Romans entered their temple and worshipped Jupiter, the father in heaven, while the Teutonic races worshipped the All-father.
Have you no pride in your policeman father and in your ancestors that have been keepers of the peace of Spain for a hundred years?
Since that long-ago time when her ancestors had been reclaimed from brigandage and become Miquelets, no one in her family ever again had turned criminal.
And all my male ancestors have been Guardias Civiles back to the long-ago, when they were bandoleros and outlaws who grew tired of being hunted and became Miquelets.
My ancestors and I our birthplace had Where first is found the last ward of the city By him who runneth in your annual game.
So likewise did the ancestors of those Who evermore, when vacant is your church, Fatten by staying in consistory.
I must act as my ancestors have done, indulging them and loving them.
Thine ancestors in their treasure-house, the whereabouts of which is known only to the Naya and to thyself, have deposited heaps of jewels and great quantities of gold, the spoils of war through many generations.
Here it was that the primordial ancestors of every living man and woman and child gathered at night with their families, in those far-off dark ages before history was written.
But the leaders," says he, "of the Dorians may appear to be descended in a right line from the Egyptians, reckoning their ancestors from before Danae and Acrisius.
Our ancestors pursued a different plan: they stored their minds with just ideas of moral good and evil; with the rules of right and wrong, and the fair and foul in human transactions.
During a space of seven hundred years our ancestors were struggling to reach the summit of perfection: Cicero at length arose; he thundered forth his immortal energy, and nature was satisfied with the wonder she had made.
The practice of our ancestors was agreeable to this theory.
Men were unwilling to see the followers of their ancestors transferred to other families for protection.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ancestors" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.