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Example sentences for "washed"

Lexicographically close words:
washbasin; washboard; washbowl; washcloth; washe; washee; washen; washer; washerman; washermen
  1. After the starchy substance is washed out of the stems of these palms, it is then granulated so as to form sago.

  2. It is highly esteemed in Japan, where it is extensively used as an article of diet, being first washed in cold water and then boiled in milk or broth.

  3. Ure:--" The roots are washed and reduced to a pulp by means of a rasp or grater.

  4. It is then washed and dried in the sun, baked and broken into small lumps, when it is ready for the market.

  5. A great part of that found in the shops has been washed in whiting and water, under the pretence of preserving it from insects.

  6. It is not uncommon for an American Indian to make a meal of twenty or thirty pods of capsicum, a little salt, and a piece of bread, washed down by two or three quarts of chica, the popular beverage.

  7. After removing the peel, the root is grated on a fish-skin, and the pulp having been strained through a coarse cloth, is washed three or four times in water, and then dried in the sun.

  8. The pulp is washed with sea water through a sieve, made of the fibrous web which protects the young frond of the coco-nut palm.

  9. It is absolutely necessary that the fibre should be well washed after being taken out of the boiler, in order that all extraneous matter may be separated therefrom.

  10. It is then washed several times in fresh water, and again exposed to the sun, which bleaches it, after which it is collected in heaps for exportation.

  11. When the root is dug up, it is washed to free it from earthy particles; peeled, bored through the centre, strung on a thread, and dried in the sun.

  12. After this it is allowed to settle, and well washed with pure cold water.

  13. Mangaleesu and Kalinda, with the two white lads, sat round the fire, eating their supper of venison, washed down with cold water, and talking over in low voices plans for that future which it was very possible none of them might live to see.

  14. Having taken off the handkerchief and carefully washed the wound in warm water, he dressed it with the skill of a surgeon.

  15. A good deal of mud and river slime had accumulated on my soul; but these bright waters washed them all away.

  16. It has filled up, so far as it is filled, by the soil being washed down from the higher ground on each side.

  17. The matter appears improbable, though, Mr. Thaxter says, large quantities of soil are annually washed into the sea; so that the islands may have been better clad with earth and its productions than now.

  18. It is fit for baptisms; but one would not wish it to be polluted by having sins washed into it.

  19. The grasses at the edge--the turf--curl over and begin to grow down the steep side that a little while since was washed by the current.

  20. The best time to look for them was after a heavy storm of rain had washed a shallow channel beside the road, when you might select some hardy splinters which had lain hidden under the dust.

  21. She dabbed her eyes with the corner of her soiled pinafore until they smiled like violets new washed with dew; she wiped the trickling tear-drops from her smudgy China rose cheeks until they bloomed afresh.

  22. Now give me that white-washed fence you have around your ears.

  23. Shrieks and cries arose, but many of the voices were speedily silenced, as the sea, breaking over the ship, washed several men from the deck into the seething cauldron into which she had been driven.

  24. After breakfast, we summoned the slaves who had brought us the water to procure a further supply, in which we washed our under garments, hanging them up afterwards to dry in the garden.

  25. As soon as he saw our pot on the fire, Shimbo ran off to his canoe and brought back some plantains, which he set to work to peel; he then carefully washed them, and cutting them in several pieces, put them into the saucepan.

  26. Many of the poor wretches enjoyed their liberty but for a few seconds, for they were quickly washed off the deck, or were drowned in a vain attempt to reach the shore by swimming.

  27. The thunder rolled, the lightning flashed, and we continued to bale away as the water washed into the canoe.

  28. Having washed it then and there in cold water, we stopped the blood, bound up the wounds, and gave it to the mother to carry back.

  29. During the remaining days of June the men washed and mended clothes, killed seals, made minor excursions in the neighbourhood of the hut, and discussed plans for the future.

  30. We were in no condition to sit in anybody's house until we had washed and got into clean clothes, but the kindness of the station-manager was proof even against the unpleasantness of being in a room with us.

  31. He must have worn a lot of clothes when he landed from the boat, and I did not realize how he had wasted till I saw him washed and changed.

  32. Pieces, about the size of a cottage, of glacier-ice or of hummocky pack washed clear of snow.

  33. It was a narrow escape, though, as had they been washed into the sea nothing could have saved them.

  34. He read books of Theology and books on Philosophy in the little white-washed parlour of the school-house.

  35. She washed his face in a silver bowl On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day, She combed his hair with an ivory comb On Christmas Day in the morning.

  36. You have only turned over a new leaf, and kept your resolutions prayerfully and well for eleven years; but this is not turning back the old leaves of your past life, and getting them washed in the blood of the Lamb.

  37. I did not see then, as I have since that turning over a new leaf to cover the past, is not by any means the same thing as turning back the old leaves, and getting them washed in the blood of the Lamb.

  38. I bound together the broken portions, and washed them with the celebrated tar-water.

  39. Nor did he change his linen more frequently than he washed himself.

  40. Jerrold, telling the story many years after, said, "That shower of rain washed all the Greece out of us.

  41. The sand was not near enough the water to make it a favorite playing ground for the children, and no waves had washed over it.

  42. They must either have been washed out to sea, or some one has picked them up and taken them away.

  43. She took off the apron she had been wearing, washed her hands and was going to sit in the parlor, for the pie would need to bake ten minutes more, when in came Mrs. Martin.

  44. Let's go back in the water and get washed off!

  45. It washed away the sand that William had dug out, and not only filled with salt water the hole he had dug, but it washed the hole away and splashed up to the little boy's ankles.

  46. He began to take off his heavy coat and was about to sit down to pull off his rubber boots when Janet said: "Oh, he wasn't washed out by a wave!

  47. But though they delved about, the children found nothing more valuable than shells and stones, with now and then a bit of white coral that had been washed up by the waves.

  48. He rose up when it was broad day, and washed and dressed himself.

  49. Later she brought him a towel when he had washed himself in the tin basin on the bench outside the house.

  50. And as it fell open naturally at the blood-washed page a new thing came, a new torture.

  51. With a sudden great outrush of pity he had taken her in his arms to comfort her, feeling the selfishness strangely washed from his love, as the sobs convulsed her.

  52. A turtle, perhaps, or a big fish washed ashore," suggested the Major.

  53. After the meal was ended and the things washed and put away they all sat on folding camp chairs outside the little tent and enjoyed the intense silence surrounding them.

  54. The Mexican servants had washed themselves and the floor of the big room had been swept and cleared of some of its rubbish; but that was all.

  55. All these little children came to Hare and asked why he came there in his scarlet dress without getting it washed, because they all wore white robes, and they told him he must get his robes washed too.

  56. Half my first work-day is over, and I have just washed my hands, sooty with lighting my own fire, to write before dinner.

  57. A large Heidelberg family considered it a great point of honour to have linen enough to last them six months, so as only to send it to be washed twice in the year, when it went in a great waggon to Spiegelhausen.

  58. Beyond this, other doors opened in a similar manner, till we reached a small white-washed room.

  59. The garden was covered with cushions, chairs, tables, and ladies' dresses, which had been washed out of the lower windows.

  60. Again all was darkness, and then another flash showed what a state the room was in--the books literally washed off the table, and Forster and Dirom armed with foot-pans of water.

  61. It had not been stripped or washed for days, and its face was so begrimed with dirt that the features were scarcely discernible.

  62. We cooled our hands and faces in the clear water and washed off the black peat mold, and went up to the farm.

  63. Was it thence thou readst once unto me, of a woman that was sinful, which washed our Lord's feet?

  64. Many women that were sinners have washed Christ's feet with tears; and perhaps they will not be found the lowest in the kingdom of Heaven.

  65. Princes and the higher class of peers washed in silver basins in their own rooms; but a squire or a knight's daughter would have been thought unwarrantably fastidious who was not fully satisfied with a tub and a towel.

  66. On Saturday night, the soot of the week washed away, the Hungarian is found here in all his native glory.

  67. The things which seem to us the most ineradicable and written as if by an "iron pen upon the rock" are in most cases but chalk marks on a blackboard, so easily are they washed away.

  68. But she has washed my feet with tears, and wiped them with the hair of her head.

  69. Later, a Pharisee who had invited Him to dinner marvelled that He had not first washed before sitting at the meal.

  70. Never washed so much as a dish-clout in your life, I'll lay!

  71. Thanks to her shock absorbers, but little motion was felt, although in places the roadway had been washed out by the torrential downpour and was very rough.

  72. The bridge had been washed away by the rising waters of the creek and he was tearing at top speed for the steep banks.

  73. While the plates and knives and forks were being washed and put away, the professor wandered off on his perennial quest of rocks and specimens.

  74. Anne asked me as we washed the breakfast dishes.

  75. I recalled the hour-long conversation I had had with Donald Kohl's father, and suddenly the dam burst open and a flood of suppressed memories washed over me.

  76. At noon he camped, and over a tiny fire thawed out his bread and warmed his salmon, which he washed down with copious drafts of snow-water.

  77. When the dishes had been washed and returned to their shelves the two seated themselves and lighted their pipes.

  78. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "washed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.