Establishing the Anthropological Society of Paris in 1859, of which he was secretary till his death, he was practically the inventor of the modern science of craniology.
Another tradition makes him a giant of the sea, ruler of the fabulous Aegaea in Euboea, an enemy of Poseidon and the inventor of warships (Schol.
Further information may be obtained by addressing the inventor as above.
The aim of this inventor is to utilize the resistance of the milk as a source of power.
The inventor says that this system of valves is considered by experts to be novel and very valuable.
This ingenious apparatus, which constitutes the first real telegraph, was publicly shown by its inventorat the meeting of the Society of Telegraph Engineers on Wednesday, February 26.
The inventor of canals as well as of bridges over rivers and causeways over morasses was, according to Greek historians, the famous Assyrian queen, Semiramis, the builder of Babylon with its wonderful hanging gardens.
One of her pupils, Synesius, who became Bishop of Ptolemais, informs us that she was the inventor of two important astronomical instruments: an astrolabe and a planisphere.
But, above all, she was the inventor of musical instruments and those plastic and graphic arts which have for ages placed Greece in the forefront of civilization and culture.
But not only was she regarded as the oleae inventrix-inventress of the olive--as Virgil phrases it, but also as the inventor of all handicrafts, whether of women or men.
Besides these apparatus, she was likewise the inventor of an astrolabe and a planisphere.
More conclusive information respecting woman as an inventor is, strange as it may appear, afforded by a systematic study of the various races of mankind which are still in a state of savagery.
I am glad, too, to know there was one inventor who prospered.
But he did not set out to be an inventorany more than Arkwright did.
It was not long before the successor of the inventor discovered the defect of this instruction, which was purely mechanical and acquired by rote.
The original is first surrounded with a case or frame of sheet metal or other suitable material, and a negative cast is taken with some elastic material, if there are undercuts; the inventor uses agar-agar.
Some improvements have recently been made by Mr. Alexander Glegg and the inventor in the well-known Jamieson grapnel used for raising submerged submarine cables.
As for him, he was always the inventor and prime mover in every mischievous escapade the heart of youth could glory in.
If, when you come to the throne, you shall undertake to be the inventorof every thing that is said and done in your dominions, you will make yourself answerable for more follies than you will find ingenuity to defend.
Authors are not agreed as to his being the inventor of physic, some affirming he perfected that part only which relates to the regimen of the sick.
All the miraculous things wrought by Apollonius Tyanaeus are attributed to the virtue and influence of talismans; and that wizard, as he is called, is even said to be the inventor of them.
He was theinventor of the metronome and a man of considerable intelligence.
Allied to his talents as musician and inventor were those of good business ability and a knowledge of human nature.
Eastman, the inventor of the locomotive pilot, is said to be responsible for this story.
When the plan was completed the boy eyed it critically; then he turned to the inventor with disapproval in every feature.
He was also theinventor of a bicycle brake, a pneumatic road-improver, and an improved turbine engine.
Matthew Arnold called him "the inventor of the new journalism in England.
In 1817 James Watt, the inventor of the practical steam-engine, crossed in a steamer from England to Belgium.
Then the inventor told of wireless messages being transmitted 2500 miles across the Abyssinian desert, and of preparation for similar achievements.
Government was induced to grant its aid, and the inventor himself spent a portion of his private fortune in the prosecution of his undertaking.
Bach's place in music is thus far higher than that of a reformer, or even of an inventor of new forms.
In the Naval Chronicle for that year we have an account of a vessel designed by a son of the General Congreve who is famous as being the inventor of the "Congreve rocket", once a somewhat highly esteemed missile.
The inventor of the gun then prepared for the French some wafers of pyroxyline canvas, which were placed next to the primer, securing thereby prompt ignition without the production of any smoke.
The inventors of mountain railroad transportation might have been discouraged by this discovery, but it is a characteristic of an inventor that he is not set back by opposition, which, in fact, only serves to stimulate his zeal.
Minory’s answer had been to stand up in the skiff, holding aloft in one hand the model and in the other the plans and calculations that had cost the sleeping inventor below so much effort.
The inventor was in France in 1803 when Napoleon organized his army for the invasion of England.
The result of all this was, that the inventor never received any just compensation for a machine that revolutionized the commerce of the country, and added enormously to the power and progress of the Republic.
Whitney, the inventor of the gin, was born in Massachusetts in 1765, in very poor circumstances.
It very often devolves on the inventor to give that value to it, a task which will not be found easy, especially to the novice.
Has not the ingenuity of the inventor enabled even the farmer, the special protege of the Government, to get greater returns from his labor than ever in the history of the world?
But be it also remembered that even a diamond has to be cut, ground, and polished before it attains its lustre, and the inventor or general, writer and orator are no exceptions to the rule.
Riker, vice-president of Locomobile Company, electrical and mechanical engineer and inventor of many automobile devices.
Thomas Robbins, president of Robbins Conveying Belt Company and inventor of many devices for conveying coal and ore.
Baekeland, founder of the Nepera Chemical Company and inventor of photographic paper.
From the American Institute of Mining Engineers: William Laurence Saunders, chairman of the Board of Directors of the Ingersoll-Rand Company and inventor of many devices for subaqueous and rock drilling.
Spencer Miller, inventor of ship-coaling apparatus and the breeches-buoy device used in rescues from shipwrecks.
Richardson, theinventor of the fiorin-grass (or of some of its excellencies).