But Miss Knollys again surprised me by saying that my room was not yet ready; that they had not been able to complete all their arrangements, and begged me to make myselfat home in the room where I was till evening.
Finding him in a talkative mood, I prepared to make myself agreeable, a proceeding which he seemed to appreciate, for he began to sniff and pay great attention to his horse, which he was elaborately turning about.
Was I prepared to accept favours, make myself a dependent, and be subservient to the unfeeling caprice of Hector, or any other proud and ignorant relation?
As however my informer spoke only from report, I am desirous, before I make myself known, to verify this fact.
With these words he put the money in his pocket, and kindly told me not to make myself uneasy; he would take care it should be all right.
Most assuredly, madame, I do not intend to make myself unhappy, to make myself ridiculous, and to cause people to point their fingers at me as a jealous husband, simply because somebody ventured to embrace you in jest!
I will try to make myself as cheerful under the infliction as may be.
But to make myself known as La Tournoire was but to defer my death.
I here saw an opportunity to make myself known in high places as one capable of harming and defying his enemies, despite their greatness.
I would, as far as I could, make myself worthy of your faith, though I never saw you again.
I make myself a jest, a thing for laughter, do I not, kissing the hand that would slay me?
Scarcely had I dressed myself in my second best gown (I had but three)—when Jessica came up to say that Mrs. Lambkin was excessively angry at the length of time I took to make myself decent.
Allow me to make myself useful," the polite doctor suggested.
I attack briskly those I love, and lay out all my skill to make myself beloved by them.
At last I got through with the kitchen, the Sunday dinner being well under way, and ran upstairs to put away the host of little garments the children had left when they took their flight, and to make myself presentable at lunch.
But I am almost in rags, and need every cent of this money tomake myself decent.
Before I was taken ill my chief object was to make myself attractive to the people I met And the easiest way to do that was to dress becomingly and make myself look as well as I could.
So you'll excuse me if I run away from you, to make myself a little decent; for it's horrid late!
I wouldn't make myself such a sight, for folks to see.
On the contrary, you ought to encourage me in my first endeavours to make myself of some use in the world.
Whatever way you feel toward them is the right way, and anything that you should wish me to do to make myself agreeable to them I will do as well as I know how.
Of course I don't expect to marry any woman for the asking," he said at last; "I expect first to make myself acceptable to her.
My relatives are comfortable in their sphere--let me proceed forthwith to make myself comfortable in mine.
I was commanded to attend all dinner-parties, and to make myself agreeable at all balls.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "make myself" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.