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Example sentences for "overlord"

Lexicographically close words:
overlook; overlooked; overlooker; overlooking; overlooks; overlords; overlordship; overly; overlying; overman
  1. Overlord Kipp knows what is due to his position.

  2. If you will only agree to shoot Overlord Kipp with a Florea Semper Fidelis Gun," the executive continued, "my corporation will be happy to place a substantial amount of credits at your disposal in any bank you choose.

  3. Allow me to load your Super Deluxe Conspirator's Florea Semper Fidelis Gun for you, Overlord Prognosticate," he announced in a ringing voice, as he turned his profile toward the cameras.

  4. The face of Overlord Kipp himself came into view, pale but composed.

  5. He is planning to assassinate Overlord Kipp with a Florea Semper Fidelis Gun.

  6. Right you are," said ex-Overlord Shinnick.

  7. Good-by and good luck, Overlord Schnee," Kipp said.

  8. Gervase lunched with Overlord Kipp the next day and was not assassinated.

  9. The Baroness went on: "His position as supreme overlord of the Krupp business he made perfectly clear to us.

  10. The Overlord of the Krupp works was confused with surprise.

  11. And like an overlord who had complete control of everything, I longed to show my power, my strength, my authority--all that I could and would do.

  12. That is, not the overlord himself, but the gentlefolks that were with the overlord.

  13. Shu[u]zen turned to him impatiently--"The speech of the overlord is without effect.

  14. Those three island kingdoms do to this day owe truage to no overlord saving only the King of Scots, and to Alexander alone will I pay homage.

  15. Remembering all this, Bismarck felt that parliaments had done nothing; strong men and a strong army had done everything, and it was by similar means that Prussia might be made the great overlord of Germany.

  16. About the middle of the twelfth century the lord of this castle, a man named Conrad, took service with the great Emperor of what was called the Holy Roman Empire--that is, with the overlord of nearly all Western Europe.

  17. The treaty acknowledged Henry II as overlord of Scotland, and expressly stated the dependence of the Scottish Church upon that of England.

  18. It was certain that no appeal from a Scotch King's Court to that of his overlord had been allowed since the days of William the Lion.

  19. A Papal legate resided at the English court, and claimed a share in the administration of the realm as the representative of its overlord and as guardian of the young sovereign.

  20. The position of Gualo as representative of the Papal overlord of the realm was of the highest importance, and his action showed the real attitude of Rome towards English freedom.

  21. The English king accepted the homage on the assumption that it was rendered to him as overlord of the Scottish realm, and this assumption was neither granted nor denied.

  22. And in the midst of all those other pavilions there was one that was manifestly the pavilion of the knight-champion or of the overlord of all the others.

  23. Thus I am overlord where all serve willy-nilly except you, who have served of your own will.

  24. But if the great vassal is not able to get the peers of the accused to give judgment, the accused shall hold his benefice until he and his overlord and the peers shall have come before us.

  25. He had the same rights on his own domains as any feudal lord, but had only the authority of an overlord over his great vassals.

  26. Agamemnon not only reminded him of the other suitors' promise to defend the honor of the man whom Helen should marry, but volunteered, as overlord of Greece, to force them to keep their vows.

  27. In many cases bishops, barons, or religious houses were the overlords of districts containing important towns, and those towns managed to get charters from their overlord as other towns had from the king.

  28. The overlord appointed a =reeve= to look after his interests, and the government of the place was in his hands.

  29. We must remember that the overlord might be the king, or a bishop; a monastery, or a thane.

  30. The men in these towns were, from the very first, more inclined to hold out against an overlord than the men in the villages were.

  31. Others were built where the overlord thought they would be of service to him in protecting his interests and keeping his tenants in order.

  32. Whether the overlord happened to be the King of Mercia, or the King of Wessex, the under-king continued to rule over his old kingdom, or share.

  33. It is pretty clear that the overlord did not always reside in his vill or tun.

  34. Princes and other subject rulers who governed under an overlord might be and, as a matter of fact, were referred to as kings.

  35. Bel-kap-kapu was reputed to have been an overlord of Assyria.

  36. Shamash-shum-ukin pleaded with his royal brother and overlord to restore Bel Merodach to Babylon.

  37. The most influential of these was the State of Damascus, the king of which was the overlord of the Hebrew kingdoms of Israel and Judah when Ashur-natsir-pal III ascended the Assyrian throne about 885 B.

  38. One of the Hyksos kings, named Ian or Khian, the Ianias of Manetho, was either an overlord or the ally of an overlord, who swayed a great empire in Asia.

  39. Cyrus acknowledged as his overlord Astyages, king of the Medes.

  40. This classification suggests that Nippur had either risen in political importance and dominated the cities of Erech and Eridu, or that its priests were influential at the court of a ruler who was the overlord of several city states.

  41. Among them was the Welsh Lord of Senghenydd, one of the chief "members" of Glamorgan, and his overlord probably saw reason to suspect his loyalty.

  42. Between the Overlord and the Landowner the fundamental conflict of view as to their respective rights has found its interpretation in the form of the mineral title.

  43. The Overlord claimed the metals as distinguished from the land, while the landowner claimed all beneath his soil.

  44. I was offered a post at the chancellerie of the Margrave Ernest of Baden and Hochberg, Landgrave of Sansenberg, Overlord of Roetteln and Badenweiler, etc.

  45. When, as occasionally occurred, the overlord omitted to provide a husband, not infrequently they demanded that he should.

  46. The king might still receive the same revenues and the same services from the district held by the lord as formerly, but for their payment a private person in his capacity as overlord was now responsible.

  47. The overlord crossed his legs and settled deeper into the chair.

  48. The question was rhetorical; even before Kirk could shake his head, the overlord pressed on.

  49. Tamu, overlord of Mythox, paused to drink from his glass and to cast a speculative glance at the stolid face of Martin Kirk.

  50. Then, "I am Tamu, the overlord of the galaxy.

  51. The girl glanced at the overlord and shrugged helplessly.

  52. To whom else should you turn but to the overlord to whom your great father, Duke Robert, confided you as a sacred trust years ago?

  53. In the case of chiefs, moreover, it is no uncommon thing for the overlord to pick out the pockets of soil most suitable for the growth of cocoanuts, and to order his vassals to go and plant them there.

  54. In practice, therefore, no overlord dared to make excessive levies upon his tenants.

  55. Of the six great clans known as the Sauturanga we find that persons of one are often in the relation of overlord to persons of another, though they are of almost the same rank.

  56. Persons of almost equal rank are found in the position of overlord and tenant.

  57. One of them, named Roerek, refused, declaring that the people and the shire-kings were usually better off the farther away the overlord was.

  58. In return he recognized him as his feudal overlord and gave him hostages.

  59. It was by the aid of his French overlord that William chastised into his obedience the sturdy Saxons of the Bessin and the fierce Danes of the CĂ´tentin.

  60. Zaida is a larger and more important place than Thandkoi, and contains many mosques, while the overlord is a well-educated Muhammadan nobleman, an alumnus of the Peshawur mission school.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "overlord" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    boss; chef; chief; chieftain; dictator; dynast; elder; emperor; employer; guru; husband; king; liege; majesty; monarch; oppressor; overlord; padrone; paramount; paterfamilias; patriarch; patron; potentate; prince; royal; royalty; ruler; sahib; sovereign; teacher; tyrannize; tyrant