Very clearly do we see from the brush of this most giftedcraftsman the difference that there is between sleep and wakefulness, and how firm and stable, speaking humanly, the Divine Majesty may appear.
Another sure indication of the decadence of the craftsman is to be found in the imitation of constructional detail with no practical purpose.
Not content with this outrage to the dignity of art, the craftsman ends his warrior in an architectural base which has not even the slight merit of probability which the tail of the merman might offer.
The strap work does not in any way follow the lines of the shield, and the female figures seem to be introduced only to show that the craftsman could portray the human form in steel as easily as he could the more conventional ornament.
The lonely craftsman perfecting his art in the solitude of a one-man workshop does not correspond with our industrial ideal any more than the hermit or the monk corresponds with our general religious ideal.
Yet from the beginning the name was felt not sufficiently to distinguish what was meant from the high skill of the cunning craftsmanand the worldly wisdom of the man of affairs, the statesman or soldier or trader.
For a craftsman who can use all the intricate resources of good prose successfully to create an illusion that he is inspired in his least abandoned moments, it is child's play to use the more obvious devices of the metrician to similar effect.
In the early eighteenth century the English craftsman tried his skill at lacquered furniture, it is true not with very successful results, but it is interesting to see what he has left as attempts.
The craftsman gave a personal character to his handiwork, which makes such pieces of original and artistic interest, and cabinetmaking and joinery was not then so machine-made as it is now.
Dutch lacquer-work was a similar attempt on the part of the craftsman of Holland to equal the Oriental originals.
The English craftsman was not fired by new impulses from France during such an outburst of decorative splendour.
The silk and gold thread coverings are faded, and the knotted fringe and gold braid have tarnished under the hand of Time, but their structural design is so effective that the modern craftsman has made luxurious furniture after these models.
A great poet, in the sense that Chaucer, his master and model, was great, Morris was not; but no one can deny to him the title of an enthusiastic and skilled craftsman of verse.
The old craftsman and Black Feather and Ouenwa advanced to meet them without fear, for up to that time the adventurers and the natives had been on the best of terms.
The crying had ceased; but the eyes of the old craftsman questioned the farther shore with a gaze steady and keen.
A pity it was thus to confound the two, to give such confusion between a gifted craftsman and a mere dealer.
In the weave he sees the ancient craftsman sitting at his loom.
The master craftsman and artist, William Morris, alone has known how to produce acceptable modern work from modern cartoons.
Documents and history have been less unkind to those early workers, and to those of us who like to feel the thrill of human brotherhood as it connects the artist and craftsmancenturies dead with our own strife for the ideal.
The master of this rough school had a glimmering of the necessity for technical education, and on occasional afternoons a chosen number of us were drafted off into a big class-room to watch some craftsman working at his trade.
If I had only had the brains to know it, there lay before me as fine a field as any craftsman in the art of fiction ever had a chance to glean in.
And potter is angry with potter, and craftsman with craftsman, and beggar is jealous of beggar, and minstrel of minstrel.
Secretly did the Father snatch her away and gave her a gift, the golden necklace, the toy which Hephaestus the famed craftsman once made by his cunning skill and brought and gave it to his father for a possession.
The legislator is a craftsman whose material is society and whose aim is the good life.
He then indicates what must be the character of a man who is the craftsman and artificer of noble deeds and a divinely inspired king.
Yust 159 The working library for the artisan and the craftsman E.
The poet and the dreamer conceive the great things which are wrought; the scientist and the craftsman achieve them; the scholar and the artist interpret them.
This is easily done--directions will be found on the cans--and makes the most satisfactory finish for mission andcraftsman furniture.
Another craftsmanwho is entitled to being included as an instrument maker was Richard Wistar.
A craftsman whose name is well known in scientific circles was Anthony Lamb, who advertised in 1753 as a mathematical instrument maker living on Hunter's Key, New York.
He speaks always of the Republics and the liberties of Italy, as if a craftsman differed from a knight only in political privileges, and as if his special virtue consisted in rendering obedience to no master.
That is (to my mind) as if he had said that the stone on which the craftsman worked was sometimes too rough and too irregular to produce a good cylinder.
Such was William Morris at his Merton works, a master craftsman worthy of the best traditions of the Middle Ages, fit to hold his place with the masons of Chartres, the weavers of Bruges, and the wood-carvers of Nuremberg.
In Matthew Arnold we wonder at the poet of 'The Strayed Reveller' coexisting with the zealous inspector of schools; in William Morris we find it hard to reconcile the creative craftsman with the fervent apostle of social discontent.
He knew there was another side to the picture, and that in many ways the freedom of the mediaeval craftsman had been curtailed.