I have heard some fine verses, I can assure you, monseigneur, in which you are called the conqueror of Turenne.
I should like to have been his conqueror myself, he was so great a man.
Pichegru, who afterward became so celebrated as the conqueror of Holland and who came to so melancholy a death, was a member of the school at Brienne at the same time with Napoleon.
The little near-by chapel, with its antique baptismal font, was built by the Conqueror himself, and shows how limited were the means he had at his command when bivouacking in the "Athens of Mexico.
The description of Montejo's house, with its door flanked on each side by the stone figure of a Spanish knight with his feet on the head of a Mayan Indian, shows what that conqueror thought of the situation.
But the fate of Venice was almost forgotten amidst the jubilant acclaim which greeted the conqueror of Italy on his arrival at Paris.
To the young Italian the conquest of Gaul by a man of his own race must have been a congenial topic, and in Cæsar himself the future conqueror may dimly have recognized a kindred spirit.
By a deft mingling of courtesy and firmness the new conqueror imposed his will on the Government of Florence, and then sped northward to press on the siege of Mantua.
We prefer the plague to the Austrians," they exclaimed; and this feeling but feebly expressed the emotion of France at the return of the Conqueror of the East.
And how skilfully the conqueror of Italy plays it--through subordinates.
A prophetic saying: it came from a man who, as conqueror and organizer, awakened that people from the torpor of centuries and breathed into it something of his own indomitable energy.
It is therefore more probable that the conqueror of Holland, shattered by his misfortunes and too proud to undergo a public trial, cut short a life which already was doomed.
Roger de Arundell was at home when the Conqueror came to England.
Teath, at which place William Carminow died in 1646, the last male heir of this ancient family, which was at home when the Conqueror came.
The Asiatic peoples were quick to bow before a sudden attack; but no sooner had the conqueror departed, than those who had sworn him eternal fealty sought only how best to break their oaths.
One of the half-effaced Assyrian stelæ adjoining those of the Egyptian conqueroris attributed to Tiglath-pileser.
The conqueror was lavish in religious offerings here, and caused a bas-relief to be engraved on the entrance in remembrance of his victories.
But for the necessity of loot to pay the gambling debts of his merry youth the conqueror indeed might never have appeared.
We shall be sure, then, of hearing their stories of William the Conqueror and Charles the Bold!
Esca had in some way incurred her ill-will, and she was angry with the conqueror who had spared him so foolishly when in his power.
It was instituted by William the Conqueror and continued during the reign of William Rufus, but was abolished as a "police regulation" in the reign of Henry I.
The conqueror was the captive then-- He bade the slave be free again.
It is, however, certain that William the Conqueror built a castle there in 1068, and Robert de Clifford a large tower.
As soon as the queen, of whose morals even the Britons held no high opinion, heard of his arrival, she and her daughters hastened to meet the conqueror to make terms.
They are collected at different points from a process of change profounder than that which separates the London of William the Conqueror from the London of to-day.
The old pattern of a personal conqueror ruling over a capital city that had grown up round the temple of a harvest god did not apply to it.
The Pope succeeded in crowning his visitor and conqueror by surprise in St. Peter's on Christmas Day 800 A.
We cannot tell here in any detail how the British Company made its way to supremacy sometimes as the ally of this power, sometimes as that, and finally as the conqueror of all.
The king, queen, generals, and all the riches, were carried to Rome, where the conqueror came in to enjoy what was called a triumph.
This humbled conqueror died in 563, and was succeeded by his son, Evil-Merodach, who released the captive Jehoiachin, and made him eat at his own table until his death.
In this way Virgil softens and humanises the idea of the Imperial State, representing her as not only the conqueror but the civiliser of the ancient world, and the transmitter of that civilisation to the world of the future.
Greville says that she seemed rather bewildered at the multitude of men who came to kiss her hand and kneel to her, among them the conqueror of Napoleon--soldier of soldiers--the Duke!
In primatial Rheims, in our own days to be the temporary home of another German King, the German Cæsar paid his devotions at the shrine of Saint Remigius, the saint who had received an earlier German conqueror still into the fold of Christ.
The great conqueror and pattern of all knightly virtues dies a broken-hearted man, and the grand old story comes to an end.
How great his mortification was we will not venture to describe, but the arch and occasional raillery of his lively cousin, Julia D'Egville, seemed to denote most plainly that the conqueror and the conquered had exchanged positions.
Yet he was already conqueror of the Abe and governor of Dewa.
Cortez, the conqueror of Mexico, undertook himself an expedition for this purpose; but he returned without accomplishing any thing.
To this conqueror they offered no resistance, but of their own accord surrendered their cities and harbours; as soon, however, as they learnt that he was dead, they resumed their independence.
Order the troops to come hither, collect an army, put yourself at its head, march on Paris, declare war on the rebellious capital, and you will march as conqueror into your recaptured city.
The conqueror of Lodi and Arcole meant to take revenge on the enemies who had snatched back the booty--revenge on Austria, who had broken the peace of Campo Formio.
General Bugeaud, by some deemed the real conqueror of Algeria.
And with an abrupt military salute the conqueror of Algeria walked away, followed by his little brother-in-law, who seemed yet shorter and more insignificant at the side of his towering and graceful form.
It is stated there that those who had actually fought against the Conqueror were deprived of their lands for ever after.
The conqueror insisted on his surrendering Constantinople, and, in case of refusal, threatened to put him to death.
In this fashion he contrived to weaken his neighbours each by means of the other, till such time as he could safely attack and put an end to conquered and conqueror alike.
The same day Souvarow attacked Aerolo; but his luck had turned: the conqueror of Cassano, Trebia, and Novi had left his good-fortune behind in the plains of Italy.
The conqueror of Harlem and Bakkun had been for four years forgotten in retirement, or rather in exile, when the same voice which sent him away recalled him, and at the summons Cincinnatus left his plough and grasped his weapons.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conqueror" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.