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Example sentences for "overriding"

Lexicographically close words:
overreached; overreaching; overridden; override; overrides; overripe; overrode; overrule; overruled; overrules
  1. Our overriding obligation in the months ahead is to fulfill the world's hopes by fulfilling our own faith.

  2. Throughout the 5 years that I have served as your President, I have had one overriding aim, and that was to establish a new structure of peace in the world that can free future generations of the scourge of war.

  3. That is still the overriding question of our time.

  4. Our overriding environmental challenge tonight is the worldwide problem of climate change, global warming, the gathering crisis that requires worldwide action.

  5. Only in one direction is there any plain recognition of the idea of a human commonweal as something overriding any national and patriotic consideration, and that is in the working class movement throughout the world.

  6. Nor, so far as our national system is concerned has there yet appeared any reason to suppose that suitable laws to meet the new conditions cannot be enacted without either overriding or amending the constitution.

  7. The difference between the proposed practice of overriding the constitution by a vote and amending the constitution is vital.

  8. And courage to me meant ploughing through that dull gray mist that comes down on life--not only overriding people and circumstances but overriding the bleakness of living.

  9. Quite remarkable structures of this kind have been discovered in rocks of such closely folded districts as the Northwest Highlands of Scotland, where the overriding is measured in miles.

  10. He spoke in little, sharp, jerky outbursts, and it seemed to me that to speak at all was very painful to him, and that his will all through was overriding his inclinations.

  11. Only that at the beginning; but you are to have an overriding commission of one per cent on all business done by your agents, and you may take my word for it that this will come to more than your salary.

  12. Its establishment will require national governments and other centres of power to surrender to international determination, unconditionally and irreversibly, the full measure of overriding authority implicit in the word “government”.

  13. But how is this to be watched and prevented if there is no overriding body representing civilization to say "Stop" to the beginnings of any such militarization?

  14. They were accumulated and given shape beneath the overriding ice, much as are sand bars in a river, or in some instances were carved, like roches moutonnees, by an ice sheet out of the till left by an earlier ice invasion.

  15. You can't view the beauties two minutes together; and as for sinning by overriding 'em, you're very safe not to do that!

  16. For example, in 1936 they established for this purpose the office of the Four Year Plan with the Defendant Göring as Plenipotentiary, vesting it with overriding control over Germany’s economy.

  17. As for style overriding the worst of indignities, has not Scotia given her poet to the slack dependant of the gallows-tree, who so rantingly played his jig and wheeled it round in the shadow of that institution?

  18. His crime like most others was the result of heedlessness, of the overriding of duty by the short dim-eyed selfishness of the moment.

  19. His common quality with the Individualist lies in his repudiation of and antagonism to plans and arrangements, in his belief in the overriding power of Law.

  20. Well, I would again repeat that the overriding consideration is to make every possible effort to find evidence and follow the evidence to wherever it leads.

  21. Because there are tracks of bare feet, some ridden over, others overriding the wheel track, but always keeping along it, i.

  22. They had passed since the rickshaw (overriding its tracks).

  23. Pharnabazus from overriding the Hellenic states in pure contempt with his cavalry?

  24. In that case she had an absolute right to hit me over the head with her crop, even if she did go rather far in overriding Challenger.

  25. That was a north-wind voice overriding all other commotion, from the bald giant looming aft near the helmsman.

  26. Finally, unrestricted commercial relations, in which commercial gain is the overriding criterion, would weaken the free world insofar as they increased the economic reliance of certain free areas upon the bloc.

  27. Given the overriding importance of information collection and management, these will need to be addressed across the defense community as it is most broadly defined.

  28. But they will be overriding alliances, not overriding rulers.

  29. This war has brought back into the everyday human life of Europe the great and overriding conception of devotion to a great purpose.

  30. They, too, will be forced to create some overriding body to prevent so suicidal a possibility.

  31. There, I think, is the overriding argument that will burst the proprietorships and divisions and boundaries, the web of ineffectiveness that has held the world so long.

  32. JOHN [overriding LUCY] My sister is ill and won't be down at all .

  33. JUDGE [overriding HELEN] Yes, John has given his consent at last--example to society.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "overriding" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    capital; central; chief; controlling; dominant; foremost; highest; irresistible; leading; main; master; overriding; overruling; paramount; pivotal; predominant; preeminent; premier; primary; prime; principal; ranking; ruling; supreme; topmost; uppermost