While Christiern was exercising his cruelty towards the Swedes, the Danish nobility, offended at his usurping absolute power, combined against him under the auspices of Prince Frederic, and finally succeeded in expelling him from Denmark.
If his verses are bad, he is content to sink into oblivion; and if the public confirms the favourable judgment of his friends, he does not deny that it will give him real satisfaction.
Bid him to arms the free-born peasants move, Safe in the conduct of the powers above!
He then shews him the reward of patriots in heaven.
On his return to Sweden, he treated with great haughtiness Steen Sture, who came to congratulate him on his elevation.
She glanced up as she felt him removing the towel from her head, then quickly down again.
And Missy, feeling every minute tenderer toward him because she must keep to herself the dreadful truths which would hurt him if he knew, hurried to his side, took away his cane, and put her own arm in its place for him to lean on.
Missy returned his smile, grateful that the matter of her appetite might serve to keep him jolly a little while longer.
And now, that she's turned pious--" Grandpa interrupted him with a gesture of the hand.
But when Missy, all mute appeal, extendedhim the report, he looked it over in silence and then passed it on to mother.
She liked him better than she had ever thought it possible to like a minister--especially an ugly one, and one whom she'd never "met.
Yet it wouldn't be fair to Arthur to let him go there and wait in vain.
It was because she wanted to convince him that Arthur didn't really merit it that she went further in speech than she'd intended.
In front of the Post Office and staring at them was that new boy she had heard about--it must be he; hadn't Kitty Allen seen him and said he was a brunette?
And Lady Melissa slips her hand beneath Mr. Brown's arm, and glances up at him with laughing, friendly eyes.
But she strove to convincehim that, for once, she was by way of being a realist.
She regarded him anxiously from under the veil of her lashes, wondering what would happen if he did tell.
They cleft his head, transfixed him with their pikes, and ran himthrough with more than barbaric ferocity.
Yet some tried to persuade himnot to entrust the defense of Filipinas to the Chinese or Sangleys, for no bond, natural or civil, had ever bound or attracted them to any love for the islands.
Don Pedro accompanied him with his galleys until they got outside the strait of Sambuanga, a place dangerous because of its currents and reefs.
At that same time, the Chinese fell upon him with their cutlasses, and fatally wounded him.
Don Pedro receives him in a manner befitting his rank, and houses him sumptuously, but at the same time keeps him carefully guarded.
When the governor shall provide any of the captains, officers, or soldiers with an encomienda, or other post, he shall not allowhim to draw pay.
Upon seeing us with this intention he determined to kill my brother, his uncle, the rightful heir of the kingdom, by having him stabbed by the hand of a slave, under his word and security and mine.
The five Spaniards, on seeing their captain wounded--so suddenly that the murderer appeared and the blow was heard at the same moment--fell upon Ubal and cut him to pieces.
The governor of Manila confirms the election, and gives the title of governor to the one elected, and orders him to take the residencia of the outgoing governor.
On reaching Maddalena he scrambled over the rocks to the house of an English lady who was delighted to give him hospitality.
The French envoy was commissioned to treat, not with the Triumvirate, but with the Roman Assembly: a piece of insolence which the former would have done well to reply to by sending him about his business.
A more naturally amiable and cultivated Prince never had the evil fate forced upon him of attempting impossible tasks.
They looked upon him as one of themselves who had turned traitor.
It was formerly the opinion that they made him the confidant of their plans from the first, that he was one of them, in short--a Carbonaro bound by all the oaths and obligations of the society.
Nor was it material that, if he adopted it, consistency should have made him carry it to its logical consequence of non-resistance.
Those around him say that it is impossible that he would have much longer escaped death, but suddenly a message came summoning him to the Assembly--it saved his life.
Words of a bitter enemy, but juster than the 'Esecrato o Carignano,' hurled for a quarter of a century at Charles Albert by those who only saw inhim a traitor.
The engineers later informed him that because of the condition of many of the bridges it would be impossible to send an advance column along the road.
As Companies I and K of the 3d Battalion started to wade the Guinarona River, Colonel Dill, the regimental commander, called to the men to follow him and then dashed across the bridge, which was swept by enemy rifle fire.
Parsons visited Kangleon with the promise that he would be made commander of the 9th Military District (Leyte and Samar), and succeeded in persuading him to join the guerrilla movement on Leyte.
Commander Parsons, on his submarine trips to the Islands, brought back with him important intelligence.
By 27 November sufficient troops had assembled to enable him to order General Arnold to make "an early and vigorous attack" to destroy the Japanese in the area and then capture Ormoc.
The sequel to these events was that General Suzuki relieved General Fukue of his command and ordered him to remain on Cebu until he received further orders.
I assured him that both GHQ and I would have faith in him.
The charge exploded and killed him instantly but did not harm his companion.
At that moment a slug caught the young attendant in the shoulder, spinning him around.
She even agreed to spend August helping him sail the Ulysses over to Crete, his latest plan.
The next step required him to manually switch them back to turboramjet geometry and initiate restart.
Order them to give him a chance to turn back, and tell him if he refuses, they will shoot him down.
Vance yankedhim around and shoved him toward the asphalt pavement.
The news he had just received had only served to assure him once again that discipline was essential in all of life.
She's probably wanted to get rid ofhim for years, Vance thought fleetingly.
He stooped and picked up a handful of the grainy red soil at their feet, massaging it in his fingers and wondering why it had taken him so long to get back here, to Greece.
After Japan lost China, and the war, the occupying supreme commander for the allied powers (SCAP) labeled him a Class A war criminal and handed him a three-year term in Sugamo prison.
This was the Zen equivalent of High Mass, and Tanzan Mino was silently letting him know he was a true master--of himself, of his world.
The Japanese was weaker now, but still forcing his arm away from the gun, preventing him from getting the grip he needed.
That was the first thing he'd noticed when they shoved him in.
As Grishkov looked him over, he had the fleeting impression that Yuri Andreevich had unexpectedly returned, so similar was the American poseur to Andrei Androv's own son.
The mere sight of an Uzi reminded him of things in the past he preferred to forget.
At first glance the open cockpit of the USSR's latest plane made him think of the inside of a giant computer.
In Willie’s council was a lad Well up to every quirk; To keephim out of mischief long, Dame Europe had her work.
But Louis frothed at mouth with rage, Like one that was insane, And said he’d make Bill promise him He’d not offend again.
These words to John did make him stare, And finding to his shame, That those were worse who did look on, Than those who played the game.
He was a man, an upright man As ever trod this mortal earth, And now upon him back we scan, Whose greatest fault was honest mirth.
In the far distant Soudan the Mahdi arose, No doubt he intended to crush all his foes; But Gladstone sent Gordon, who ne’er was afraid, Then left him to perish without any aid.
Yes; he whose life’s short span appears Mixed up with joyous smiles and tears; So interwove with doubts and fears His harp did ring; And made the world to ope’ its ears And hearhim sing.
Her hands went out to him as naturally and instinctively as the hands of a mother go out to her hurt child.
She would forego the car--ask him to pay Tony's debts instead.
But the beautiful, imploring face failed to move him one jot.
But something in her face convinced him that she was speaking the truth--that he could rely on her.
When she returned home she had taken her courage in both hands and written to Eliot asking him to come back.
Suddenly she ceased to struggle, and, bending her head back so that she could see his face, confronted him with a cool, proud defiance.
She had pictured him as far enough away, and his appearance was utterly unexpected.
She looked away fromhim towards the distant mountains rimming the horizon.
All at once the apathy which seemed to have possessed him vanished.
The subject cropped up intermittently in their intercourse with each other and, from long experience, Ann had brought the habit of steering him away from it almost to a fine art.
He tries to keephim tied to his apron-strings as if he were a child.
Unconsciously Ann sought to comfort him in the same familiar, everyday language which he himself had used to her.
Some months after Tom Jones was published, Richardson (not yet having brought himself to read the book) had asked them to do so, and give him their opinion as to its merits.
As regards Theophilus Cibber, his desertion of Highmore was sufficient reason for the ridicule cast upon him in the Author's Farce and elsewhere.
By this friendly Aid of Fear, Conscience obtained a compleat Victory in the Mind of Black George, and after making him a few Compliments on his Honesty, forced him to deliver the Money to Jones.
Fielding's knowledge of legal forms and phraseology enabled him to make a happy parody of court procedure, and Mr. Lawrence says that this particular "jeu d'esprit obtained great celebrity.
But the process of invention rapidly carried him into paths far beyond the mere parody of Richardson, and it is only in the first portion of the book that he really remembers his intention.
This, however, can only mean that it represents him as Hogarth had last seen him.
Duke in March 1770, to thank him for his munificent gift of an additional ten years to the lease, recalls "that princely instance of generosity which his Grace shewed to his late brother, Henry Fielding.
Bolingbroke wished Pope to consult him in 1744; and he attended George II.
This, although the visit cost him "a severe cold," Fielding at once undertook.
To the attacks made upon him by Fielding at different times he had hitherto printed no reply--perhaps he had no opportunity of doing so.
Enemies abuse him, Friends give him up, the Play is damn'd, and the Author goes to the Devil, so ends the Farce.
Just as the missionary reached the door and began in feeble, exhausted tones to call out, Blount and the chief caught up to him, and seizing his hands dragged him away again down the hill.
He remained there for nearly an hour, and then came out again, and looking about him for a few moments, made direct for Banderah's house, which stood about three hundred yards back from that of the American trader.
Neither of them had lived so long on Mayou as Blount, but each was trying hard to work the other man off the island by accusing him to the natives of cheating them.
So far, no sound had reached him since that one dreadful cry smote upon his ear, and a hope began to rise in his breast that no immediate danger threatened.
But before he could utter a sound, Banderah sprang upon him and clapped his hand to his mouth.
Soon his wife followed him and placed her hand on his shoulder.
But the other two who are with him on the ship I will spare.
He knew Captain "Sykes" of old, and knew him to be an undoubted rascal.
In Blount, however, he had the fullest confidence, and this good feeling was shared with him by every native on the island.
I told him we should require nothing more, and then, rolling up the chart, feigned to attack the repast before us.
That may be,' said I; 'but here is a chance for us to leave this vessel, and the Captain might not thank you to keep him ignorant of the opportunity.
I felt sorry; I had not the heart to answer him in rudeness, and to have risen and left him whilst he was speaking would have been rudeness.
But I made one great blunder in my chat with him this morning.
I thought I would keep him company, and, having cut up a pipe of tobacco for myself, I quitted Helga, who showed a disposition to doze, and joined the boatman.
I answered him coldly and with averted eyes, being now resolved to persevere in my assumption of contemptuous dislike, which I also desired he should believe was animated by a determination to punish him when I got ashore.
Bondone was surprised when Cimabue offered to take his little boy to Florence and teach him to be a great painter.
I will go out and make believe that I am bringing him a present.
The market man showedhim a fat turkey, plump and white and ready for roasting.
But after he had learned to read, she taught him to look in books for that which he wished to know.
He had often heard of the great John Randolph, and therefore he did all that he could to entertain him well.
When the stable boys and shepherds came out in the morning, they heard him singing; and they were so amazed that they stood still in the drifted snow and listened with open mouths.
His master was so much pleased with him that he gave him his freedom.
So he gave one portion to the king's officer who had taught him to ride.
When Benjamin's father came home, his mother showed him the picture.
This answer pleased the rich man so well that he bought Aesop at once, and took him to his home on the island of Samos.
They told him their errand and showed him the beautiful prize.
He gave these to a shepherd and ordered him to bring them up among his sheep, far from the homes of men.
Henry, the Duke of Richmond, made war upon him and defeated himin a great battle.
The caliph at once gave orders for the gardener to be brought before him the next day.
From him new buds will shoot, though its own leaves hereafter rustle in the deep green shadows of unconsciousness.
I never dared God; I always tried to propitiatehim with prayers and tears even while I was doubting his existence; I suffered hell a thousand times while I was wondering where it was located.
Such utterances charged against him at the alleged trial in 1909, which were really his, were quotations from this period.
The Spanish government had certainly proceeded in an unjustifiable manner in court-martialing him and sentencing him without giving him a chance at defense.
I believe he finally developed grace enough to die; please applaud him for the only decent thing he ever did.
Being political actionists, they asked, or Bacon as their leader asked, that the governor grant him a commission to raise volunteers in their own defense.
In later days an essayist whose brilliancy of style and capacity for getting on all sides of a question connect him with Burke in some manner as his spiritual offspring, has furnished the Anarchists with one of their most frequent quotations.
Ah, if some one had said to her then, "Some day you will slave to keep him alive through fruitless agonies, that for your last reward you may take the price of his pain"!
I don't love you for your face, you--" She interrupted him with a shrug and a bitter sneer.
This is supposed to be effected in three ways: either by reforming him, or getting rid of him altogether, or by deterring others by making an example of him.
Those who exploited and scorned him in normal times, flatter him now and toady to him.
Schweitzer's political attitude invalidated the very consequences of the War that had induced him to give a vote of confidence to the makers of the War.
That's what makes him so hard to understand, him and his party and the Bolshevik policy.
It is expressing ideas and views which lightedhim on the course of his policy toward the War, Peace and the Revolution.
But in view of the vital interests of Austria-Hungary that were at stake, we could not advise our ally to show a leniency incompatible with his dignity, or refuse him our support in a moment of such grave portent.
Though he stood in such a position as to be effectually screened from the view of those within, a gleam of reflected light fell upon his figure, showing him to be a tall, handsome man in the prime of life.
It was just then that Ebony observed him and uttered a falsetto cry of astonishment.
Hockins stopped at once, and his comrades fully expected to see him turn and run; but our seaman was made of better stuff than they gave him credit for, and the situation was not so new to him as they imagined.
Coming to the foot of the cliff before mentioned, the man ascended the face of it with wonderful agility, and had almost gained the top, when a treacherous root or stone gave way, causing him to lose his hold and roll violently to the bottom.
Should I shrink from dying for Jesus, after seeing my Raniva go to Himin a chariot of fire?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "him" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.