As an original poet Sir Richard Maitland cannot be placed in the foremost rank.
Regarding the vitality of his work a trenchant remark has recently been made by one of the foremost critics of the day.
In the foremost row are unripe grapes that cast the blossom, and others there be that are growing black to vintaging.
Artemis would give me so soft a death even now, that I might no more waste my life in sorrow of heart, and longing for the manifold excellence of my dear lord, for that he was foremost of the Achaeans.
Priamus' son was Hektor, who in stature and strength was the foremost man in the world.
Among the treasures taken care of by Mimer is the world's foremost sword and a wonderful arm-ring, smithied by the same master as made the sword (see Nos.
In this work of colonization Great Britain and France standforemost in energy and success.
During this period Germany rose to a foremost place amongst the nations of Europe, to the first place in strength of military power and organized fighting force, to the second place in naval strength and commercial progress.
One of the less conspicuous figures is going down head foremost in the company of an animal that looks very like a pig.
Just before reaching a village called Coux, I was confronted by a very large army of geese, and while the foremost row advanced to the attack with outstretched necks and bills laid near the ground, the others cheered them on.
Foremost among them is his good old master, who comes and takes him by the hand.
Foremost among them, smooth Sampson Brass and Sally, arm in arm, claim our polite attention.
In rendering possible such joint work, Norman Angell's book must take a foremost place.
To me now it is no question of loss of prestige--no question of the shrinkage of the Empire; it is our existence as a foremost European Power, and even as a thriving nation.
No part of mechanics has produced such surprising results as the steam engine, and our countrymen have been among the foremost and most distinguished in this great and progressive branch.
Julia Dent was as ever first and foremost in his world, but the children were the source of pride and joy unmistakable.
Once or twice, as the oars were dipped, he faltered and nearly lost his balance, but he reached the foremost one without accident, and returned with greater ease.
The Memorandum and proposed Articles of Association were duly filed, and the foremost place was again given, among the declared objects, to a register of trained nurses, and to power to determine from time to time the test for registration.
Foremost among them was Mr. Rathbone, who was moved to extend to London the experiment which he had carried out successfully in Liverpool.
Foremost in the list of these are those with four wings, which, according to the observation of Pliny before quoted, carry their weapon, an instrument of revenge, in their tail.
Holohan and Campbell were from the beginning foremost in their support of the Anti-Racetrack Gambling bill.
It had been drawn up at the instance of the Direct Legislation League, which numbers among its members many of the foremost bankers, capitalists, educators and public men of the State - Rudolph Spreckels, Francis J.
For first and foremost Siena is the city of the Virgin Mary.
But if there had been no Saint Francis to raise her to the foremost rank of shrines, and sanctify her with a special crown of holiness, Assisi would still be one of the most lovely cities in the garden of Umbria.
They are foremost in the troubadour land of Italy, their scroll of history is gracious with the names of knights and ladies.
Side by side in the foremost rank, Weldon and Carew were fighting like tigers.
And yet, Fate had drawn him into the battle, and it was something that he had met Fate bravely and in the foremost rank.
Good-day, Messer Domenico," said Nello to the foremost of the two visitors who entered the shop, while he nodded silently to the other.
Foremost among the evidence of classical writers, that of Flavius Arrianus is brought forward against the Buddhist and Chinese chronologies.
This aged man, to whose firmness, clever statesmanship, and calm foresight England owed her place as foremost among the Powers, was trembling with an excitement he strove in vain to suppress.
Foremost in my mind was the strange, inviolable secret that I felt convinced existed between Ella and Beck.
Kean blended the Realistic with the Ideal in acting, and founded a school of which William Charles Macready was, afterwards, in England, the foremost disciple.
For upwards of fifty years he seems to have held his position as the foremost actor of the day.
In such tasks Sir Douglas Haig has shown himself pre-eminent, and to this capacity he adds the swiftness in design and precision in performance of the foremost captains of history.
In the First Battle of Ypres, when the small British Army bolted the door of the North against the German sweep, his Division played a foremost part.
Chary of speech, bold in design, resolute in execution, he raised first his Corps and then his Army to a foremost place among British forces, and now he has raised the British Army to a foremost place among the armies of the world.
Will take a foremost place among the permanent records of the war.
How came He to utter in the Sermon on the Mount truths which socially and religiously the foremost thinkers of to-day can barely understand, and dare not fully apply to the solution of the problems of the hour?
Broadus was regarded as the foremost preacher of the South, and was in demand on many important public occasions for sermons and addresses.
Channing, the cultured and eloquent preacher and writer, the foremost man among American Unitarians in his day.