The island forms a distinct government under a Governor, an Executive and a Legislative Council of 9 members, and a House of Assembly of 24 members.
The supreme executive power is exercised by the ministry as a whole.
Until 1918 the executive power was vested in the grand-duke, the legislative in a house of legislature, consisting of an upper and a lower chamber.
The executive power was vested in the king, but his ministers were responsible for his acts.
And in the same way as that in which the bureaus and offices perform the calculations and executive functions of logistics, for furnishing the necessary material of all kinds, the fleet performs those of tactics.
Strategy being the art of being a general (strategos), one cannot conceive of it as bereft of executive power, since we cannot conceive of a general exercising generalship without having executive power.
Strategy without executive functions would be like a mind that could think, but was imprisoned in a body which was paralyzed.
Of course, strategy should have executive functions for the purposes of strategy only; under the guidance of policy and to execute policy's behests.
The government decides on a policy, and tells the Navy Department to carry it out, employing the executive offices and bureaus to that end, under the guidance of strategy.
The change of her executive cannot affect her progress in respect of her strength.
The Cabinet Ministers shall be allowed to attend both Houses and make speeches, but in case of introducing bills for the Executive Department, their delegates may act for them.
Unless approved by the Executive Department, the National Assembly shall have no right to abolish or curtail any of the following items: (1) Items in connection with obligations of the Government according to law.
But the reason for such a change will not be valid if the change is brought about merely to add to the power of the chief executive without the question of succession being definitely settled.
The said Senate however, stated with firmness that the oath of the Chief Executive rested on a peculiar sanction and should be observed or discarded according to the will of the people.
In order to provide for a safe margin for under-estimates or for items left out of the budget, the Executive Department may include contingent items in the budget under the heading of Reserve Fund.
Citizens shall have the right of petitioning the executive officials.
But at length the Republican Party persuaded him to deal the tyrant the needed blow; and his now famous accusation of the Chief Executive was published.
The most crying need of our time is a law equitable for poor and rich alike, and a judicial and executive system which will see that this law is enforced and its penalties are imposed impartially.
Who that peruses the annual messages of the national executive would, from their perusal alone, conjecture that such an evil as slavery had existence among us?
We know it is said of late by the State of Georgia and by the Executive of the United States, that we have forfeited this right; but we think this is said gratuitously.
If theexecutive government is feebler in America than in France, the cause is more attributable to the circumstances than to the laws of the country.
This dependence of the executive power is one of the defects inherent in republican constitutions.
It takes a part in the government in several ways, according to the constitution of the different States; *m but it is in the nomination of public functionaries that it most commonly assumes an executive power.
Were it my intention to examine the provisions of American law minutely, I should have to point out still further differences in the executive details of the several communities.
It seems at first sight contrary to all reason to prevent the head of the executive power from being elected a second time.
To this end they centred the whole executive power of the nation in a single arm; they granted extensive prerogatives to the President, and they armed him with the veto to resist the encroachments of the legislature.
When a monarchy is being gradually transformed into a republic, the executive power retains the titles, the honors, the etiquette, and even the funds of royalty long after its authority has disappeared.
All doubt as to the powers of the Federal Executive was, however, removed by its efforts in the Civil War, and those powers were largely extended.
This was done by an executive order on March 11, [Footnote: Official Records, vol.
The matter was now in good shape for what politicians call "a deal," and negotiations between members of Congress and the executivewere active.
We have neither desire nor need to equip these courts with executive power.
This constitution, finally, makes no provision for any kind of executive power, and so it avoids the proposal to set up in international society an organization resembling that of a state.
Sidenote: Executive power not necessary for an international court.
All proposals for an international executiveauthority run counter not only to the idea of sovereignty, but also to the ideal of international peace and of international law.
Executive power not necessary for an international court 54 66.
In the internal life of states it is necessary for courts to possess executive power because the conditions of human nature demand it.
One of the things that probably will be done, according to members of the Executive Committee, will be to start a propaganda in this country with a view to having the United States Senate adopt measures in line with the object of the league.
It is expected the Executive Committee will meet in the near future to adopt plans to carry out the objects of the league.
An executive has been described as a man who decides quickly, and is sometimes right.
The most exhaustive visual power and executive capacity meet in this picture, which would seem to have traversed the many perils to which it has been exposed without really suffering so much as their enumeration makes one expect.
Successive substitutions carried out amongst the personnel of the Executive had all tended towards introducing elements that were reactionary from the point of view of internal policy and were suspect from the point of view of the Entente.
One never dreamt of the executive power over great part of the vast dominions then under the sway of the Romanoff dynasty falling into the hands of wretches such as Peter the Painter, Trotzky and Lenin.
A Defence Ministry would in the nature of things be an executive institution.
It did not recover its proper position in the executive sense, however, until Lord K.
Considering the hopelessness of the situation from the point of view of the Central Powers, it is surprising that the Sofia Executive did not throw up the sponge at a somewhat earner date.
Those of us who knew the facts were greatly incensed at the most improper, and indeed fatuous, attitude which the Executive for a time took up.
It was, however, merely a consultative and not an executive body.
A General Staff in the ordinary meaning of the term is executive as well as consultative; it issues orders with regard to certain matters, and it administers certain military departments and branches.
I do not wonder that my socialistic friends always imagine themselves active in the first capacity--perhaps by way of compensation for doing all of the imagining and none of the executive management at present.
That young executive was much surprised, but returned the salute and squeezed her tiny waist.
At Bauda's order, the gendarme and Song of the Nightingale dismissed the visitors, put McHenry to sleep under a tree, and escorted the new executive and me to Bauda's home on the beach.
All grant freedom of thought, so that it is only executive freedom that is denied.
The choice of an ultimate end we call immanent preference; the choice of means we call executive volition.
The change was not in the choice as an executive act, nor in the result of that act--the eating; but in the choice of supreme love to the world and self, rather than supreme devotion to God.
Executive of the Reform League, and asking that your name may be erased from the list of the Council and Vice-Presidents.
Election by the people of the Chief Executivepower of the Republic.
Meanwhile you have, I believe, received through Mr Cooper and others intimation that the Executive were unwilling to accept your resignation, and lose your services.
The League only accepted Mr Bradlaugh's resignation, as far as it related to the Executive Council; he continued a Vice-President of the League from its foundation to the end, but after this date he rarely appeared upon its platforms.
Mr Bradlaugh was, as I said, re-elected on the Executive of the League on the full understanding that he had determined to resist the Government decision as to Hyde Park.
He treated the men of Paris as rebels, ignoring that he was the chief of the executive power of a government of rebellion, unendorsed by any vote of the country.
He said he was glad to note "a strong disposition on the part of the Executive [of the Reform League] to avoid the use of bands of music in our future processions.
The National Secular Society sent in petitions to the House of Commons, and the Executive of that Society put itself in communication with members of both Houses.
Probably in consequence of the form taken by these aspersions Mr Bradlaugh was again elected on the Executive Council in December 1868.
Giving him competent power and abilities for execution, which is principally in utterance; and so qualifying his intellect, will, and executive power.
I shall take the liberty of suggesting, through the several executive departments of the government, for the consideration of your committees, measures for the accomplishment of the several objects I have mentioned.
Since the laws are good and the courts everywhere faithful, for the most part, to the laws, why are the executive officers of our cities so far from fulfilling the purpose of the laws as interpreted by the courts?
Both native and foreign exploiters of vice immediately improve the facilities afforded by every wicked or deluded executive who proclaims a segregation district.
Segregation as practised, colonizes and fosters vice, maintains a white slave market under executive protection, and provides an overwhelming temptation and facility for graft.
It is clear that by the head of the Union he meant the combined executive and legislative force, which in the Constitution was vested in the President and Congress.
The Governor had been living on the fiction that he was the executive head of the State.
All men knew, too, that those lines passed through the Capitol at Albany and that no man there, from the Executive down to the youngest page in the legislative corridors, was entirely immune from their influence.
The difficulties the chief executive had to encounter were many and perplexing, being fully convinced, under existing circumstances, that the Americans must engage in combat after all.
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct copy of certain proofs filed in the Executive Department, upon which I have appointed Henry B.