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Example sentences for "military"

Lexicographically close words:
militarist; militaristic; militarists; militarization; militarized; militat; militate; militated; militates; milite
  1. On the other hand, collectively and in companies, the cis-frontier Yusafzais and Khattaks have maintained a higher aggregate of the military virtues, especially in the matter of steadiness and "sticking it out.

  2. There is not much material as yet for an estimate of the military virtue of the race, but according to all precedent they should prove good men in a scrap.

  3. His baptism by steel and "the waters of life" only means that he has gained prestige by admission into a military and spiritual brotherhood of splendid traditions.

  4. To look at him, with his dark skin and irregular features, you would not take him for a member of a military caste.

  5. When the non-military Hindus, most of them unwilling converts, embraced Muhammadanism, it was the custom in choosing their Islamic name to adopt the prefix "Sheikh.

  6. He has not the ancient military traditions of the Rajput, Mahratta, or Sikh, though none so stubborn as he to fight for his own land.

  7. The unaccustomed military turban, which the Sikh or Pathan ties deftly as if with one fold, falls about the head and down the neck of the Mahratta in the most capricious convolutions.

  8. Brahmanism, whatever its merits, is not a good forcing ground for the military spirit.

  9. This is the Govindi Sikh, the product of the tenth Guru, that inspired leader of men who welded his followers into the armed fraternity which supplanted the Moguls and became the dominant military class of the Punjab.

  10. In October 1916, a Military Police havildar came out in charge of a small draft to Mesopotamia, and his C.

  11. At harvest-time, while the Aryan is still doing military duties, the Santal will be reaping in the fields.

  12. A number of Mazbhis who were employed at the time in the canal works at Madhopur were offered military service and enlisted readily.

  13. The franchise, he maintained, should be narrowed and given only to citizens, and his definition of citizenship was military training combined with a fairly high standard of rates and taxes.

  14. He jumped at me, cabled offering me what he called his Military Secretaryship, and I got seconded, and set off.

  15. We are moving into a period of uncertain risk and great commitment in which both the military and diplomatic possibilities require a Free World force so powerful as to make any aggression clearly futile.

  16. Persistently large deficits would endanger our economic growth and our military and defense commitments abroad.

  17. But it is not our military might, or our higher standard of living, that has most distinguished us from our adversaries.

  18. In the past 12 months our military posture has steadily improved.

  19. But it includes our military strength as well.

  20. But the Atlantic Community is no longer concerned with purely military aims.

  21. First, we must strengthen our military tools.

  22. In these past months we have reaffirmed the scientific and military superiority of freedom.

  23. They cannot afford such costs--but this Nation cannot afford to maintain its military power and neglect its brainpower.

  24. But our commitment to national safety is not a commitment to expand our military establishment indefinitely.

  25. Meanwhile this country has continued to bear more than its share of the West's military and foreign aid obligations.

  26. Dulac, has thrown additional light on the genealogy of the de Lamarck family, which, it may be seen, was for at least three centuries a military one.

  27. But several of his brothers entered the army, and the domestic atmosphere was apparently a military one.

  28. One of its scions in the maternal line was a brilliant officer of the military marine and also son-in-law of a very distinguished naval officer.

  29. The young lieutenant, disappointed in a military advancement, won his spurs in the field of science.

  30. Soon after, de Lamarck was nominated to a lieutenancy; but so glorious a beginning of his military career was most unexpectedly checked.

  31. Soon Lamarck abandoned not only a military career, but also music, medicine, and the bank, and devoted himself exclusively to science.

  32. Clarenden and Jondo leave for Independence the minute you are better, and a military escort permits.

  33. I am no traitor to my flag, since my full commerical purpose was known and sanctioned by the military authority at Fort Leavenworth before I left there.

  34. Out on the heights beyond the old Spanish prison stood Fort Marcy, whose battlements told of a military might, strong to control what by its strength it had secured.

  35. But you haven't been in military service for six years without finding out that some army leaders are flesh and blood, and some are only wood--plain wooden wood.

  36. Ours was not to be a record of unfading glory, as national military annals show, yet it may count mightily when the Great Records are opened for final estimates.

  37. But Esmond Clarenden foresaw that a military post, when the protection it offers is no longer needed, will not, in itself, be a city-builder.

  38. Beside this stream was old Fort Harker, a low quadrangle of quarters, for military man and beast, grouped about a parade-ground for companionship rather than for protection.

  39. He's to go, too, because military escort is short this season.

  40. It was such a look as a Great Dane dog full of superiority and indifference might have given to a terrier puppy, and from where I lay I thought the military man's face took on a very strange expression.

  41. We were young men still, with all the unsettled spirit that follows the laying aside of active military life for the wholesome but uneventful life of peace.

  42. He was my uncle's friend, and he had been kind to the Clarenden boys, as military kindness runs.

  43. To-night we had talked of to-morrow's journey, and the strength of the military guard who should keep us safe along the way.

  44. And, after all, it was not military outposts, nor railroads, nor mail-lines alone that pushed back the wilderness frontier.

  45. I thought that young fellow came here for military service," the colonel commented, testily.

  46. He declared the military force of Paris was placed under the command of Henriot, a traitor and a parricide, who was ready to march the soldiers whom he commanded, against the convention.

  47. These military gentry did great mischief in the houses of the protestants, and destroyed such quantities of provisions, that many families were thereby ruined.

  48. Six Jacobins, accounted among the most ferocious of the class, were arrested and delivered up to be tried by a military commission.

  49. The inquisitors having been disappointed of gratifying their malice against him while living, determined (as the emperor's whole thoughts were engrossed by a military expedition) to wreak their vengeance on him when dead.

  50. That military executions were ordered against all protestant shoemakers who should refuse to contribute to the masses of St. Crispin.

  51. The besieging army was directed in its military character by general Kellerman, who, with other distinguished soldiers, had now began to hold an eminent rank in the republican armies.

  52. This wanton demolition continued for six months, and is said to have been carried on at an expense equal to that which the superb military hospital, the Hotel des Invalides, cost its founder, Louis XIV.

  53. Nicander and Marcian, two eminent Roman military officers, were apprehended on account of their faith.

  54. The military life of the doctor had at intervals something about it truly theological.

  55. Lucerne was the city of arms and military capitulations; Basle, of learning and the printing-press.

  56. Meanwhile Luther, caring little for the condemnations of the Sorbonne, was proceeding in his military equipment to the university.

  57. This chief of the military monks of Germany, who then possessed Prussia, had gone to the Diet of Nuremberg to invoke the aid of the empire against Poland.

  58. Sometimes, it is true, the operations of military heroes have been on such a prodigious scale as to make very serious inroads on the population of the greatest states.

  59. She received her foreign embassadors with military spectacles and shows, and with banquets and parties of pleasure, which for many days kept all London in a fever of excitement.

  60. It was entirely contrary to military etiquette for an officer to leave his command and go home to his sovereign without orders and without permission.

  61. Never, perhaps, since the beginning of time had such a provision of "ways and means" been devised for a military enterprise as was found in the financial suggestions of this Papal Hibernian war scheme.

  62. He had raised fortresses, laid out harbours, established permanent garrisons in dangerous places, with arsenals for arms and all kinds of military stores.

  63. A council of war was held when the dinner was over; and bringing his military knowledge into use, he pointed out the dangerous spots, he marked the lines of defence, and told off the commanders to their posts.

  64. His chief military successes had been gained by a suddenness of movement which approached to treachery.

  65. In default of organized military or police, the nobility ex officio were the responsible guardians of the peace.

  66. The wharves at Antwerp were covered with ammunition and military stores.

  67. All England had been under arms in expectation of invasion; before the martial humour died away, the delight of the English in splendid shows was indulged with a military spectacle.

  68. The cost of regular military and naval establishments, a new feature in the national system, was thrown suddenly on the crown; and the revenue was unequal to so large a demand upon it.

  69. An experienced military commander who could have called a thousand men under arms by a word, could have introduced a few waggon-loads of corn and beer, had such been his wish.

  70. Persons holding lands by military tenure were allowed to dispose of two-thirds in their wills, as they pleased.

  71. There is a civil governor, appointed by the King of Portugal, and also a military governor, who can assume supreme control and suspend the civil government at his pleasure.

  72. The scene thrills one like military music!

  73. The military road was good, but rather steep, and there was a good deal of it.

  74. When we walked ashore, a party of policemen (people whose cocked hats and showy uniforms would shame the finest uniform in the military service of the United States,) put us into a little stone cell and locked us in.

  75. As they drove back she complained, quite fretfully, of the cold, and her companion reined in the horse while he wrapped his military coat round her, fastening it beneath her soft dimpled chin with hands that trembled a little.

  76. I am fast becoming a real old crusted military fogy, and of all fogies that is the worst.

  77. It will be a military funeral, of course.

  78. Lucky for you the Politicals put the drag on the Military in time.

  79. Squire Groland from Gleven went with them from the town square as the leader of their military escort.

  80. Like Augustine I no longer breathed the air of bread and circuses, of the military might of the Emperor and his erstwhile glory nor indeed the splendour that once was Rome.

  81. Such a fortress could never have been used in a military sense by a large number of men, but to a band of brigands and cut-throats it was a stronghold of the first order.

  82. This unique church was mainly built at the close of the thirteenth century, together with the Archbishop's palace, with which it was connected in a military sense by outworks.

  83. His Excellency the Duke of Romagna shall undertake to continue to the Orsini and Vitelli their ancient engagements in the way of military service and an the same conditions.

  84. Torpedo defense netting is fitted, and there are three masts with military tops carrying Hotchkiss revolver machine guns.

  85. The tenants held of the lord by fines and services, the latter being, until the close of the XVIth century, of a military character.

  86. The true Heriot is akin in name and in character to the Saxon "here-great"--to the surrender of the military outfit supplied by the chief to his follower.

  87. Leaving out of consideration the Roman roads and the comparatively few British roads, the former of which have relation to nothing but the military needs of that all conquering people, our existing road system is due to the Anglo-Saxon.

  88. The Romans imposed their military names upon the towns of the early Britons.

  89. He had been bred up at the military school at Potzdam, and being distinguished by Frederick as a boy of high spirit and capacity, he was early inspired with enthusiastic admiration of this monarch.

  90. A Pole by birth, Augustus Laniska was educated amongst the first of the Prussian nobility, at the military academy at Potzdam, that nursery of heroes.

  91. The banker was in all things cold, precise and dignified, with a military stiffness of bearing, and devoid of all softer sentiment or feeling.

  92. Heidt turned sharply about in military fashion, and strode magnificently out into the hall.

  93. Military leaders, famed for their success, marshal the throngs of warlike men into companies and divisions.

  94. With military precision, the serried ranks advance over the earth’s broken and uneven surface to the city of God.

  95. He filled various civil and military offices with credit, and the avenues to wealth and honor seemed wide open to him.

  96. It is a very significant thing, this instinctive choice of the military form of organization, this substitution of the drum for the organ, by the Salvation Army.

  97. Paul satisfied that Napoleon was an enemy of republican institutions, conceived an intense admiration for his military genius, and came to an understanding with him to overthrow British rule in India.

  98. Then the Russian language displaces the native tongue, and if disturbances occur, the military is called in to inflict a terrible punishment.

  99. Born in 1752, he entered a military school founded by the Czartoryskis at the age of twelve, and distinguished himself by attention to his studies and duties.

  100. His retreat showed the highest military skill, as well as the man's indomitable energy.

  101. We have struggled from obscurity through the toil of war, which has taught other nations to know and respect us, and yet you will not even hear of military exercises.

  102. Destined for the throne, he began his military career at the age of thirteen as hetman of the Cossacks, and passed successively through the different grades.

  103. When the Secretary of State for Finland resigned, General Kuropatkin became Minister of War, and he wished to introduce Russia's military system.

  104. In August, General Mezensof, Chief of the dreaded Secret Police, was killed, and when the government abolished trial by jury in favor of a military court, it seemed as if the public took the part of the terrorists.

  105. In that year he sent three thousand Cossacks, and five hundred colonists down the Amoor, together with horses, cattle, provisions, and military stores.

  106. In less than five minutes the head of a considerable party of military men appeared over the hill; and, riding at a quick pace, they were soon in the little ravine leading to the spot where Hortensia and the rest were waiting.

  107. The splendor of great victories the sounds of triumph, and the shouts of military success excite our imagination, and warm the hellish part of the blood in our veins.

  108. Orders will be dispatched this very night to the troops marching against the Duke of Monmouth, to occupy Danvers's New Church as a military post, and apprehend you if you are found there.

  109. He was evidently a country boor of the Duke of Albemarle's militia, unacquainted with military service, and as likely as not to put his threat of shooting one of the coach-horses in execution.

  110. He little knew at the time that the arch-fiend--compared with whom Kirke was indeed a lamb--was coming down with all speed to crush those whom military vengeance could not reach.

  111. His province, on the frontier of Flanders, involved him in duties of a "military even more than of a judicial or financial character.

  112. The Royal Commissioners shall likewise present to the Estates the different Regulations with regard to police, commerce, and civil and military administration.

  113. Never before or after did Keith as a general go to such extremes on behalf of military morale.

  114. After nearly five years in school, he was still one of the smallest boys in height and bodily development, and neither gymnastics nor the military drill that became compulsory in the sixth grade had the slightest effect on him.

  115. It will be noticed that in place of the broad military belt of the fourteenth century, enriched with enamelled plates, the sword is now suspended by a narrow strap, which hangs diagonally across the body.

  116. The military engines were placed in front, and commenced the engagement with their missiles; the archers and slingers were placed on the wings.

  117. His equipment marks him out as a man of the same military grade as the archer on p.

  118. Experience would rapidly ripen the knowledge of military men, and of experience they had only too much.

  119. William and Mary, officers still wore breastplates, and military leaders were sometimes painted in full armour, though it may be doubted whether they ever actually wore it.

  120. It may be convenient to some of our readers, if we indicate here where a few other examples of Saxon military costume may be found which we have noted down, but have not had occasion to refer to in the above remarks.

  121. Another very valuable series of illustrations of Saxon military costume will be found in a MS.

  122. Lastly, in the above cut we give a representation of the battering-ram from an interesting work which illustrates all the usual military engines.

  123. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "military" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    aggressive; antagonistic; bellicose; belligerent; bloodthirsty; bloody; combative; contentious; enemy; ferocious; fierce; fighting; force; hostile; inimical; martial; militant; military; offensive; pugnacious; quarrelsome; sanguinary; savage; scrappy; service; serviceman; troop; truculent; unfriendly; warlike; warring

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    military authority; military commander; military commission; military coup; military division; military education; military escort; military force; military forces; military genius; military governor; military life; military officers; military order; military organization; military point; military police; military policy; military post; military preparations; military salute; military science; military service; military stores; military tactics; military training