Like every new born child, whose laborious birth was critical, the American Republic experienced great difficulties the very moment she commenced to breathe freely.
Behold just now how safely and wisely this Indian evolution is proceeding under theexperienced direction of British statesmanship.
However, it should not be beyond the resources of statesmanship which, assuredly, ought to rise superior to all prejudiced aspirations after the terrible ordeal Humanity will have experienced during the present war.
In his political career he had experienced the extremes of popular odium and of popular approval.
A reverse of no very serious character had been experienced at Big Bethel, near Hampton Roads, by the troops under General Benjamin F.
The Army of the Potomac--as those who spoke for General McClellan maintained--had been for six months engaged in a laborious campaign in which they had fought many battles and experienced much hardship.
No difficulty was experienced in putting the United States in possession of the territory and of its chief emporium, New Orleans.
The colonists had experienced the oppression of the English laws which prohibited export from the mother country of the very articles which might advance their material interest and improve their social condition.
For some weeks the French Army of the North had been in a state of comparative order, and though it had been defeated in November, it had been entrusted to an experienced commander, who had done much to improve its discipline.
The difficulty then experienced in comparing the value of the articles produced in different countries and shown at the Great Exhibition, naturally suggested the idea of a coinage common to all nations.
He had gone to see an execution, and returned pensive and melancholy, but strangely inquisitive about the sensations experienced by the unfortunate criminal in the crisis of his fate.
There was none of the wild thrill that, during the first days of her search, she experienced each time she topped a new divide, or entered a new valley.
An experienced engineer states that in his experience five engines have been broken down from this cause alone.
In some cases, however, there may not be time for the scaling before it is necessary for the repairs to be gone on with, and, in that case, a good examination may with care be made by anexperienced man.
An experienced hand will find no difficulty in producing true templates by this method, but to avoid all possibility of the segments slipping on coarse pitches, and with large segments, the segments may be connected, as shown in Fig.
By the way, I hope that she and your little girl have not suffered from the wetting and rough handling experiencedwhen being rescued.
It is not our intention to carry the reader through the Arabian-night-like adventures which he experienced in his quest.
The examination of the men was not a pleasant duty, but it was carried out in the most matter-of-fact way by a couple of experienced white men, who began at once.
But love, with the captain, had been a sentimental fever ending in a cold ague: he had experienced light heats and chills of it many a time since.
We had two boats for my companion and myself, and anexperienced man in each.
To obtain experienced and trusty seamen was easier to him in such a crisis than to give them a command.
A dull time now commenced, great difficulty being experienced in forcing the vessel towards her cruising-ground against the current, which at times would carry her out of her course at the rate of more than fifty miles a day.
He believes now that the reports of her plating and armour were so much harbour-gossip, of which during his cruises he had experienced enough.
We have experienced in the last two or three days a remarkable succession of tide lips, coming on every twelve hours, and about an hour before the passage of the moon over the meridian.
SIR,--This is to command you to repair on board this ship with three or four of the most experienced pilots of the Bar.
About this period the cruiser experienced a series of calms, and she drifted with the current rather than sailed.
The experienced woman knows men so thoroughly, she will expect nothing more of you than you can give her, and will appreciate your virtues to the utmost and make the best of your vices.
Mr Maugham is evidently a gentleman very deeply experienced in feminine hearts, and I daresay he knows what he is talking of.
Of course this could not have been a settled feeling, for the insight of her pure soul would have held her to the certainty that such actions of God as she had experienced would some day reveal the meaning which as yet lay hidden.
We have most of us, I suppose, experienced it either from our parents or from friends in later life; and we can through that experience of ours attempt the explanation of our Lord's influence on the Apostles.
The simplest illustration of this is the difficulty experienced by the enthusiastic beginner in holding the attention fixed on spiritual acts such as the various forms of prayer.
With the growth of Jesus there would come the unfolding of the answering love, which was but another mode in which the love of God she had experienced all her life was manifesting itself.
This new thing in our Lord which held them back with a new word that they had never experienced before must have become plainer each day.
Her crew were all experienced seamen, who had been inured to cold by frequent fishing voyages to Iceland and Greenland.
But still he experienced at the same time a joy which he believed would repay him for the sacrifice.
Erik had read his works with very great interest, and he mentioned that he had done so, when he had been presented to the French savant, who experienced a feeling of satisfaction as he listened to the enthusiastic young man.
After all the captain was anexperienced seaman in whom they might have perfect confidence.
I haveexperienced more doubt regarding the last variety, cirratus, than on any other, on account of its peculiar colouring, and from the basis being often irregularly cup-formed.
Certainly, even among experienced yachtsmen, there would not be lacking those who might have regarded the Hirondelle's present voyage as a piece of folly.
Certainly the path of the evildoer was not being made smooth, and the scheming secretary had experienced various thrills in the course of one short hour.
A correspondent at Rochester, 'who experienced much satisfaction in the perusal of the article' above alluded to, was yet 'a little dissatisfied with the closing portion of it.
The process is particularly suitable for this class of work, and cannot fail to give satisfaction if performed by an experienced welder.
However, several good fluxes are now obtainable which enable any experienced welder to effect satisfactory welds in aluminium.
An experienced worker who believes that it is possible to make a sound joint in cast-iron by brazing, states that he has brazed articles with equal parts of borax and boracic acid.
While there is no solder that allows aluminium to be soldered with the facility and success experienced with other metals, that of Richard’s is extensively used, and seems to have given as good results as any.
Should any difficulty be experienced in getting the solder to flow readily, apply a little more flux.
I do think that girl has experienced a change of heart," remarked Elsie, as they turned to go in-doors.
Its vivid portraiture of Colorado life and its truth to child-nature give it a charm which the most experienced cannot fail to feel.
It was here that I first experienced the sensation of earthquakes.
In my travels I have experienced the extremes of refinement on the one hand, of hardship on the other.
Delivery of the ship at Copenhagen was not made, however, till after the war had ceased, and no trouble was experienced by the Confederates in arranging for the purchase of the vessel.
His dark firm face, surmounted by a splendidly intellectual forehead, betokened the experienced and cautious soldier.
Grant found that ordinary methods of war, even such as he had experienced in the West, were not applicable to the Army of Northern Virginia.
It was Sherman's experienced railroad wreckers that finally drove Hood out of Atlanta.
A daring and experienced veteran of the Mexican War, Hooker had risen in the Civil War from brigade commander to be the commander of a grand division of the Army of the Potomac, and had never been found wanting.
I delight to participate with you the feelings which I experienced in this happy American land, to which I am bound by so many ties.
The experienced British Commander thought it would be an easy matter with his superior numbers to secure the "Young Frenchman.
When he left the City, he expressed the gratification and delight he had experienced from the interesting recollections which had occurred to his mind, and from the great cordiality and affection with which he had been received.
Day, Lemond, giving reminiscences of army life, what he saw and experiencedwhile held a prisoner of war in various prisons in the South during the late Rebellion.
He knew that frequently experienced cowmen, caught in the rush of a thousand lumbering steers, had been ground to death under countless hoofs.
I kind of thought they had," nodded the stockman, who could easily see that it was not the work of an experienced hand.
When one of these came on Mr. Mabie was unable to walk any distance, and, unfortunately, heexperienced such an attack that morning.
Frank was not at all surprised to hear Will say this, for he, too, had experienced the same thing not half a minute before.
Like many another, more experienced in the ways of the woods than himself, Bluff almost forgot that he had other charges in his gun.
Mr. Underwood experienced so much pleasure from breathing it that he lost all sense of everything else, and the breathing bag could only be taken from him at last by force.
I trust he is safe with an experienced fisherman like old Halliburt," answered Algernon.