But one has to learn to suppress one's feelings, dear!
The watcher quickly raised his head, and Clarence knew that his only chance was now to suppress him.
Including the first efforts and the first absences of the suppressed image, the average time required to suppress the image was 7.
In several experiments the subjects were unable to suppress the indicated image, which in five cases was the image at the center of a disc and in two cases the outer portion of the disc.
The yellow seemed to exert a power over the gray to suppress it; its power was very strong; it seemed to be aggressive.
After the disappearance of after-images, if there were any, the subject was directed to suppress one of the two memory images, the one to be suppressed being indicated by the director.
She does know a few things," said Leslie, trying to suppress a smile.
The hand clutched the slight round arm so firmly that it was with difficulty poor Leslie could suppress a scream.
Then she continued, the smiles which she could not suppress now visiting her eyes, "Is not the whole scheme delightful?
Hence then may we not look for Discontent, Mistrust, Disaffection to Government and frequent Insurrections, which will require standing Armies to suppress them in one Place & another where they may happen to arise.
I am sensible it is nearly of as much Importance to suppress the Monopolizers as to provide for our Army, but the blow must be levelled at them only.
With all their haste, they did not reach it until the fire had made such progress that it was impossible to suppress it, or even save anything from the building.
Here the artist will either suppress or add it, according to the necessities of treatment.
It is not that the desire to suppress redundancies is a tendency deserving anything but commendation in any writer, whether great or small; but rather, that the art of concealing art had not yet dawned upon Chaucer.
You can say that we shall send a special commissioner to the M'fusi country to report, and that he will remain permanently established in the M'fusi to suppress lawless acts.
Now to suppress a number of rival theories in favour of one is a very different thing from suppressing whole systems of established facts.
The famous efforts of James I to carry out the Biblical command, Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live, were outdone by the zeal of the Puritans under the Commonwealth to suppress the wicked old women who had commerce with Satan.
It would be said that desperate ills have desperate remedies, and there would be a strong temptation to suppress the fanatic.
It is particularly to be observed that no effort was made to suppress Christian literature.
Pope Pius X has made every effort to suppress the Modernists.
Those who would suppress an opinion (it is assumed that they are honest) deny its truth, but they are not infallible.
Till the end of the twelfth century the Church worked hard to suppress heterodoxies.
The [108] most characteristic thing in Bayles treatise is his sceptical argument that, even if it were a right principle to suppress error by force, no truth is certain enough to justify us in applying the theory.
In Austria-Hungary the police have the power to suppress printed matter provisionally.
To this end he determined to suppress the growing influence of the Christians, who, though a minority, were very numerous, and he organized a persecution.
He must listen, for example, to the statements of people who in some respects are far beneath him, and, while so doing, suppress every feeling of greater knowledge or of superiority.
For the sake of practice the student is obliged to listen for a certain period to the most contradictory thoughts, and at the same time to suppress all assent, and more especially all adverse criticism.
I also called Colonel Tighlman, the owner of the paper, and asked him, very reasonably, to suppress the story.
The "memories" were coming into his mind more and more strongly; it was impossible to suppress them.
Civil rulers were admitted to be of divine institution, their duty is to "suppress idolatry," and they are not to be resisted "when doing that which pertains to their charge.
The Parliament refused and was prorogued; words used by Strafford about the use of the army in Ireland to suppress Scotland were hoarded up against him.
The texts have and weneth; but I suppress and to make sense, and to make the translation agree with the Latin.
I subjoin an epitome, in a more intelligible form; but suppress many details not mentioned in Chaucer.
In her own interests, as well as in those of peace, she had become the third member of an alliance which constrained her to suppress her patriotic feelings and allowed her to bend all her energies to the prevention of a European conflict.
The beliefs of to-morrow will be slain if we suppress to-day the opinion of one.
Now, Doty had been known to hold his tongue when a harmful story might be spread, but he could no more suppress his rejoicing over this than he could the impulse to put it in slang.
The fact of being a divorced woman was my only annoyance; but I was resolved to suppress it so far as I was able, and to represent myself to be, as I was, the widow of Mr. Greyfield.
She would find, as I did, that his chivalry would be exhibited by an ineffectual effort to suppress a smile of incredulity.
He evidently fancies that such a black frame around the luring picture will be a strong enough countermotive to suppress the sensual desire.
I feel sure that society ought to suppress with relentless energy all those parlours of the astrologists and palmists, of the scientific mediums and spiritualists, of the quacks and prophets.
The authoritative voice with which the teacher proposes the right thing has a most valuable suggestive power to suppress in the child the opposite misleading impulse.
And mostly they do not forget that they will live up to their duty best the more they suppress in their own hearts the question whether they like or dislike the truth that comes to light.
Every effort must be made to suppress places through which unclean temptations are influencing the youth.
The Armenian bands even compelled the Ottoman Government to call back troops from the front to suppress their revolutionary manœuvres in the vilayet of Brusa and the neighbourhood.
Vassalo, who had just come back from Turkey, energetically maintained it was impossible to suppress the Ottoman Empire without setting on fire the whole of Asia.
It required all the self-restraint of Deerfoot to suppress his mirth over the ridiculous performance of his captive, if such he may be called.
It was vain, however, for him to seek to suppress his anxiety.
Teuton, hardly to suppresshis excitement over the recollection; "I knowed dat I had recumlected some dings.
On the other hand, the emotions which we wish to suppress are to be refused expression.
If the thought is persistent, however, through the continuance of its stimulus, then what remains is to seek to control the physical expression, and in that way suppress the emotion.
He no longer tried to suppress the moans every effort tore out of him.
Travis could not suppress the cough any longer, and the ripping pain which followed was the worst he had ever experienced.
The man who came as your deliverer is now, in the hour of battle, weakened by being compelled to send part of his army to suppress the disorder at which you have connived.
We are not only willing, but eager, to suppress these bands; and, seeing that we are in earnest, some of the peasantry may pluck up heart enough to endeavour to get rid of those who at present hold them at their mercy.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "suppress" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.