If she was the queen of Sheba I'd say the same," went on the candy manufacturer wildly.
It's going to cost him his home and his patrimony," the candy manufacturer declared fiercely.
An amusing story has been told of a modern manufacturer who was very fond of inserting in his advertisements paragraphs calling attention to his modern works of art, which he said were "acknowledged by connoisseurs to be the best.
A manufacturer who uniformly used no other measure of value than that which you recommend would be as infallibly liable to great disappointments as he is now exposed to in the vulgar variable medium in which he is accustomed to estimate value.
Say has also, in Ricardo's opinion, forgotten sometimes that the growth of the capital of a manufacturer cannot be safely estimated in money if we do not allow for the change in the value of money.
If a manufacturer was to fall into his hands it would be all over with him!
A real thoroughbred manufacturer will get the better of two or three hundred weavers in the time it takes you to turn round--swallow 'em up, and not leave as much as a bone.
If any of my neighbors want furniture they naturally come to me, and I favor them as to price out of friendly feeling, but I am a manufacturer and wholesale dealer.
Mr. Jennings and Hannah are as much attached as ever to Carl, and it is quite likely the manufacturer will make him his heir.
I heard there was a rich manufacturer here--I allude to your respected employer.
When I was nearly penniless I fell in with a prosperous manufacturer of furniture who has taken me into his employment.
After supper a doubt entered the mind of the manufacturer in regard to one point, and he said to Carl: "Carl, are you engaged this evening?
House without hearing a word of what the very competent, caustic, and well-informed manufacturer on the Government side was saying.
If the manufacturer gains by protection, he will cause the agriculturist to gain also; if agriculture prospers, it opens a market for manufactured goods.
There is none, not even the poor manufacturer of resin in the midst of his pine forests, nor the miserable miner in his dark dwelling, but who would enjoy an increase of salary and of comforts.
The man from whom Bell rented his workshop was Charles Williams, himself a manufacturer of electrical supplies.
America would be in a very bad situation, indeed, if an additional pay of twelve dollars a year could bribe a farmer or manufacturer to enlist.
It is a fact, supported by the best evidence, that our merchants who get their goods from the manufacturer pay as much for them as the shopkeeper who buys at Baltimore or Philadelphia.
If it is thus my friend from Connecticut means to do us good, or if this is the decided encouragement and protection my colleague means to yield us, it is such a one as I am sure the manufacturer will not thank him for.
The colonel had only commenced this love-affair with the daughter of the rich manufacturer as a new adventure.
Sir, I am more powerful than all your counts, for the greatness of the nobility lies in the past, in mouldering ancestors; but the greatness of the manufacturer lies in the future, and the future belongs to industry.
It was a dull, dripping evening when the carpet manufacturer stood on Paddington platform, waiting for the through express for Cardiff.
There were also some things in the past life of the carpet manufacturer which caused him to shun any chance of cross-examination.
We need hardly say that a period of agricultural depression is of all things that which the manufacturer has most reason to dread.
Is the sacrifice to be a mutual one--that is, is the agriculturist to be compensated by cheaper home manufactures, and the manufacturer to be compensated by cheaper home-grown bread?
The duties on the one side are to be abolished, and on the other side relaxed, in order that the agriculturist may get cheap foreign manufactures, and the manufacturer cheap foreign grain.
In like manner we say, that it is not wise in the manufacturer to co-operate in this scheme; for sooner or later the evil effects of it must fall upon his own head.
Fahrenheit was a manufacturerof all sorts of physical apparatus, and it has been thought probable that he had some special facilities for dividing his thermometer tubes into 180 parts.
The box in which the gauge is sent out by the manufacturer is usually designed to serve as a permanent support when the gauge is set up.
The doll manufacturer gives out so many yards of calico which are to produce so many bodies, the sawdust to be found by the maker.
The penny cards have, as might be expected, far the largest sale with the public; the manufacturer getting five shillings for a gross of twelve dozen, or somewhat less than half the retail price.
There is no call for the scientific man in the pursuit of his calling to take account of this fact, any more than the manufacturer need reckon with the arts which are required to deliver him his material.
With such weak materials the extract manufacturer has had to secure a much more complete extraction than in ordinary leaching, and to concentrate his infusions by means of steam-heated vacuum pans.
The manufacturer or supervisor who understands and can apply these generalizations will find his task vastly easier and his factory more efficient.
The fleshings obtained by hand labour contain distinctly more hide substances than those obtained by machine work, and their commercial value to the gelatine manufacturer is of course proportionate to the collagen content.
The leather manufacturer classifies sheepskins according to the size of the pelts.
If the manufacturer is both tanner and currier, he need not go to such great expense in strong liquors and in time in layers, for he can obtain some of this weight in currying.
As the freight on weak solutions is prohibitive, the manufacturer using sulphurous acid is faced with the necessity either of purchasing cylinders of sulphur dioxide liquefied by pressure or making the gas and solution himself.
The extract manufacturerreduces this operation to about two days.
Even the manufacturer has sometimes a suspicion that a demand reduced in proportion to durability will not be balanced by an extended export trade.
He made for the counting-house, and succeeded in seeing the manufacturer himself.
The manufacturer was one of his most bitter opponents among the employers at the time when he was organizing the trade--a young master-shoemaker who had had the good sense to follow the development and take the leap over to manufacturer.
Perhaps a merchant or a manufacturer or something of that sort!
Why, he'd become a big manufacturer and a regular pillar of society.
People wanted to see and hear the remarkable manufacturer who earned no more than his work- people.
The ordinary manufacturer is as ready to make cannons and cannon-balls to serve in a war which he knows is unjust, as to cast his iron into mill-wheels, or forge it into anchors.
Thus "far-sighted" politicians of the North and South saw that he might be fairly elected, and then might serve the purposes of the slaveholder, or the manufacturer of the North.
Pelinotte, manufacturer of metal buttons for trousers; trademark, A.
Mr. Burke was an original, though an extravagant writer: Mr. Windham was a regular manufacturerof paradoxes.
A Member of Parliament soon finds his level as a commoner: the merchant and manufacturer cannot bring his goods to market here: the great landed proprietor shrinks from being the lord of acres into a pleasant companion or a dull fellow.