But within their convention, the plots of Dickens are excellent, and show little trace of amateurishness, and every sign of skilled accomplishment.
The skilled observer is he who does not have to change his mind.
Skilled in all weapons and a mighty bowman, he is like Indra in battle.
Pleased with the reception given him by the great Bhishma, that foremost of all men skilled in arms, viz.
But this Rakshasa will not be able to kill my son, for that son of mine is endued with great prowess and energy, and skilled in mantras.
And they grew up into fine young men skilled in the Vedas and all athletic sports.
Again, how was his son Aswatthaman, the foremost of all skilled in arms born?
All were heroes and Atirathas, and were well- skilled in warfare.
And endued as he was born with great strength, as he grew up, he became skilled in all weapons.
Mr. Green as a skilled Fisheries Inspector, knew what he was about, and he was empowered to lend nets, where advisable, to the Aran beginners.
A gang or two were engaged in the comparatively skilled work of rail-laying, and the way they got over the ground was truly surprising.
For your own sake, dearest; merely to be ready in case you needed a strong arm and a skilled sword to defend you.
Is it possible that the heart that has resisted a hundred and one skilledassaults can have surrendered to the ’Stand and deliver’ of a brigand?
In her time, and on her volumes, the originality and taste of the skilled binder, Le Gascon, begin to declare themselves.
Think of the success of Ireland, a boy of eighteen; think of Chatterton; think of Surtees of Mainsforth, who took in the great Sir Walter himself, the father of all them that are skilled in ballad lore.
It must, however, be acknowledged that not a few of them are much addicted to knavery and well skilledin the art of cheating.
Officers rarely carry more than enough money for their traveling expenses, and they are better skilled than merchants in handling fire arms and defending themselves.
I could not learn that any skilled botanist had ever visited Kamchatka and classified its flora.
The position and arrangement of their batteries and lines of circumvallation show that the Chinese were skilledin the art of war.
Wages were very low, skilled workmen being paid less than ordinary stevedores in America.
The Russians think that with educated Gilyaks they can succeed in winning the natives to Christianity, especially when the missionaries are skilled in the useful arts of civilized life.
To the educated circles of Europe the new power was introduced by State papers, which were declared to be models, not less of skilled political narration and exposition, than of literary purity and excellence.
Skilled workmen, mind you, not to be netted again so easily.
Match them with the trained orchestral band of skilled individual performers, indoors or out, where each grasps his instrument, and each relies on his fellow with confidence, and an unrivalled concord comes of it.
This reached the ears of King Oswy and his son Alfrid; for Oswy, having been instructed and baptized by the Scots, and being very perfectly skilled in their language, thought nothing better than what they taught.
Those who are skilled in psychology, will not be surprised by such coincidence.
Like a skilled strategist, as he was, he had well reconnoitred the ground before entering upon it.
With the quick perception of a skilled strategist, Scarthe saw that in a hand-to-hand fight with such redoubtable antagonists, his men would have the worst of it.
Skilled as he certainly was in woman's heart, he had heard enough to convince him, that he could never win that of Marion Wade.
But if you were at all skilled in Saxon physiognomy, on seeing such a face, and knowing that the owner of it had a sister, you might safely set her down as a being of incomparable beauty.
I am an old lawyer, skilled in the ways of the world--and a young girl has completely overreached me.
An advertisement in the newspapers, addressed to persons skilled in the interpretation of ciphers, now represented Mrs. Westerfield's only chance of discovering where the diamonds were hidden.
He was a man skilled in the sound medical practice that learns its lessons without books--bedside practice.
To any one not skilled in military science the most obvious plan would seem the best--to march as large a force as possible, without delay, into Canada at the nearest point.
For the work in hand, he could not have asked for better material than these Western pioneers, who were skilled in wood-craft, who knew the tricks and manners of the enemy, and were as fearless as they were cunning.
Europe was a chessboard and with the hand of a skilled master he moved kings, queens, knights, and bishops.
The man facing him was small, lithe, and evidently well skilled in the use of his weapon.
We have made an hundred improvements in our ships since she was launched--thanks to John Hawkins and other skilled and worthy navigators.
He was well skilledin the use of both these weapons, and during the months that he had passed in Master Oglander's service he had imparted much of this skill to Gilbert.
Nor do these books bear out the Bishop of London's statement as to Thomas being ignorant of printing; on the contrary, the presswork was such as could only have been done by a skilled workman.
The Greek was cultivated; the writers of the times mention several persons skilled in it.
He was an Englishman by birth; skilledboth in the Greek and Latin language, and in many branches of philosophy.
Many engineers--skilled men, too--would rather throw up their jobs than take the run Bullard makes.
At once he rushed out with it to a tradesman skilled in locks, and was surprised at the ease with which the man shot back the tiny lever with a bit of twisted wire.
She was calm now, more skilled in hiding her suspicion, less prone to jump at conclusions.
You drag everything from me like a skilled lawyer.
Selwyn tried to frame words for a reply, but skilled as he was in the interpretation of thought, he was dumb in confession of his faith.
Miss Terry's Portia leaves little to be desired; she is singularly skilled in the business of the scene, and assists the action of the drama by great care and inventiveness with regard to details.
Like John Kemble, he was deeply skilled in the old literature of the drama, and he rivalled Scott's own enthusiasm for the antiquities of vertu.
A rider on horseback; one skilled in the management of horses; a mounted man.
One skilledin the cultivation of flowers; a florist.
A maker or vender of clocks and watches; oneskilled in horology.
One skilled in financial operations; one acquainted with money matters.
A writer of hierograms; also, oneskilled in hieroglyphics.
A skilled smith, who has a hammerer to assist him.
One skilledin geometry; a geometrician; a mathematician.
One skilledin geometry; a geometer; a mathematician.
One skilled in the knowledge of plants; a collector of, or dealer in, herbs, especially medicinal herbs.
Not only the wages of the working classes, but the payments of professional and every kind of skilled industry have increased at a rate predicted to be impossible; but every shilling buys from thirty to fifty per cent.
The Egyptians were especially skilled in the preparation of leather for sandals, shields, and chairs.
Mikon was particularly skilled in painting horses, and was the first who used for a color the light Attic ochre, and the black made from burnt vine-twigs.
They were paid by government, and were skilledin the knowledge of drugs.
It sought to bring all laborers, skilled and unskilled, men and women, white and colored, into a mighty body of local and national unions without distinction of trade or craft.
Carpentry, bricklaying, and blacksmithing were usually done by slaves skilledin simple handicrafts.
Lynn, Massachusetts, had a forge and skilled artisans within fifteen years after the founding of Boston.
The troubles were increased by the appearance of the American Federation of Labor, a still mightier organization composed mainly of skilled workers who held strategic positions in industry.
Slavery kept out the white immigrants who might have supplied the skilled labor for industry.
The natural resources, coal and water power, were abundant; but the enterprise for direction and the skilled labor were wanting.
Though most of them were farmers, there were also among them skilled artisans who contributed to the rapid growth of industries in Pennsylvania.
The skilled freedmen turned to agriculture rather than to handicrafts; white men of a business or mechanical bent found an opportunity to serve the needs of their communities.
As skilled white labor increased in the Ohio Valley, the industries springing up in the new cities made Western life more like that of the industrial East than like that of the planting South.
So great was the business before the Lords of Trade that the colonies had to keep skilled agents in London to protect their interests.