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Example sentences for "governor"

Lexicographically close words:
government; governmental; governments; governmint; governo; governorates; governors; governorship; governorships; governs
  1. There was staying with the governor of the prison a young hobble-dehoy of the name of George Douglas, who, being on a visit to his brother, was allowed the privilege of seeing the royal captive.

  2. The governor took the billet to the queen, and Edmund was arrested on a charge of endeavouring to raise a deceased individual to the throne.

  3. When the provisions were exhausted, the garrison made an unprovisional surrender, and the governor gave out that he gave in, with all his companions.

  4. With this requisition Edward reluctantly complied, and Gaveston was expelled from England; but only to be made Governor of Ireland, until the king could get the permission of the barons to allow the favourite to come back again.

  5. At length, more out of pity to his hall-porter than from any other motive, the Governor agreed to see that troublesome young woman who had given no peace to his bell since the first day of her arrival at Vaucouleurs.

  6. Joan immediately had a convenient dream, appointing the governor of Vaucouleurs, one Sire de Baudricourt, her banker on this occasion.

  7. Caracalla, son and successor to the late Emperor Severus, executed a surrender of land to the Caledonians for the sake of peace, and being desirous of administering to the effects of his lamented governor in Rome, left the island for ever.

  8. The Prussian Governor would not suffer them to be arrested in order that their guilt or innocence might be legally investigated.

  9. Thereupon, the governor ordered the arrest of David Arari and the other Jews named, all of whom were the richest merchants in the town--at all events the richest Jewish merchants.

  10. Sheriff Pacha was Governor of Syria, and Count Ratti-Menton required him to allow of his using every means at his disposal for the discovery of the criminal.

  11. The Liegeois were very indignant at this answer, as were the governor of the town and bishop, and made preparations to wage war against them, and besiege their town, as shall hereafter be more fully described.

  12. They also made the lord de Pieruels[103], father to the new bishop, their principal maimbourg, and governor of the whole territory of Liege.

  13. The pardoning power of the governor was quite generally restricted.

  14. But a two-thirds majority in both houses of the legislature could override the veto of the governor in Massachusetts, or that of the Council of Revision in New York.

  15. They abolished the veto power of the governor and failed to abolish the judicial negative only because it did not then exist.

  16. These provisions make it the duty of the judges of the supreme court of the state to give their opinion upon questions of law when required by the governor or other branch of the law-making authority.

  17. In all the states framing new constitutions during the Revolutionary period, except Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and New York, the governor was elected by the legislature.

  18. In the various states the governor was liable to be impeached by the lower branch of the legislature and expelled from office when convicted by the senate, which was usually the court before which impeachment cases were tried.

  19. The appointing power of the governor was also taken away or restricted.

  20. With the progress of this movement to restore the system of checks in the state constitutions the governor regained his independence of the legislature and also many of the rights and prerogatives of which the Revolution had deprived him.

  21. In the four New England states and in New York the governor was elected by the qualified voters; in all the rest he was chosen by the legislature.

  22. Besides, there was in every state an executive or privy council which the governor was required to consult on all important matters.

  23. But this really amounted to indirect legislative appointment in Maryland, since both the governor and council in that state were elected annually by the legislature.

  24. He continued in the Senate until 1836, when he was elected Governor of the State of New Hampshire by a very large majority.

  25. In the summer of the same year he was appointed by Governor Snyder President Judge of the Luzerne district.

  26. As the election of Governor falls upon the Legislature, the probability is that the Governor and the United States Senator for the next six years will be chosen from the Whig party.

  27. In 1811 he was elected to the state Senate, and was an active supporter of the administration of Governor Snyder in all its war measures.

  28. In 1841 he was appointed by Governor Seward, Judge of the Court of Sessions.

  29. From the latter of these, and fifth in descent, was Isaac, the father of Governor Hill.

  30. Among the prisoners was General Hislop, the Governor of Bombay, who was on his way to assume his post.

  31. The Dutchmen, who did not dare refuse, ordered him home; and the poor governor lost his post in consequence of his unthinking courtesy.

  32. Major Fremont was appointed governor of the territory, and directions were given for elections to be held for civil magistrates, the conquered country meanwhile remaining under martial law.

  33. The guns were taken, as well as all the stores except the powder, and the governor was carried off a prisoner.

  34. So when the "Essex" arrived off the island she lay to outside, and Lieutenant Downes went in a boat to the town and told the governor that she was the ship "Fanny" of London.

  35. In papers relating to the administration of Governor Nicholson is a list of vessels about to sail from "Keccowtan" in July 1705, sixty-seven sail of merchant ships bound for various ports of Great Britain.

  36. However, in 1680, Governor Culpeper was ordered to annul the laws exempting Virginia owners of vessels constructed in the colony from duties on exported tobacco and castle duties.

  37. Later, Maxwell notified the Governor that he was building a few boats at the Chickahominy Shipyard.

  38. To settle a charge against Thomas Westone by several men, he was ordered to appear before the Governor with his pinnace.

  39. Instructions sent to Governor Wyatt, in 1621, bade him "to take care of the Dutch sent to build sawmills, and seat them at the Falls, that they may bring their timber by the current of the water.

  40. The Governor granted him all the things he desired, all such tools and instruments, and twenty of the ablest and stoutest men of the company to hew planks and square timber.

  41. When she began to swim (upon her launching) our Governor called her The Deliverance.

  42. After the death of Robespierre, Turreaux, then a governor at Belleisle, was arrested as a terrorist, and shut up at Du Plessis until the general amnesty released him in 1795.

  43. The garrison itself begged the governor to yield.

  44. The committee immediately sent to ascertain the truth; appointed bands of citizens to defend that side of the town, and sent a deputation to the governor of the Bastille, soliciting him to withdraw his cannon and engage in no act of hostility.

  45. With some difficulty Thuriot obtained permission to enter the fortress further, and examine if its condition was really as satisfactory for the town as the governor represented it to be.

  46. When Acting-Governor of Montana he was drowned in the Mississippi.

  47. In 1848 he was chosen as governor of Oregon, and was considered one of the ablest of the United States Generals.

  48. Only one box was empty--that of the Governor of the city, a Russian Prince whom Truda had met before; it was understood that he was away, and could not return till the following day.

  49. I know the Governor of this place; he is by way of being a friend of mine.

  50. A formal demand had been made to the Governor for the surrender of the fortress to the Archduke Charles, "the rightful King of Spain.

  51. Desperate efforts were made by the garrison to haul down the flag, but they all failed, and the Governor capitulated.

  52. Then there came the long-expected answer from the Marquis de Salinas, the Governor of the fortress.

  53. The Burmese King advanced to Martaban, a town close to Tavoy, and demanded the governor to surrender.

  54. Fear had exaggerated the number of the foemen, and the governor had been the first to desert his post.

  55. The Governor of Tavoy, a Peguan city close at hand had established himself as an independent ruler.

  56. Des Farges was appointed governor and commander in chief of the French soldiery.

  57. Each provincial governor is judge in his own province.

  58. The governor was too weak to offer any resistance and therefore complied.

  59. From this town he wrote to the governor ordering him to offer no resistance.

  60. At the reports of these disasters, the governor of Canton raised a force for the deliverance of the country from so terrible a scourge.

  61. At the same time he wrote to the governor of the French stations in the East Indies to whom he sent valuable gifts in the hope of obtaining guns and military stores.

  62. At the first news of the Siamese revolt the King of Burma sent orders to the governor of Tavoy to overrun the country again, and to press the inhabitants of the town into his army to effect the entire ruin of the country.

  63. Urgent commands were sent to the governor of Tenasserim to fit out an expedition for the relief of Tavoy, but nothing came of the project.

  64. The governor had hired Macassar mercenaries and had promised to terminate their engagement after three years.

  65. The idea of a rich booty won over the governor who resolved to appropriate so valuable a cargo in order to purchase an alliance with Siam, who, alone could have supported him in his encroachments.

  66. The governor of this town became the object of public execration; the bloodshed of the leading citizens was the means by which he had wished to consolidate his growing power, and his new subjects became his enemies.

  67. Father Tachard assures us that his father was a noble Venetian who was the governor of the island, and that his mother was a daughter of one of the leading families.

  68. The governor feared that those who had given him shelter would not respect the rights of hospitality for long.

  69. Such an expedition was sent out from England under Governor Knight of the Hudson's Bay Company, and Captains Barlow and Vaughan.

  70. In spite of this failure, neither Governor Norton nor Hearne himself was discouraged.

  71. The Hudson's Bay Company retained him in their service at various factories, and three years after his famous expedition they made him governor of Fort Prince of Wales.

  72. Moreover, the chief had himself been to the Coppermine river, and it was partly owing to his account of it that Governor {50} Norton had sent Hearne into the barren grounds.

  73. Cosmo de' Medici was at once notified by his ambassador, and the next day the governor of Rome made an inventory of Michelangelo's property in the presence of Pier Luigi Gaeta and Cavalieri.

  74. Story of the Man of Khorassan his son and his governor .

  75. The Man of Khorassan, his Son and his Governor dccclxxxvi [886] b.

  76. Story of Hyjauje, the tyrannical Governor of Confeh, and the young Syed .

  77. About the same time Shaykh Nasr, Governor of Bushire, a man famed for facetious blackguardism, used to invite European youngsters serving in the Bombay Marine and ply them with liquor till they were insensible.

  78. On the 11th three messages were received by the garrison congratulating them on their good work of January 6th: one from the Governor of Natal, one from Valparaiso, and one from General Buller.

  79. Lord Northcote, the Governor of Bombay, received the two regiments on disembarkation and addressed them, congratulating them on their good work in South Africa.

  80. On the other hand, every one, from the governor of the district down to the lowest slave, will do all they can to help the wanderer, provided he treats them with that courtesy and respect which they are prepared to show to him.

  81. When the central authorities claim the services of someone resident in a remote quarter of the country, the order is made through the governor of the province in which the person whose time and labour are required, resides.

  82. One day the Commissioner heard the deposed governor addressed by the people, with the title of "king.

  83. The jailer, however, said sullenly that the governor was absent, that the visiter was behind the hours, and that he should not have admission.

  84. He insisted, and demanded, at all events, to see the governor of the prison.

  85. The governor doesn't put many capitals there, for fear Barstow should let them out--he's such a soft one!

  86. The governor was called; a search was instituted, and a rope-ladder was found thrown over the wall of the prison yard.

  87. These chiefs had already learned how eager the Spaniards were for gold; so they gave it to the governor freely and cheerfully.

  88. It was Bartholomew Columbus, who was sent to act as governor during the admiral's absence.

  89. Like Miss Robinson's successful story of "A Loyal Little Maid," this is another historical tale of a real girl, during the time when the gallant Sir Harry Vane was governor of Massachusetts.

  90. Many of the high dignitaries of the empire were originally slaves; the present Governor of the Dardanelles is a black, and was, a short time since, freed from servitude.

  91. Then the successor happened to be a boy; and one of his servants, the governor of Khorasan, an able and experienced man, was forced by circumstances to rebellion against him.

  92. Gibbon makes this the Fatimite governor of some town in Galilee, laying the scene in Palestine.

  93. At one time he describes the Deity as the all-pervading Soul of the world, the cause of life and motion;[186] at another He is the intelligent Preserver and Governor of every separate part.

  94. Ambrose was at that time civil governor of the province of which Milan was the capital: and, the tumult increasing, he was obliged to interfere in person, with a view of preventing its ending in open sedition.

  95. Already the governor of the State had telegraphed freedom to the convicts not in the scheme who would give the names of those engaged in it.

  96. The Democrats have put up against him Governor Campbell with the plankless platform of the "McKinley bill," and an internal discussion on the silver question.

  97. Spanish custom, that you will exercise well and faithfully the said office of lieutenant-governor and captain-general, .

  98. Among these was the post of governor and captain-general of Guatemala (1523); in the following year he founded the old city of Guatemala, which later was destroyed by the eruption of a volcano.

  99. The governor imposed only one order upon the foreigners, namely that none of them should speak any other language than Spanish.

  100. All the spoils taken when the said Spaniards and Indians were acting in concert should be divided into two equal parts, of which the said governor and his people were to have one part, and the said natives the other.

  101. He was succeeded as governor of the Philippines by Guido de Lavezaris.

  102. Antonio Galvano explains this by declaring that he had in 1538 (being then the Portuguese governor of the Moluccas) sent Francisco de Castro to convert the natives of the Philippines to the Catholic faith.

  103. As governor of Rome it was my duty to point out to the emperor the inconvenience of keeping that legion waiting under arms so near the city.

  104. He is the best governor the City of Rome has had in our generation.

  105. As general, and as governor of Rome, as consul and proconsul, I have spared whom I might.

  106. They stared at each other silently across the table, Pertinax erect and definite, the governor of Antioch indefinite and stroking his chin with fat, white fingers.

  107. In the palace, in the office of the governor, where the lapping of water and irises could be heard through the opened windows, Pertinax sat facing the governor of Antioch across a table heaped with parchment rolls.

  108. I am Governor of Rome--though you are Galen the philosopher.

  109. I have proof that you plotted with the governor of Antioch to have an unknown criminal executed in place of a certain Norbanus, who escaped with your connivance and has since become a follower of the highwayman Maternus.

  110. Usually a man's relatives--" But the governor of Antioch's fat hand made a disparaging careless gesture.

  111. And as the governor who broke the famine," Galen continued.

  112. It would be simplest," said the governor of Antioch at last, "to have Norbanus executed.

  113. That Cornificia did exercise a sway over the governor of Rome was undeniable.

  114. I am the governor of Rome and still alive in spite of it because even Commodus' informers know it would be silly to accuse me of intrigue.

  115. He developed his whole plan in a letter to Governor Wright.

  116. The governor encourages them, and the ministers and magistrates are more united than in any other place where I have been.

  117. Before dinner, the governor sent for me up into his chamber.

  118. This year he lost by death some of his earliest and warmest friends, including Hervey in England, and Presidents Burr and Edwards, and Governor Belcher, in America.

  119. While at Boston, Whitefield heard with much pleasure of the appointment of his friend Habersham as secretary to the new governor of Georgia, and wrote to him, "I wish you joy of your new honor.

  120. After the governor rose from the table, he desired, if I stayed in town on the Sunday, that I would dine with him at his own house.

  121. While thus undecided, he visited his old friend Governor Belcher, then governor of New Jersey, and residing at Elizabeth town.

  122. Good old Governor Tallcott, on whom with due politeness he waited to pay his respects, said to him, "Thanks be to God for such refreshings in our way to heaven.

  123. The governor and council in deep mourning convened at the state-house, and went in procession to church, where they were received by the organ playing a funeral dirge.

  124. The governor took the hint, and pleasantly replied, "No compulsion of any kind shall be used at my table;" and every thing was conducted with the greatest propriety.

  125. In these circumstances it was easy for the district governor to arrive at the truth concerning the field, though he experienced some difficulty in eliciting a confession from the perjured witnesses.

  126. But the poor governor was not so easily quieted, and his voice positively shook when he addressed the man of whom all the district had stood in mortal fear these months past.

  127. Defend your enemy, not to say your friend, from being a district governor in Galicia!

  128. The governor asked my opinion, or any advice I could give, concerning the personal safety of the commissioner about to be despatched to Zulawce, and I am ready to advise you.

  129. The governor tried to battle with this thought as with an apparition.

  130. In short the cases were so like each other, and followed one another so rapidly, that the district governor quite got into a routine of filing charges against Taras.

  131. But the brave governor by this time had recovered himself.

  132. The following day the district governor arrived at Zulawce.

  133. The Board unanimously agreed to this proposal, and the governor was soon free to repair to the city gaol, his heart brimming with the good news for Anusia.

  134. The governor rubbed his hands; it seemed a bright idea to set the two least welcome of his guests at each other, thus rendering them harmless for the rest of the company.

  135. The governor had nothing more to say, beyond ordering the prisoner's removal to the city gaol.

  136. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "governor" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    administrator; aegis; agent; attendant; bey; boss; buffer; bull; bulwark; bumper; caretaker; castellan; chatelaine; chief; collector; commandant; commander; conductor; contraceptive; controller; copyright; counterweight; curator; cushion; custodian; dad; daddy; deputy; director; employer; executive; father; fender; fuse; genitor; goggles; governor; guard; guardian; gyroscope; head; helmet; impresario; insulation; interlock; jailer; janitor; keeper; lifeguard; lifeline; manager; mask; master; pad; padding; palladium; pap; papa; pappy; patent; paterfamilias; patriarch; pilot; pop; preventive; proconsul; producer; prophylactic; provincial; ranger; rector; rotator; ruler; safeguard; safety; screen; screw; shepherd; shield; sire; stabilizer; steward; superintendent; supervisor; umbrella; viceroy; warden; warder; windshield

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    governor appointed; governor general