Brin erected a small producer in Paris, and successfully worked it for nearly three years without finding a renewal of the original charge of baryta once necessary.
This producer was exhibited at the Inventions Exhibition in London, in 1885.
In connection with these figures, the following table may be profitably studied, as showing the relative insignificance of the small producer in the total volume of manufacture.
The most famous producer among these was the Santa Rosalia, and a great part of these ores were formerly shipped direct to England.
The business of Armour and Company is to buy from the producer and distribute to the consumer.
So Armour and Company have to satisfy two parties--the producer and the consumer.
At once there was a demand for refrigerator-cars from Michigan: the new way opened the markets of America to the producer of fruits and vegetables.
But I believe as a producer for next year I am going to try to forget about the shelling and let the prices go to the devil.
That case, however, demonstrates that the author is the first producer of literary matter in "book" form, i.
The producer of this written composition is, to my mind, the person who is the author of the book within the meaning of the statute.
It has been suggested that not only the interests of the lawful producer will be safeguarded, but also interests arising in a third person from or in connection with such production, and this seems to be sound.
Copyright is given not necessarily to the first composer, but to the first producer in "book" form of a literary composition.
The producer of the spiritual food says, "In order that I may be able to give you this food, you must feed me, clothe me, and remove all filth from my house.
But the producer of bodily food must do his work without making any claims of his own, and he has to give the bodily food whether he receive spiritual food or not.
But as soon as the nation became the sole producer of all sorts of commodities, there was no need of exchanges between individuals that they might get what they required.
One's worst enemies were necessarily those of his own trade, for, under your plan of making private profit the motive of production, a scarcity of the article he produced was what each particular producer desired.
The day dream of the nineteenth century producer was to gain absolute control of the supply of some necessity of life, so that he might keep the public at the verge of starvation, and always command famine prices for what he supplied.
Rules and regulations are adopted to which the producer and dealer must conform.
This usually has an effect on the trade sufficient to cause the negligent producer and dealer to improve.
Thus there is every reason for cleanliness in the production of milk, for cleanliness' sake and because clean milk means better products, and greater returns to everyone, producer and dealer.
The use of any preservative or coloring matter is adulteration, and its use by a producer or shipper will be a sufficient cause for the exclusion of his product from the City of New York.
In the past in the cities, as in the smaller towns at present, the supply was largely furnished by the producer directly to the consumer.
And if the supply of energy within the atom is ever tapped to a sufficient degree, power will be as cheap as water, and the greatest advantage of the large producer be wiped out forever.
Perhaps all middlemen, big and small, will in the end disappear as the connection between producer and consumer becomes more direct.
The only safeguard for the domestic producer must lie, obviously, in some decision by a competent tribunal as to the amount of such differences which may reasonably exist.
Of these, the first concerns those cases wherein a commodity undergoes no physical transformation between producer and consumer.
Here the conflict of interest between producer and consumer is obvious.
It is always alleged that such sales at long reach actually benefit the consumer or producer near at hand, inasmuch as they contribute something toward the fixed expenses of the business, which must be borne in any event.
His proximity to the status of a marginal producer depends upon his relative position in these respects.
Shall the entire journey from producer to consumer be considered as a unit in determination of the rate; or shall the two parts, before and after the change of form by manufacture, be considered as separate and distinct in this regard?
In one instance, this duty with the total freight rate added amounted to only eighteen cents, as against a rate of twenty cents for the domestic producer from New York to the same point.
The producer shall not be sacrificed for the sake of the converter, or the converter subjected to the precarious mercy of the producer of another land.
We found the East Indies in the possession of a considerable manufacture of cotton, the producer and the converter being there reciprocally dependant.
Nature and the timber-producer have different aims and pursue different methods in the making of forests, though the latter is not above taking a hint from the former occasionally.
Its perfect hardiness and its freedom of growth may, with longer experience than half a century affords, lead to its being regarded as a timber producer here also.
Although the wood produced by the Scots Pine in this country is not considered of the highest quality, the species is certainly of equal value as a timber-producer with any other tree.
The timber-producer aims at so controlling the struggle for existence that the survival of the fit is maintained from start to finish.
They are gross feeders, of bulky food, but the greater number and value of the eggs in market over the average hen, makes the duck more profitable as an egg-producer than the hen.
There is, perhaps, no bird that will excel it as an egg producer for market.
Large tracts of fertile land, the application of modern technology, and subsidies have combined to make it the leading agricultural producer in Western Europe.
Namibia is the fourth-largest exporter of nonfuel minerals in Africa and the world's fifth-largest producer of uranium.
Early in 1906 a correspondent of The Standard made an experimental canal journey from the Thames, at Brentford, to Birmingham, to test the qualities of a certain "suction-producer gas motor barge.
In regard to the latter class of goods, it is a matter of common knowledge that there has been an increasing tendency of late years to eliminate the middleman, and establish direct trading between producer and consumer.
On the contrary, they exist to rob the producer of a part of his product, and to protect a few in the enjoyment of what they have stolen from the producer or from the whole of society.
In return, everyproducer or tradesman co-operating with the bank agrees to furnish his goods to the other co-operators at a reduced price.
Cavity formation in oaks of basal origin is a slow process, but black oak is a good cavity producer as trees approach maturity because although the heartwood decays rapidly the sapwood is resistant (Bellrose et al.
Basswood is a good cavity producerbecause of its sprouting characteristics.
The supply of labour and rates of wages in the future are now most serious questions to the sugar producer in Cuba, and present the greatest obstacle to reducing cost.
Some otherproducer may put it on the screen, and then my version would fall flat--if no worse.
The very fact that the man refused to tell anything about his personal affairs--who he really was, or where he came from--induced the moving picture producer to believe there must be something wrong about him.
Mr. Hammond had talked with Tom about the robbery at the Red Mill, and it looked to the moving picture producer as though there might be some considerable doubt of Ruth's having been robbed at all.
The public knows nothing about them until the producer is ready to make their release.
We sha'n't get there for another two hours," the producer growled.
The author, Mr. Marchmont Hearne, was a timid little man who between the business manager and producer looked and behaved very much like the Dormouse at the Mad Tea-party.
In a word, whether the burden weigh upon producer or consumer, it must needs be the Russian peasant to whom will fall the lion’s share--in paying the taxes.
Where is the producer to be sought for purposes of taxation?
The State can tax either the produceror the consumer, or both.
Any producer may at one part of a year be a lender and afterward a borrower to advantage of everybody.
The other is where a country like our own is a large producer of gold and silver by mining.
While the whole world is warned against this, each individual producer fails to study as well as he might the means of avoiding it.
Every producer and every consumer is interested in seeing that such welfare is not overlooked by the public, or infringed upon by any individual or combination of individuals in his community.
Whatever advantage is given to a producer by his possession of land is likely to form his estimate of its value.
In any case of over-production, when land gives no rent, the tax will be paid by the producer out of other income.
Every advance in the perfection of statistics and the rapidity of collection makes more certain the bargain of every producer and consumer.
Bechhofer and Reckitt are, in fact, so sensible and practical that they abandon altogether the freedom of the producer to produce what he likes.
The Guildsman says that the producerought to decide what he shall produce and what is to be done with it when he has produced it.
It seems to me that the ingenuity of enterprising man is such that the producer might, and probably would, have found means for facing the probability of depreciation in price.
Like Ptah, Ea also developed from an artisan god into a sublime Creator in the highest sense, not merely as a producer of crops.
In Egypt the sun god Ra was similarly a "producer of calamity", the composite monster god Sokar was "the lord of fear".