Navigator William Law was the only one of whom he had a doubt.
But at two o'clock, the navigatorhad not shown his face.
On the 15th day out we again sighted land in the Navigator or Samoan group, and we passed within a mile of one of the islands to receive and send off a mail.
Some have thought that this pilot who perished on the Mary of Guildford may have been the great navigator Verrazano, of whom we shall presently speak.
Gradually they were realizing that this was not Asia, but an outlying land that lay between Europe and Asia and that must be passed by the navigator before Cathay and Cipango could rise upon the horizon.
It was what that great navigatorwho made the "swellings from the Atlantic" called "a fresh-water college.
The whole archipelago was not explored till 1787, when the French navigator La Perouse determined the position of all the islands.
The Russian navigator Lisiansky, who visited the Marquesas in 1804, seems to have supposed that the custom was restricted to wealthy families.
Down to the eighteenth century they remained practically unknown to Europe; the first navigator to bring back comparatively full and accurate information concerning them was our great English explorer, Captain James Cook.
On this subject the Russian navigator Lisiansky, who visited the islands while the ancient system of superstition was still in full vogue, reports as follows: "On the death of the king, a scene of horror takes place that is hardly credible.
Such a temple is described by the Russian navigator Lisiansky.
It was in this island that the French navigator La Perouse lost his second in command and twelve men in a fierce encounter with the natives.
Of the rigour with which the laws of taboo were enforced during one of these festivals we may gather an idea from a statement of the Russian navigator von Kotzebue.
Abbe Rochon, the editor, thinks it most probable that neither navigator knew anything of the movements of the other.
He is no longer a boy, and we can scarcely believe that he with the bushy whiskers, and the strong, well-knit frame, is the young navigator of our tale.
He had sacrificed his reputation as a navigator by carelessly attempting to run too near the reef, and he felt that his brother's conclusions were correct.
Rather bad management, I am willing to own," replied John, who felt that his reputation as a skilful navigator had departed in the twinkling of an eye.
After the bell is struck at twelve noon by order of the navigator or sailing-master, the time will be kept as follows:-- 12.
Writhing defeated behind Columbus's ship, in the depths of the transparent Atlantic, you have shadowy types of the difficulties and enemies that the dauntless navigatorhad to contend with.
No navigator should be censured for disaster on this dark and dangerous coast.
Did any early navigator ever make a neater criticism of the natives than these innocent ones of the first white visitors to their shores?
The chronicles of this modest French navigator seem, somehow, to stand apart from those of the other early voyagers.
Captain Dixon, the most pious navigator I have found, with the exception of the Russians, extolled the Supreme Being for having so bountifully provided in Cook Inlet for the needs of the wretched natives who inhabited the region.
As early as the year 1500 this strait was supposed to have been discovered by a Portuguese navigator named Cortereal, and to have been named by him for one of his brothers who accompanied him.
Cape Douglas, at the entrance to Cook Inlet, is the admiration of all save the careful navigator who usually at this point meets such distressing winds and tides that he has no time to devote to the contemplation of scenery.
In this poetic vicinage, and nearer the island than either, is another cluster of rocks, upon which some bold and sacrilegious navigator has bestowed the name of "Devil.
Horsens is the birthplace of the navigator Vitus Bering or Behring (1680), the Arctic explorer.
The attack on Kishm was notable in that one of the two Englishmen killed there was the great navigator Baffin.
The danger that had cleared his eye, throat, and brain, and left him once more the daring and skillful navigator they knew, wiped out of their shallow minds the vicious habit that had sunk him below their level.
But while it is probable that the coasts of Acadia were visited by Europeans some years before Champlain entered the Bay of Fundy, it is certain that the history of events previous to the coming of that intrepid navigator is a blank.
In vain Roberval urged and commanded him to retrace his course; but the resolute old navigator had too recent an experience and saw too clearly the inevitable obstacles to success in their undertaking to be diverted from his purpose.
A new navigator and two Royal Naval Reserve lieutenants joined that night, and their arrival completed our full complement of officers.
All but one of the men managed to grab hold of the life-lines and haul themselves into safety; but for the one in question the life-buoys were immediately let go, and the other cutter in charge of the navigator was hastily lowered.
She would weave in romping circles and seem to go utterly crazy as her jumbled navigator pulled his levers and turned his wheels in a frantic effort to get somewhere.
In these regions, which are his own, his culture was superior to that of the white race, and from no other people has the arctic navigator learnt so much.
This does not seem to show that any of the sons had been with him; and the protest of the Wardens of the Drapers' Company of London (see later) against Sebastian as a navigator points in the same direction.
Hakluyt says that the voyage of this navigator is mentioned by Gemma Frisius and Girava.
I'm like a navigatoradrift on a strange sea without chart or compass.
As it was, he found Spencer's explanation of things convincing; and, as he phrased it to himself, to give up Spencer would be equivalent to a navigator throwing the compass and chronometer overboard.
The pious navigator at once went up to the church of Our Lady at Belem, where he had offered up prayers for help before his departure.
But the great navigator was now an old man, and never reached Goa to take up his office.