They could, however, prevail on no one to perform the marriage ceremony in the village, and finally concluded to go to a magistrate in the town of Brighton, four miles distant.
He may have acted imprudently; but he has excited himself very much, and should the idea prevail that you and he are in a state of collision, it would be very bad for you.
It will be found to be the only preservative against the varied forms of evil and unsound doctrine whichprevail around us.
And I say unto thee that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church; and the gates of hell shall not prevailagainst it.
It is my earnest entreaty that Your Reverence, by your prayers and holy sacrifices, may prevail upon the Lord to accomplish all these things in us.
She endeavours to prevail on him to defer his voyage, and is indignant at meeting with a refusal.
I should think myself very happy if I could prevail upon Mr. Beauchamp to live with me.
I could not prevail upon her-- We all looked upon one another.
Captain Morgan having notice of this, and perceiving he could notprevail with the French captain to follow him, resolved to lay hold on this occasion, to ruin the French, and seek his revenge.
But neither this endeavour, nor any other, could prevail towards the settling a second trade with those of the island.
The religious men and women ceased not to cry to him, and beg of him, by all the saints of heaven, to deliver the castle, and spare both his and their own lives; but nothing could prevail with his obstinacy and fierceness.
Before she had acted this part I had so cold an expectation from her abilities, that she could scarce prevail with me to rehearse with her the scenes she was chiefly concerned in with Sir Courtly, which I then acted.
Nevertheless they have certain antient usages and Customes that do prevail and are observed as Laws; and Pleading them in their Courts and before their Governors will go a great way.
However, all he could say was insufficient to prevail on me to swerve from the fidelity I had vowed to observe to my brother.
He therefore begged the Queen my mother to set things to rights, and to prevail on my brother to forget all that had happened, and to bear no resentment against these young men, but to make up the breach betwixt Bussi and Quelus.
In the meanwhile my brother considered on the necessary measures to be used for raising a sufficient force, for which purpose he returned to the King, to prevail with him to assist him in this enterprise.
Be pleased, Sir, nevertheless, to prevail upon my mamma, to vouchsafe me her presence on the occasion.
Try, my Dolly, [the dear girl sobbing with grief;] try if your gentleness cannot prevail for me.
And I have still more hopes that I shall prevail for some delay, from my cousin's intimation that the good Dr.
Our Church has come to stay, for it is Christ's Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against that.
All of these mitigations may be claimed in anticipation in behalf of the measures which will certainly prevail at our next General Conference.
The prevalent views here respecting the sanctity of the Sabbath are very different from those which prevail either in England or Canada.
I wish, with you, that the College question could be settled in England, if we could only prevail on the contending parties to agree to a case of facts.
With animals kept for use and not for mere amusement, different fashions prevail in different districts, leading to the preservation, and consequently to the transmission, of all sorts of trifling peculiarities of character.
No doubt a false belief may, like a superstition, prevail widely; yet it is difficult to suppose that so many acute observers have all been deceived at the expense of much cost and trouble.
No such scruples prevail in England or Germany, and, in consequence, both those powers are industriously engaged in annexing stray islands, whether the inhabitants desire protection or not.
A moment more he hesitated, and during that short delay, the despotism of custom had yet power enough to prevail over the promptings of pity.
In this instance only did the natural affection of the father prevail over the acquired severity of the reformer.
And yet no reason could prevail To bring the owner to a sale.
If you prevail over us, then we shall be your servants; but if we prevail over you, then you shall be our servants to do with as we please.
There westerly winds prevail throughout the year, and with greater force than those winds which occasionally blow from the north and east.
He also observes that they had tried to prevail on Cicero to criminate Cæsar by false testimony.
These words had such an effect upon Philip that Demaratus was able to prevail upon him to make his peace with Alexander and to induce him to return.
It was a heavy damp morning, and I could hardly prevail upon myself to quit my fireside and deliver the archbishop's most confidential despatches to the Portuguese ambassador Don Diogo de Noronha.
It required great exertion on the part of my vigilant courier to prevail on our hulky muleteers to expose themselves to the bad weather.
The twilight was beginning to prevail when we reached Les Echelles, a miserable village, with but few of its chimneys smoking, situated at the base of a mountain, round which had gathered a concourse of red and greyish clouds.
I could hardly prevail upon myself to abandon this cool recess; which the fragrance of bay and orange, maintained by constant showers, rendered uncommonly luxurious.
Let the states of equilibrium and harmony exist in perfection, and a happy order will prevail throughout heaven and earth, and all things will be nourished and flourish.
It only needs that the sacredness of the relations be maintained, and the duties belonging to them faithfully discharged, and the 'happy tranquillity' will prevail all under heaven.
K'ung Wan endeavoured to excuse himself, and to prevailon Confucius to remain in Wei, and just at this juncture the messengers from Lu arrived [2].
And, on a rainy evening such as we are attempting to describe, what business—what bustleprevail in front of the Angel Inn at Islington!
In this enlightened age it is really horrible to think that the most abominable prejudices should prevail amongst Christians against the Jews.
Now I have told you all—and it is for you to decide whether your prejudices shall prevail against my most substantial interests.
Talleyrand trusted that, by his influence with the Directory, he could prevail on the government to receive" the Americans.