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Example sentences for "intellect"

Lexicographically close words:
integrum; integument; integumental; integumentary; integuments; intellection; intellective; intellects; intellectu; intellectual
  1. She was evidently a person of culture and native power of intellect combined, and her finely-moulded face, as well as every gesture and tone, indicated superiority and character.

  2. Whether the dressmaker's wonderful assistant had intellect and soul did not trouble the young man.

  3. And better still, he was rich in intellect and all those finer faculties that go into the making of a great and generous man.

  4. Intellect shines out and glows then if it ever does.

  5. It is love that vitalizes the intellect to the creative point.

  6. The feminine intellect was an absolute necessity to him.

  7. The moral seems to be that the tragedy of existence lies in interposing that newly discovered thing called intellect into the delicate affairs of life, instead of having faith in God, and moving serenely with the eternal tide.

  8. Fenelon the ascetic, he of the subtle intellect and high spiritual quality, had never met a woman on an absolute equality.

  9. You know, O my Love, that the fear of your chastisement has never made much impression either on my intellect or upon my heart.

  10. This not only proves that this mother of four very extraordinary and superior children had wit, but it also seems to show that even intellect has to be bought with a price.

  11. A man of his intellect would guess that the letter you wrote was forced from you.

  12. The blade of intellect had become a two-edged sword.

  13. Fire destroyed Chicago, intellect rebuilt it,--earthquake and flame levelled San Francisco, courage restored the ruins.

  14. Now, during the last few years the Germans have spent untold millions in propagating this myth of superiority, and yet the German intellect has never even had a second-rate position.

  15. The stimulants of sound ethics and morals must be invoked--after that it is a question of the recuperative forces of intellect and conscience in the German people.

  16. With the Intellect or with the Conscience it has only collateral relations.

  17. Just as the Intellect concerns itself with Truth, so Taste informs us of the Beautiful, while the Moral Sense is regardful of Duty.

  18. Yet Wordsworth and Coleridge are men in years; the one imbued in contemplation from his childhood; the other a giant in intellect and learning.

  19. The feeblest intellect had derived vigor from excessive interest.

  20. With a lovely woman before him he painted loveliness; confronted by Warren Hastings he painted intellect and power; confronted by a Wesley, intellect and spirituality.

  21. He was the destroyer pure and simple, the theoretician of destruction, the cold energetic man of intellect who gave his cultivated mind to arguing the cause of murder, in his desire to make murder an instrument of the social evolution.

  22. His father Jean and his uncle Henri were wealthy merchants, living more like nobles than like burghers; and the boy received an education answering to the marked traits of intellect and character which he soon, began to display.

  23. In such cases we have witnessed a sharpness and activity of intellect claiming almost our admiration.

  24. How should a man in the rudeness of an intellect left completely ignorant of truth in general, have a luminous apprehension of its most important division?

  25. Look at this scene of faith, so distinct, and stretching to such remoteness, from the field of ordinary things; of a subsistence which it is for intellect alone to apprehend; presenting objects with which intellect alone can hold converse.

  26. The senses were not a medium through which the intellect could receive ideas foreign to material existence.

  27. The intellect and the property of the South were on the side of the whites, and the blacks began to find that their choice was between submission or extinction.

  28. Voltaire, commenting on this, remarks, "The man who had devoted all the acuteness of his extraordinary intellect to the discovery of new proofs of the existence of a God, was most absurdly charged with denying him altogether.

  29. Thus the first capacity of human intellect is, that the mind is fitted to receive the impressions made on it, either through the senses, by outward objects, or by its own operations, when it reflects on them.

  30. Belief too often means nothing more than prostration of the intellect on the threshold of the unknown.

  31. I felt so infinitely stupid, after my afternoon's nap, that I could not possibly write another word; and it has required a whole night's sleep to restore me the moderate share of intellect and vivacity that naturally belongs to me.

  32. So unaccustomed am I to daylight interviews, that I never imagine her in sunshine; and I really doubt whether her faculties of life and intellect begin to be exercised till dusk--unless on extraordinary occasions.

  33. But her friends gathered round her, and her vigorous intellect and strong sense of duty did not allow her to be idle.

  34. The fine and delicate lines of her beautiful face offer to the students of the College a worthy ideal of completely developed womanhood, in which intellect and emotion balance one another and make a perfect whole.

  35. They show the warm heart of the generous woman, as well as the trained intellect of a reverent student of the laws of nature.

  36. It was not long before her clear intellect discerned the true bearings of the case.

  37. Charles preceded Mary to the grave by thirteen years; but during the greater part of that time her intellect was so clouded as to deprive her of the power of the acute suffering the loss of her brother would otherwise have caused.

  38. Mr. Spedding devoted nearly a lifetime, and all the resources of a fine intellect and an earnest conviction, to make us revere as well as admire Bacon.

  39. Even so the dialectical faculty withdrawing from sense arrives by the pure intellect at the contemplation of the idea of good, and never rests but at the very end of the intellectual world.

  40. Reason and the desires, the intellect and the senses are brought into harmony and obedience so as to form a single human being.

  41. And as intellect is to opinion, so is science to belief, and understanding to the perception of shadows.

  42. Looking back across two centuries on to the supreme figures of Pope and Fielding, it is matter for some wonder that these giants of the intellect should have greatly troubled to annihilate a Colley Cibber.

  43. The intellect that expresses itself in Saurin's sermons is certainly a spacious intellect.

  44. Obscurantism" (disposition in the sphere of the intellect to love darkness rather than light), 210.

  45. Saurin is in mere intellect as distinctly "great" as is Bossuet.

  46. Voltaire's judgment was correct, his imagination rich, his intellect agile, his taste lively, and his moral sense ruined.

  47. It was, then, by the pure dry light of her intellect and her wit that Madame de Stael dazzled so in conversation--dazzled so, and so attracted.

  48. But his own antipathetic personal attitude of intellect and of heart toward Christianity he would not in the least allow to disturb the urbanity and serenity of his tolerance for the most orthodox Christian writers.

  49. I am inclined to think that the practice of the methods of political leaders destroys their intellect for all serious purposes.

  50. CCCIX He had intellect to comprehend his highest duty distinctly, and force of character to do it; which of us dare ask for a higher summary of his life than that?

  51. And negatively: In matters of the intellect do not pretend that conclusions are certain which are not demonstrated or demonstrable.

  52. She saw his strong-featured face, animated by intellect and will, and then Margie's frightened eyes and her trembling mouth.

  53. Yet all has not been said which can be uttered in his praise; he had qualities of mind which entitled him to higher esteem than any accomplishment connected with intellect or skill.

  54. Unfortunately, we must labor in the dark to a great extent as we have all too little indication of which the malleable factors of intellect and conduct are.

  55. Above all it should be remembered that imitation of teacher, of parents, of companions, is more of a factor than intellect in the moral action of children.

  56. Thus fades, shorn of its dazzle and splendour, the intellect so triumphant at noon, the personality, the compelling will; the man himself when night has touched him.

  57. In other words, he had that keenness of intellect which enables the possessor to seize opportunities and to foresee events.

  58. I believe' is the prostration of the intellect before the unknown--not an exertion of the intellect to grasp the knowable.

  59. The Journal thought that "both speakers brought their best arguments and greatest powers of intellect into the subject.

  60. Mrs Howe strongly recalled to me the cold, intellectual face of Archbishop Manning, but she manifested feeling as well as intellect in her brief address.

  61. My object in the foregoing pages has been, not to form a theory which may account for those phenomena of the intellect of which they treat, viz.

  62. It follows that what to one intellect is a proof is not so to another, and that the certainty of a proposition does properly consist in the certitude of the mind which contemplates it.

  63. They are, or may be, the attempts and the failures of an intellect insufficiently trained, or off its guard.

  64. Now, without external symbols to mark out and to steady its course, the intellect runs wild; but with the aid of symbols, as in algebra, it advances with precision and effect.

  65. As intellect is common to all men as well as imagination, every religious man is to a certain extent a theologian, and no theology can start or thrive without the initiative and abiding presence of religion.

  66. The great fact concerning it is this," he says, "that in him the intellect never works alone.

  67. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "intellect" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    intellectual activity; intellectual culture; intellectual development; intellectual hospitality; intellectual intuition; intellectual liberty; intellectual life; intellectual power; intellectual progress; intellectual property