There was the faithful mother with tearful eyes and blanched cheeks clinging to the arm of her soldier boy and bravely struggling to calm the throbbings of her aching heart.
Got a few things here mother fixed up for us to chaw on the way down to war.
We bade Mrs. Haywood a tender farewell, and we promised to watch over her boy through the days of his absence, and she in turn assured Tom that she would care for and protect his dear old mother to the best of her ability.
In the little speech he made with trembling voice he reminded his friends that he must surrender to their care his aged and helpless mother during his absence.
And under the dim light of the station lamp we saw the weeping mother hold her soldier boy close to her aching heart as they kissed the last long, good-bye kiss.
At this moment they were dancing round the barberry bush, in a corner of the balcony in Mother Goose's quarters, their feather-dusters gayly waving in the air.
But suppose they should stop for water beneath the arch of the bridge, as they often did, and the carryall pass over it without seeing them, her mother would not know but she was with them?
She remembered an old turban of white mull muslin, in an old bandbox, and why should not hermother wear it?
The little boys had begun by firing some torpedoes a few days beforehand, that their mother might be used to the sound, and had selected their horns some weeks before.
She tried to imagine where her mother would meet the rest of the family.
Elizabeth Eliza went with them, while her mother took the reins.
It would be easy to arrange everything beforehand, so that there should not be the confusion that her mother dreaded, and the discomfort they had in their last move.
And mother was afraid to have me turn, and we kept on and on till we should reach a wide place.
They had been swept off in Mother Goose's train, which had lingered on the steps to see the Dickens reception, with which the procession of characters in costume had closed.
Mr. Peterkin would start, with Solomon John and the little boys, before the rest, and Agamemnon should drive his mother and Elizabeth Eliza to the first stopping-place.
Solomon John felt it must be perfectly safe, as his mother had taken potash for a medicine.
He explained to his mother that these materials had never yet exploded in the house, and she was quieted.
Young Arthur, for two years afterwards, lived quietly, and in the course of that time his mother died.
With fire and sword the country round Was wasted far and wide, And many a childing mother then And new-born baby died; But things like that, you know, must be At every famous victory.
When in the snow the mother spied The print of Lucy’s feet.
In childhood’s hour I lingered near The hallowed seat with listening ear; And gentle words that mother would give, To fit me to die and teach me to live.
The best boymother ever had:-- Be sure he sailed with the crew!
A mighty cry of joy went forth through all the star, because the mother was reunited to her two children.
He grew to be a young man, and was busy at his books, when an old servant came to him, and said, “Thy mother is no more.
How much did you get for last night's performance down at Mother Clarke's?
George'll trot him round toMother Clarke's in two twos.
Your mother - my Hester - tongue cannot tell, nor heart conceive the pangs she suffered.
I know you will, for this is my great need, and the day I've missed my mother sorest.
What brings the man from stuff like this to rotgut and spittoons at Mother Clarke's; but ah, George, you was born for a higher spear!
In that case George's mother bids him bind his hair.
Think in England how many true maids may be waiting for your love, how many that can bring you a whole heart, and be a noble mother to your children, while your poor Diana, at the first touch, has proved all frailty.
If his mother - his mother - had but lived to see!
Each corner, every niche and crevice, breathed out the spirit of the past and of the mystic tragedy which in so brief a time had wiped the human race from earth, "as a mother wipes the milky lips of her child.
Let us now commit his body to the earth, the Great Mother which created and which waits always to give everlasting sleep, peace, rest.
To you, oh Mother Nature, we give back the body of this friend, your son.
The great explosion that liberated the poisonous gases and killed practically everybody in the world must have gouged this new planet out of the flank of Mother Earth in the latter part of 1920.
Beatrice, the words your mother heard, my mother heard, we shall hear, too.
So now all that remains of the mother tongue here is my own knowledge and these tattered scraps.
For now that civilization was a thing of the oblivious past, they shared the vital forces and the very powers of Mother Nature herself.
The orchard had lost all semblance of regularity, for in the thousand years since the hand of man had pruned or cared for it Mother Nature had planted and replanted it times beyond counting.
Everywhere that roots can hold at all, Mother Nature has set up her flags again.
She had borne their slights patiently when only directed against herself, but the feelings of a motherwere aroused when the finger of scorn was pointed at her child.
I was little more than twelve years of age when I entered the British Navy as a midshipman, much against my good father's will, for I was his only child, and my mother died the day I first saw the light.
Then my mother got sick--they said she was getting better, and I remember being much surprised one morning, when the old nurse came down and told me she was dead.
The mother grieved for her son's absence--he wrote from the tender ship asking for his clothes, and to buy off his discharge.
He went to Erith to make some purchases for his mother and sister, and was kidnapped by a press-gang.
Within a year themother died, and Ellen was left alone.
My mother gave it to me to put by, and I shall say that I put it astray.
Twas my mother who bid me to save it, For the ring she in secret would hide; 'Tis as pledge of our love that I gave it, As its pledge it with thee should abide.
His mother gave him twelve cows out of the Sid (the fairy mound), they are white-eared.
Lift me out of it," he says to his people; "this is the cry of my mother and of the women of Boand.
In 1765, when the future admiral was only eight years old, his father died, and the mother making an imprudent marriage three years later, the children were thrown upon the world with small provision and scanty care.
It was said of the Queen Mother that her influence was only worth a hundred crowns, and she agreed.
Savoie is a better match than formerly; his mother is dead.
The Queen Mother had no objection on principle to absolute monarchy: she had always favoured it.
The Queen Mother had forgotten the customs of her own land.
His motherand Mazarin had brought him up as a girl, for fear of his later troubling his elder brother, and this education had only too well succeeded.
He enjoyed feeling free from those wearisome persons who had abused the patronage of his mother in creating themselves censors of their sovereign.
Deprived of the mother of the King, it practically yielded.
What power permits them to quit their abiding places within the crusty bosom of mother earth, and visiting again the haunts of mortal man, pour forth their immortal utterances?
Think of young women having to board and clothe themselves, and in many instances supporting an invalid mother or young brothers and sisters on such meager wages.
He caught at her hands as they fumbled with the stiff button, and said loudly, "Kiss father too, mother dear, and wish us luck!
Her mother looked puzzled for a moment, then she said, "He listens to our prayers, and to the psalms and hymns we sing.
They were not, I gathered, particularly good correspondents, nor did they seem to assist theirmother in any way financially, or send presents home.
When Billy's mother went next morning she was told that the Baroness had gone to town the night before.
He and his mother were wont to bestow pence on tramps, and on the road men, boots and the professor's old coats.
Mrs. Birkin fell back a step that she might the better regard the lachrymose Ernie, and sorrowfully she came to the conclusion that his mother was right; for, indeed, his appearance was the reverse of festal.
He had been coming for good next hot weather, when he would be seven, with mother and baby-brother.
Roger, "Mother is coming too, to see about the pony; and just look what a lovely day it's turned.
Another five minutes, then the dining-room door opened: with a swish and swither of silk petticoats his motherflew upstairs two steps at a time.
His mother knelt at the head of his bed, singing tirelessly.
One of my mates told me his mother would lodge me for my holiday--I could not afford to go home--so I came here.
Lady Valeria carefully copied hermother and made no sound.
On no occasion did Billy ever go hunting but his mother pictured every possible mishap.
She knew full well that, if she were detected, her father would have a stroke and her mother would lock her up in the spare bedroom.
And her mother judiciously replied, "My dear, they are born wicked and grow worse.
He spoke to me, bidding we welcome, and although he spoke Spanish, and I had never learned the language, I understood it perfectly and conversed in it as easily as in my mother tongue.
Need I say that both mother and daughter received me most kindly, and that Angelica, dressed in Mechlin lace over pink silk, with the bandeau of pearls, looked like a goddess.
Her mother never called her Mary Gray except when she was troublesome.
Roxy's mother would have been awfully shocked at the wavy, flowing hair of you Wide Awake girls, I assure you!
He consulted me, as a priest whose life he had spared, as to what were best to do with him, and I advised Cuchillo, but his child died with its motherbefore it could be taken away.
The Spanish captain's mother lay dead upon the sands, but his father lived.
But if it is true, his old association with you and yours, and some humor of courage and fidelity and gentleness that I doubt not his mother gave him, have washed out the taint.
His motherat least died like a Spanish gentlewoman.
I buried it in the same grave with its poor mother with the cross on its breast.
Morgan, "I saw his mother wear it many a time, and she put it upon his breast.
In which Benjamin Hornigold recognizes a cross and Captain Alvarado finds and loses a mother on the strand 265 XVII.
I was stricken down by his blow as I administered absolution to the mother of the young captain.
Whether it was from his black African mother or from his fierce red Carib father he inherited the quality of devotion was not apparent.
And sadly, Private Markwell's mother did receive this letter.
In brief, the answer read: "There is no effectual way to pacify Cuba unless it begins with the actual submission of the rebels to the mother country.
Jean, Mother Hale, your lives tell us that the oldest American saying is new again: Anything is possible in America if we have the faith, the will, and the heart.
Whether it is the workingman who feels neglected, the black man who feels oppressed, or the mother concerned about her children, there has been a growing feeling that "Things are in the saddle, and ride mankind.
Well, one morning while the dew was still on the grass Billy saw his mother dash into the house, whisk off her old apron and reach for her best one.
His father and mother conversed only in French; his mother even prayed in French.
His mother died when he was a baby, his father when he was only nine.
She will leave father and mother for his sake, and cleave unto him.
She commits suicide; the mother is stricken with paralysis; silence reigns in the house.
My plans--Your mother certainly will turn me out of the house.
He lost both father and mother when he was a child, but his real mother was the river Volga, on whose banks he was born, and on whose broad breast he has found the only repose he understands.
There is no heart-hunger on earth so cruel and so terrible as the hunger of father and mother for the complete sympathy and affection of their growing children.
It is significant that Turgenev has nowhere in all his novels portrayed a mother who combined intelligence with goodness.
It will never cease seeming strange to an American to hear a Russian mother and son talk intimately together in a language not their own.
It was settled that I was to accompany my father and mother to their long-neglected penates, and start thence for Cambridge.
Not a leaf in the shape of advertisements had yet emerged from its mother earth.
Even in the hours of his darkest adversity, we find him sharing his small and precarious gains with his mother and sisters; and they were in an equal degree the participators of his better fortunes.
Even the introduction of Io in the tale is suggestive--the virgin-mother who was so strangely to conceive (and this too given in a prophecy) miraculously.
If her forbearance arises from a fear that at this particular time, when mariolatry is dreaded by a large portion of the religious world, we would remind her that the Virgin Mother is still "the blessed" of our own church.
The Montenegrini are descended from the old Servian stock, and still look to modern Servia with affection, as to their mother country.
Was it fear that, now he was in the neighbourhood, some rumour of the horrible deed might poison the heart of the child, which had prompted the mother to send him away?
His mother climbed down from the carriage followed by the stout lady-help, who was laden with a supply of dry clothes.
It is said that your mother jealously guards this treasure, with the express purpose of offering her to you immediately on your return.
She was no longer the mother of the Gracchi, in which part she had been just posing to her husband.
The next morning his mother begged of him the services of half a dozen workmen to move Johanna's goods and chattels to the dower-house.
Johanna scarcely noticed him; Elly was frightened of him; and Hertha defiant; even his beloved old mother had no longer the heart to force him into conversation.
A sudden impulse seized him to rush out of his hiding-place and hug the dear old mother to his breast.
He had no home now, and his mother must pack his things.
The mother speaks: "Oh see, my son, Light breaks upon your dungeon wall!
And now his darts seem aimed at the two only ones of that household, the mother and her daughter.
The dear babe was left, far away, and the mother and son slept side by side, in the Cemetery, waiting the time when other dear friends shall come and, lay down by their sides in that quiet resting place.
Death of her Son O Come Back, my Brother The Twins On the Frailty of Earthly Things To a Friend The Mother and her Child A Mother's Prayer Lines in an Album On the Death of a Mother The Music of Earth On the Death of Mrs. C.
Beneath a verdant, grassy mound, Where gemmed with dew the daisy weeps; In death's cold slumber wrapped profound, A gentle mother peaceful sleeps.
The children of the village were the willing bearers of many comforts to these poor people; and even now seems to come the well remembered "tell your mother I am much obliged to her," from the pale lips that lie buried beneath the sod.
She was left an orphan at the age of nine months, her father dying suddenly, and her mother a few weeks after, with consumption.
Then let us her sweet precepts take, Tread in the paths our mother trod, Walk prayerfully the narrow way.
At the expiration of three days the mother brooded no more, and indeed it would have troubled her to find a place for herself, the nest was so full.
The mother came first, and then the three young ones, all of whom were trying their best to feed themselves.
Then the mother came home, and acted as surprised as though she had never expected to have them depart.
The bearing of the mother of the pine-tree brood was somewhat different from that of her mate, and by their manners only could the pair be distinguished.
If the mother were somewhat bigger, I should suspect her of giving them "soothing syrup," for they had exactly the appearance of being drugged.
The mother did not at once give up her brooding, nor did I wonder when I peeped into the nest while she was off with her spouse, and saw what appeared to be five big mouths with a small bag of skin attached to each.
There was a nest full of young on a neighboring tree, and it was the mother who had come down to interview the foe.
Sometimes their mother addressed them in a similar tone to their own, but the father resigned himself to the inevitable, and fed with dogged perseverance.
One day, while the cardinal family were eating on the grass, the mother of the brood came to a tree near by.
Strange to say, however, this littlemother did not call for help.
Now came busy and hungry times in the jay family; the mother added her forces, and both parents worked industriously from morning till night.
On this day the disturbed littlemother herself interviewed me.
In the pine-tree family, the mother had neither the presence of mind nor the bluster of the partner of her joys.
All that week his mother worked day and night on a fine new native costume for him to wear on the great occasion.
The boy was already dressed in the brilliant buckskin costume his mother had spent so many hours in making, and his precious wolfskin was flung over his arm.
He has supported his mother in comfort for two years, and he isn't full grown yet.
So is mymother a North-West halfbreed, and she's the loveliest, the grandest woman in all Canada!
His father read the newspaper, his mother mended stockings, his little brother pored frowningly over his algebra.
As she caught sight of the boat, the mother growled sullenly, and her red tongue dripped saliva as she started for them until she was breast high in the water.
Little Wolf-Willow's mother arose from preparing an antelope stew for supper.
They are very nice people the Scarsfields--at least they used to be very nice people; and Harry has his mother living with him, and the family has never been broken up, I believe.
Your mother was the most sensible woman I ever knew," he continued, with a patriarchal composure.